Official NBA 2k13 Thread

I still don't understand how the consumers can make better faces than 2K itself.
not effort. a dude doing faces in his freetime, at his leisure, is completely different from dudes who have 10 other jobs on a timeline with tight deadlines......

not to mention, they doing essentially skins, not the actual meat and potatoes of the game.

now as far as gameplay and realism in the way it away...

i personally have come up with superior sliders......on every 2k i've ever owned.
not effort. a dude doing faces in his freetime, at his leisure, is completely different from dudes who have 10 other jobs on a timeline with tight deadlines......

not to mention, they doing essentially skins, not the actual meat and potatoes of the game.

now as far as gameplay and realism in the way it away...

i personally have come up with superior sliders......on every 2k i've ever owned.

So what you're saying is, the dudes who are making the faces in this game, are also doing a bunch of other things that would take away from their time?


2K more than likely has a team dedicated to player models/design/rendering. Just like every other game studio has.

And the fact that a few guys AND KIDS (mid-late teens) can do a better job 1-2 months into the games release is sad.

2K Sports isn't some small studio with 5-10 employees making an indie game. This is a major company we're talking about here.

I'm not bashing the faces that they made, because they are easily identifiable (depending on who you are using)

But to cut these dudes some slack because of it is wild. They are using the same game engine and simply updating the render models from the past couple of years. So its not like 2K Sports has the hardest time with it either. The game drops every year, they aren't spending all of their time making these faces from scratch.

So if a few guys can make damn near picture perfect, life mirroring cyberfaces for 2K (Which mind you, are actually player meshes and renderings, not just a skin you overlay on the game file but rather replaces it as a whole) why can't 2K sports?

The guys making these player models aren't the same guys developing gameplay. And making sliders which requires you to slide a few pre programmed game mechanics is different than rendering game models.

These guys actually have skills in the rendering software thats much bigger than NBA 2K. So if they can take the time to fix the player models to be as lifelike as possible, why can't 2K?

Thats all I'm asking. Because its clear the level of effort and attention to detail is higher from the 3rd party modders.

And its not just Player models. Its arenas, shoes, player accessories, jerseys, etc.

And you're trying to tell me a dude who is doing this for FREE has more of a reason to do it better than a group of people getting paid to do it? :lol: C'mon son. Thats all effort.



This **** is skill + effort fam... And the Game just came out last month...
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And if 2k doesn't wantt to put the work in for the faces/art detail, cop out would be hiring a few of these modders and just paying them a decent amount + free games for life, etc. Call it "Fan Outsourcing" or something.
i did my gameface in fifa and it took me over 5 hours, and its still not perfect.

imagine doing that for the 12th player on each bench

at work

with other responsibilities

im just saying faces and being upstaged by mods aren't very fair to harp on

especially when there are so many major flaws with 2k right now, demanding they spend more time on faces, rather than the gameplay, is silly

like, you say they're a huge company with tons of resources....then why is the game still flawed? if they didn't have time to tweak the actual game 100% why in the world would they have time to make sure the 12th man's face is as realistic as possible?

im becoming more inclined to want to game on PC with all the crazy modding anyway....HD courts? sheesh

my dude told me he's been playing 2k11 on PC for a while and has been running whole seasons of different eras.....certainly 2k sports doesnt have the time and resources to recreate every NBA team from the late 80s to now......

imma have to end this with some DC philosophy....if you dont like something in the game, they give you the tools (on console) to tinker with the game as much or as little as you want....

im not happy with the model switch from 2k11 to 2k12 so i skipped 2k12 and 2k13. every time i check this post i LOL @ how flawed the game is...STILL...and you arguing they have huge amounts of time and resources?
i did my gameface in fifa and it took me over 5 hours, and its still not perfect.

imagine doing that for the 12th player on each bench

at work

with other responsibilities

im just saying faces and being upstaged by mods aren't very fair to harp on

especially when there are so many major flaws with 2k right now, demanding they spend more time on faces, rather than the gameplay, is silly

like, you say they're a huge company with tons of resources....then why is the game still flawed? if they didn't have time to tweak the actual game 100% why in the world would they have time to make sure the 12th man's face is as realistic as possible?

im becoming more inclined to want to game on PC with all the crazy modding anyway....HD courts? sheesh

my dude told me he's been playing 2k11 on PC for a while and has been running whole seasons of different eras.....certainly 2k sports doesnt have the time and resources to recreate every NBA team from the late 80s to now......

imma have to end this with some DC philosophy....if you dont like something in the game, they give you the tools (on console) to tinker with the game as much or as little as you want....

im not happy with the model switch from 2k11 to 2k12 so i skipped 2k12 and 2k13. every time i check this post i LOL @ how flawed the game is...STILL...and you arguing they have huge amounts of time and resources?

Yeah my dude, but you're making every player on the bench at work, where its your job.

That IS your job fam

I'm not knocking them or saying the product isn't any good because I love the game. But I do know that modders 1up 2K sports a lot when it comes to aesthetics. And gameplay is the number one priority, I definitely understand that. So as long as the game plays great, then all the other complaints are really inferior in comparison.

But I know that Lebron, Kobe, and a ton of other players (mainly superstars) are changed every year, and they're the ones who look spot on. So why not spend a little more time on the bench players? Why not take some time and effort towards the 12th man one year instead of updating Kobe or Gasol who look essentially the same every year?

Because the console players can't update their faces. PC players will be straight, but what about PS3 players and Xbox guys who want those great player models? They deserve them too right?

What about fixing faces in the roster updates?

And DC is right, they are actually a small studio. So I stand corrected on that.

But I'm still not going to cut them any slack on the product that they are putting out. We don't give EA sports any slack do we?

2K has become the ONLY NBA simulator we have. They flaunt their "Number 1 NBA game franchise" as much as they can. So I'm supposed to be complacent with whatever they put out every year?

I'm not complaining by any means, but I know I'm not just going to bend over and cut 2K sports so much slack about it when I know some guy made an entire teams Cyberfaces almost spot on in the span of a weekend. The game literally came out last month...

According to what you're saying, 2K should be given some slack on their resources and time, but modders can correct everything they did and make the experience better within the span of a few weeks?

If 2K doesn't have the time and resources to make the most accurate sliders and player models, then how the hell do the modders? Is 2K not the company with the tools and resources to make the game?

So modders have more resources than the developers now?

And for the record, I never said they should spend more time on faces than gameplay. Thats some random **** you assumed.
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Turbo and push the right stick away from the basket

Also that move depends on which dribbling packages you're using, you might just have a different animation in that slot so you haven't seen it.

Oh, I'll take a look into that then.

Btw, Xbox and PS3 guys, can you guys change shoes for your roster in Association?
YES, matter of fact you can change the shoes for everyone in Association. Even if its not on your team.
Turbo and push the right stick away from the basket

Also that move depends on which dribbling packages you're using, you might just have a different animation in that slot so you haven't seen it.

Oh, I'll take a look into that then.

Btw, Xbox and PS3 guys, can you guys change shoes for your roster in Association?
YES, matter of fact you can change the shoes for everyone in Association. Even if its not on your team.

Really? Because I go to Roster - > Edit Player > Gear & Shoes and there's no option to change the shoes.

If this only applies to PC version ..........
Can anyone help?
My game keeps freezing I tried to sign my contract, however it simmed the off-season and now when I tried to play the next game it freezes

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