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Would be the ultimate cartman troll move if Jemele been losing on purpose waiting for hotdog to put money down :lol:
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Nope, he likes to adjust his settings which is cool, but he uses all of the time, then I have to continue the game, then he pauses again and does it over again. All the setting adjustments to lose

Damn. I thought y'all at lease talk to each other makes all that adjustment nonsense go by faster. What teams y'all pick this time
Would be the ultimate cartman troll move if Jemele been losing on purpose waiting for hotdog to put money down
It will never happen. Matter fact the next time I face him/her will be the last time. I'm still not even that good this year. I've barely played
Would be the ultimate cartman troll move if Jemele been losing on purpose waiting for hotdog to put money down :lol:
Not losing on purpose. I just need to get better when playing online and adjusting to the lag.

I need more practice online. Might just play some randoms
damn no wonder DC losing. my man is running plays online. 

too much lag to even try. when playing online it's very hard to play a sim brand of basketball. 
damn no wonder DC losing. my man is running plays online. 

too much lag to even try. when playing online it's very hard to play a sim brand of basketball. 
I run plays online and freestyle. Its strictly a matter of who has the best opening for a easy basket.
Default sliders see coo to me
ive notice that they call fouls on almost everything, mostly to users. Well, for me, mostly

Besides that, whats you guys way to making sure your starters dont get that orange colored stamina so quickly. Ive gotten to the point i dont attempt many unwarranted crossovers...etc
They need to patch all these damn steals when you go for a lay up to dunk. This barely happens in the NBA is ridiculous.
DC was running plays. He scored easy but running plays isn't efficient when playing online.
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