Official NBA 2k13 Thread

Playing MyPlayer on HOF difficulty and 12 min quarters. So I play for the Sacramento Kings. Got into the starting lineup at PG within like 9 games. Around my 3rd game as a starter we played the Lakers and I scored 101pts on 48 of 49 shooting , 12 ast, and 4 reb and we won by 30+ points. Next game I was back coming off the bench, WTF??? Has anybody else been benched after a good game as a starter?

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Playing MyPlayer on HOF difficulty and 12 min quarters. So I play for the Sacramento Kings. Got into the starting lineup at PG within like 9 games. Around my 3rd game as a starter we played the Lakers and I scored 101pts on 48 of 49 shooting , 12 ast, and 4 reb and we won by 30+ points. Next game I was back coming off the bench, WTF??? Has anybody else been benched after a good game as a starter?


48/49 tho?
has anybody ever received a message for some gamesaloon tournament? i just got sent one and it seemed kinda sketchy. this is for the ps3 btw.
Playing MyPlayer on HOF difficulty and 12 min quarters. So I play for the Sacramento Kings. Got into the starting lineup at PG within like 9 games. Around my 3rd game as a starter we played the Lakers and I scored 101pts on 48 of 49 shooting , 12 ast, and 4 reb and we won by 30+ points. Next game I was back coming off the bench, WTF??? Has anybody else been benched after a good game as a starter?


You pig! :lol:

That wasn't a good game. Ball hoggin gets you benched regardless.
^ especially as a PG lol

Well I can't sign my extension game freezes every time, and it sucks cause we just signed Carmelo to a max contract and we extended Beasley

I wanna stay and form a dynasty
You pig! :lol:
That wasn't a good game. Ball hoggin gets you benched regardless.

^ especially as a PG lol
Well I can't sign my extension game freezes every time, and it sucks cause we just signed Carmelo to a max contract and we extended Beasley
I wanna stay and form a dynasty

How is that ball hogging? I shot 97% from the field and had 12 assist, since when is 12 assist not enough? That was a GREAT game, the best game in NBA History to my measure :lol: , you'd be a damn fool to think this wasn't an amazing game by any standard. I did my job 10 times over especially on a terribly losing team like the Kings.
You pig!

That wasn't a good game. Ball hoggin gets you benched regardless.
^ especially as a PG lol
Well I can't sign my extension game freezes every time, and it sucks cause we just signed Carmelo to a max contract and we extended Beasley
I wanna stay and form a dynasty

How is that ball hogging? I shot 97% from the field and had 12 assist, since when is 12 assist not enough? That was a GREAT game, the best game in NBA History to my measure
, you'd be a damn fool to think this wasn't an amazing game by any standard. I did my job 10 times over especially on a terribly losing team like the Kings.
How many turnovers did you have? Ive noticed that if I have more than 4 or 5 im riding pine for a game or two.
How many turnovers did you have? Ive noticed that if I have more than 4 or 5 im riding pine for a game or two.

1 Turnover, I actually played a majority of the game at SG despite starting the game at PG and PG being my actual position. I don't understand why I would go from Starter to 6th man after a game like that regardless of the position I play. I guess it is a video game after all... :D
How many turnovers did you have? Ive noticed that if I have more than 4 or 5 im riding pine for a game or two.

1 Turnover, I actually played a majority of the game at SG despite starting the game at PG and PG being my actual position. I don't understand why I would go from Starter to 6th man after a game like that regardless of the position I play. I guess it is a video game after all...
I dont know, maybe you played so well you broke the game.
You pig! :lol:
That wasn't a good game. Ball hoggin gets you benched regardless.

^ especially as a PG lol
Well I can't sign my extension game freezes every time, and it sucks cause we just signed Carmelo to a max contract and we extended Beasley
I wanna stay and form a dynasty

How is that ball hogging? I shot 97% from the field and had 12 assist, since when is 12 assist not enough? That was a GREAT game, the best game in NBA History to my measure :lol: , you'd be a damn fool to think this wasn't an amazing game by any standard. I did my job 10 times over especially on a terribly losing team like the Kings.

Bruh... WHOLE TEAMS put up 49 shots. How many shot attempts did your team have?

101 pts? You had to be double teamed by the 3rd quarter, which means you were shooting out of double teams. Not a good look.

12 assist mean nothing if you only did it to get the double-double
Bruh... WHOLE TEAMS put up 49 shots. How many shot attempts did your team have?
101 pts? You had to be double teamed by the 3rd quarter, which means you were shooting out of double teams. Not a good look.
12 assist mean nothing if you only did it to get the double-double

My team had 89 total shots, so 40 if you don't include mine. They shot 14/40 (I play 12 min quarters)

Lakers actually started sending the 2nd defender in the 2nd quarter but the double team function is TERRIBLE in this game so they only actually trapped me twice. I NEVER shot out of a double team, two of my assist came out of a double team pass. I had 10 assist in the 1st half so it wasn't for double double purposes, made the passes because the teammates were open.

In the 2nd half I played SG the majority of the time and a clear out was called 12 consecutive possessions by the coach I'm assuming so they obviously wanted me to score.

My teammate grade was an A+ and it was a key game, ended up with 1107 VC for the game.

Still sound like a "bad game" to you? Maybe I'm tripping...
Anyone else plays my team? I have a pretty solid squad, my starting line up is Rivers, B. Rush, Harrison Barnes, Rashard Lewis, Drummond. Im 7-0 so far. I have like 24,000 VC points and I think Im about to get Lebron :smokin . Ill probably wait till I move up in divisions though cause its been pretty easy without him. Any tips?
im playing my team and this cheeser almost stole a win from me. How do you have an all nba team and still lose he must be tight he spent all that money for nothing




^ :lol: wow... I beat one dude and he had lebron, Blake Griffin, and Dwight. Rivers and Barnes is all I needed so far
I'll never understand the mentality of people online. I just played some guy that picked the Knicks and ran a zone the whole game. Now, sometimes zones give me trouble BUT the majority of the time I light them up because they leave the corners wide open. (any Horns play ftw) Anyway, why don't these guys adjust after they're getting destroyed? Joe Johnson went 10 for 11 FROM THREE. My team shot 70% from 3. Why don't these guys switch to man? I dropped like 75 points on him with 5 minute quarters. A LOT of these guys have good records too, its not like they're terrible lol

By the way, it's not like I was just chucking 3s. I move the ball around, call plays almost every time down - but these were all spot up wide open 3s. I'm not turning those down especially from the corner.

Also - if anyone plays sim/semi realistic ball and wants to run on the PS3 - hit me up: g_rilla50
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Played the ULTIMATE CHEESE player ever on myteam. Dude had wade, MJ, Lebron, Durant, and Howard. Then he had the nerve to throw full court passes, abusing the spin dunk animation, run a zone, and euro step 3s with jordan(hit 5 of them :stoneface: ) the whole game.
ran a zone the whole game

*cough* KTownTrash *cough*

Dude runs zone the whole game against me :smh::smh::smh:. Zone D is actually pretty effective if every single defender is set to deny ball for off-ball pressure. I can't make a single pass without getting picked off. CP3 is a lil turd in this game.

You know who's cheese? Jamal ******g Crawford, especially playing alongside CP3 (he has floor general sig, it boosts all of his teammates ratings). Dude would regularly shoot 70%+ against me every game with him, all on perimeter jumpshots.

Is anyone else down to play for cash? 7 game series for $5, lemme know.
*cough* KTownTrash *cough*
Dude runs zone the whole game against me :smh::smh::smh:. Zone D is actually pretty effective if every single defender is set to deny ball for off-ball pressure. I can't make a single pass without getting picked off. CP3 is a lil turd in this game.
You know who's cheese? Jamal ******g Crawford, especially playing alongside CP3 (he has floor general sig, it boosts all of his teammates ratings). Dude would regularly shoot 70%+ against me every game with him, all on perimeter jumpshots.
Is anyone else down to play for cash? 7 game series for $5, lemme know.

Wrong. those settings of deny ball, tight pressure, sag off, etc. are only for man to man defense. When your in zone none of that that applies. Zone they just playing the passing lanes. So its hard to make passes like you would in man.
*cough* KTownTrash *cough*
Dude runs zone the whole game against me :smh::smh::smh:. Zone D is actually pretty effective if every single defender is set to deny ball for off-ball pressure. I can't make a single pass without getting picked off. CP3 is a lil turd in this game.
You know who's cheese? Jamal ******g Crawford, especially playing alongside CP3 (he has floor general sig, it boosts all of his teammates ratings). Dude would regularly shoot 70%+ against me every game with him, all on perimeter jumpshots.
Is anyone else down to play for cash? 7 game series for $5, lemme know.

why u mad your the one whos keep throwing that full court passes and taking charges while I WALK up the court. and that lebron iso is non stoppable so only way to deny that is by playing zone. and ray allen is worse than jamal.
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