OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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ad health is a big issue to. he starts like every game but he leaves alot of them in the 1st or 2nd quarter because something happens to him.
That's one thing the NFL def has over the NBA. In the NFL since the season is so short you gotta play hard from week 1. In the NBA you can be a fan of a contender and suffer through half assed basketball for a few weeks/months. It's annoying
I kinda might. It's a tough choice to me if both guaranteed health

Again Provided full health, what have You actually SEEN with your own eyes, not projections or media infused "potential" that leads you to this conclusion

We already know AD is an elite offensive talent, He's an elite defensive talent, he's an elite rebounder, he's better on the break, he's a better midrange shooter, he's better handling the ball, can guard perimeter guys better.

This is my thing, what has Embiid actually showed that leads you to believe that he will surpass Anthony Davis in those skills or is this simply based off potential of what you think, rather than what you saw?
Well yeah, it has to be based off potential because embiids barely played in any games

Again my stance isn't that embiid is better today than any of the elite bigs

From the skill set he's shown in the limited time, it's enough to make me wonder
Pacers gonna be in the running for a playoff spot if everyone stays healthy. Too many decent players not to...
I just like the fact that Embiid wants to be in the game come crunch time. We needed a basket late in that Dallas game and he called for the ball, posted up, and got us a basket.

Dude just has to lose some weight, get back in shape, cut down the turnovers, and put some more time in. He's gonna be great. The way Ben playing, those two with a good supporting cast is gonna be beautiful to watch in a few years.

And when Fultz is ready, physically, to contribute, even better. Dude has looked like a late lottery pick so far because of this damn shoulder. But he's got the goods.
Embiid been playing basketball for 8 years, 2 of which he was injured/shut down for. Definitely not ready to say he's close to or at his ceiling.
For reference, when adjusting for MPG, Embiid's numbers are basically similar to 23 year old Boogie Cousins, who has obviously improved since then...
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