OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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On another Note BI gets to the basket pretty easily when he does attack, he just gotta stop making things harder for himself with pull ups & contested shots

Yeah, cuz of his length and handle he can get to the rim EASY. He just goes away from contact and he don't finish strong, boy gotta gain some weight. That's all.
other people have it going tonight Zo is letting them do there thing & making the right passes. As a young player i like that he's not pressed to feel like he has to always be in attack mode

The thing is he's basically NEVER in attack mode. Dude makes Rubio look like Kobe.

Did Kenny just say the n word?

Dude just said dis ***** crazy


I thought I heard that too, I had to rewind it back twice just to make sure
Lonzo plays like a game managing check down quarterback sometimes.

Like the basketball Trent Dilfer

Was going to make a nostalgic comment about Dilfer and the 2000s Ravens.....

But **** Football right now.

Brother Shannon was there though. Zo got that "Ball effect"
I feel you & i think that will come in time, but it's not like he's turning down wide open shots or anything. I would like to see Luke run him thru some offball screens to get him some outside shots.

On another Note BI gets to the basket pretty easily when he does attack, he just gotta stop making things harder for himself with pull ups & contested shots

I feel like having Ball play off-ball and spotting up might not be a bad idea. Could help him get some confidence.
Zo is the def of a pure point though dude isn't even passing for an assist he's passing to to pass lol
Lonzo is trash. Dude is 6'7 and can't score over these 6'2-6'4 PGs.

He won't last. He'll be on the bench in a few.

Kendall Marshall> Lonzo

Come at me. I dare.
Positions don't matter in basketball. It's not like football or baseball where each position has specific roles and strengths. In basketball, a 7 footer can bring the ball up court and make plays and shoot threes. The same 7 footer that is expected to be a center is doing things traditionally meant for a point guard.

Everyone is sharing the same floor space at the same time. Anyone can play anywhere. Positions have come down to essentially height at this point but even that is evaporating. Ben Simmons is a 7 foot point guard. Draymond a 6'7" PF. KD 7 foot playing the wing. Bron 6'8" and has played every position except maybe the 2.

None of it matters. It's about what skills do you bring to the table and how does it help this team? If you have a good answer to that than they'll find a "position" for you.
Still doesn't make any sense because for the majority of players your skillset determines your position

To me, I take as the coach putting his best 5 on the court and the players are interchangeable.

i.e. Draymond running point one possession than center the next.
To me, I take as the coach putting his best 5 on the court and the players are interchangeable.

i.e. Draymond running point one possession than center the next.

Right. And what makes dray and the warriors so effective is the fact that he's one of if the only guys that can do that at his size. Which is my point
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