OFFICIAL NBA 2K17 Thread | Available Now

[h2]PRO AM[/h2]

  • Ability to go from Park directly into ProAM.
  • Will earn Park revenue by playing ProAM (this got a huge response from the audience)
  • Now includes rosters, no more free-for-alls. The owner will control a roster of 10. Owner can move players in and out. Owner does not need to be there for others to play. '
  • Can warmup and shoot around while waiting for opponent.
  • Can view stats on all players.
  • Leveling up as a team - Amateur team which is limited in their capabilities and customization, then Pro with more abilities and customization, such as different arena features (think HUGE team wall murals which looked incredible). Elite status is next which is very special. Custom importing of pictures is granted at this level, and overall much expanded from last year. Also sponsors which brings in extra VC. Work up from Elite level 1 to Elite level 6.
  • If you become an elite team, you could get invite to the 2K All Star Tournament around ASG which includes a $250k grand prize, tickets to the All Star Game in New Orleans and more.

im hype and ready !

finally got us playing for something 

Some of my favorite news released outside of the MyLeague information.

Happy to see teams are able to earn their way into the tournament by simply competing for Elite status. Whatever it means to get to Elite Status, I don't know. Hopefully, its best off overall record. My Pro-Am team was ranked in the top 200-250 for most of the year and couldn't even qualify for the tournament because of the stupid point system. Start rewarding teams who have longevity in the game and actually put in work in Pro-Am. :pimp:

Yep. He barely shoots from MID and he doesn't have a great % there.

This is a case of, "I want him to have a certain OVR, so we will make sure he gets it, even if we lie."

That's just a grade made up of a bunch of different stat categories. You don't know how it's calculated or how it plays in the game. It means nothing without context. Compare it to his PF peers and play the game for 3 weeks then let us know if your complaint has merit.
That's just a grade made up of a bunch of different stat categories. You don't know how it's calculated or how it plays in the game. It means nothing without context. Compare it to his PF peers and play the game for 3 weeks then let us know if your complaint has merit.
Well done
Y'all really care about ratings though? I never look at ratings. I know what players can do. It doesn't effect anything for me.
Y'all really care about ratings though? I never look at ratings. I know what players can do. It doesn't effect anything for me.

this. I never look at them. Except to laugh. Besides the true ability lies within the hands on the controller. You can have 99 overall bron, you still getting that *** locked up over here boiiiii
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this. I never look at them. Except to laugh. Besides the true ability lies within the hands on the controller. You can have 99 overall bron, you still getting that *** locked up over here boiiiii


You have PS4? I'll have Rudy Gay looking like Bron
Happy that I dont have to face GS or HOF teams just because I reach cerain tier. Once you reached the GOAT level, it was all GS and Laker users.
@Beluba I'll try to spend some time on Twitter & OS answering follow up questions if you guys have them.

Make sure you send your questions in to him. Mike Wang
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