OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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I'm not talking top 40 type popularity bro, don't be hard headed :lol:. If something is THAT good it's gonna catch on and at least be recognizable even if you don't know their music. What rappers are you even talking about? Bet I've at least heard of them
too many and im sure you probably have.... sorry i just dont think kendrick and cole are the best rap has to offer right now. and i do like them. like i said people always think overrated or overhyped=bad.

as far as rap i like alot of everything. popularity has no effect on what i like. i used to have that if its real good itll be popular or known type mentality in the 90s and i cant stand that type of mentality. it really irks me.
. i love rap im a huge hiphop head. like a straight nerd about it. if they gave me a choice that i can only have one type of media for the rest of my life , tv , movie , sports or music . ill choose music over everything.
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How do you explain the critical acclaim that Section 80, GKMC, and DAMN received though? Neither of those projects were in the 'woke' or 'pro black' lane? I'm asking cause you said he makes critic bait rap. The different subject matter tends to suggest he just makes great music.

There's no denying he makes great music. I never said he didn't. If I did then I certainly didn't mean to. I'm a huge fan of his. Like I mentioned before, way before section 80 I was rocking with Kendrick buying his mixtapes when they were in the CPT swapmeet way back.

But for starters those albums are really, really, good. The music alone is great but we live in a climate where the emotional triggers behind black struggles is loud, and that's exactly the kind of aesthetic and image that Kendrick has pandered to and built. It's almost become "cool" for 'those types' (i.e. white critics, bloggers, etc.) to be ''down'' with the cause.

So when you combine a really good rapper, making high quality rap music, in this sort of climate which coincides w/ the image that he and his team pushes, that to me suggest that there's a bit of pandering going on.

Should be noted that literally every act panders, it is the music business after all and the music alone doesn't sell records.
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Don't feel like the white paul George costume is funny, not outraged but it's just not that funny

Also I really hope ike anigobu's knee is ok. He's got so much potential defensively
But for starters those albums are really, really, good. The music alone is great but we live in a climate where the emotional triggers behind black struggles is loud, and that's exactly the kind of aesthetic and image that Kendrick has pandered to and built. It's almost become "cool" for 'those types' (i.e. white critics, bloggers, etc.) to be ''down'' with the cause.

This is exactly why I look at things under my own scope. I don't pay attention to media narratives whatsoever. Only clouds your judgement
Are there any pacer fans here? Is Ike's knee not healthy or is he just not in the rotation

I saw the one time he played in the pre season and he semi beasted
This point guard matchup in Sacramento

This is exactly why I look at things under my own scope. I don't pay attention to media narratives whatsoever. Only clouds your judgement

It's how the business works. It's far more than the music. You build and articulate a certain image or aesthetic and sell it to the mass of gatekeepers and if they buy into it, they push it to the culture and if it resonates, then that aesthetic and image permeates and boom, that's how you build a fanbase and if you're really really good at music like Kendrick, then that's just amplified tenfold.
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