Official NBA 2k13 Thread

like others i use the puttong for jump shooting, free throws and fast break wide open dunks. I use the shot stick in the post, when driving between defenders and on the move (floaters, step back,pull ups things of that nature). Im still not 100 sure if it would feel better to use the left trigger modifier to be a dribble modifier yet im trying to get used to the default controls but i still don't seem to have 100% control of the flow of the game yet. Ill wait till the game so i can use the 2k camera and a team i like to play with to get a better feel for the buttons
looking at those sig skills.... how did they give dexter pittman any skills let alone 2....
Before in association i was gonna get rid of Luke, Cunningham, and Lee anyways but now yeah they out.
Looks like I will be picking this up. I passed on last years. I assume plenty of thrown controllers are in my future
Same thing happens to me every year. I scour the city for a copy Friday after work and get turned away everywhere. I'm not even looking for it this year.:lol:
I started button pressing in 2k11 for some reason and I like it way better than shot stick now. Doesn't bother me either way. I don't put much stock in reviews but every time a sports game enters the 9 range its cause for an eyebrow raise and raises my expectations of the game. Won't be getting it on release however so at least I'll have a ton of user reviews to read.
I didn't know so many people still used the button.  For me, the shot stick just seems more fluid, gonna have to adjust this year though...
I guess people have never adjusted. I used to wish 2K took the button control out completely to force people to use the shot stick. I really don't understand why anyone wouldn't use it. I guess we grew up using bottons so it is more "natural" for people to continue using them.

Whatever the controls are in 2K13, I will just learn them and adjust.
i use the button for quick pull ups and the stick for everything else.
the stick especially on layups cold be the difference from a blocked shot and 2 points
I only used the stick for free throws and when I would dunk.

Great year for sports games. Madden, FIFA, and 2k13. I'm going to be broke
I only use the button for free throws and if it's a wide open spot up 3... otherwise I'm always using shot stick
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