Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Morey is still gonna troll and trade for Howard (you can't tell me AV from Cle is a serious trade chip) and then hold an auction to the highest bidder at the trade deadline.
if im orl, i still try to get the best deal out there. if a team like houston is willing to trade for him without an agreement from dwight to resign and it is a better deal than what lakers offering, i would do that.
Say Rockets throw everything and their momma at Orlando.. Orlando accepts it... You know where he is going anyway.. He won't stay in Houston...

This news takes Houston out of the role of trying to get Dwight, and either being facilitator or sitting it out..

If Houston jumps on getting Dwight, they'll have to trade him at some point. Whether trade deadline, or in the offseason. And there's only 1 team who then gives adequate return.. So Houston would be giving themselves a headache over Dwight for no reason.. When they could have saved some assets and taken Bynum, or pull out completely..
Now it looks like HOU could trade for Howard knowing that they can just trade him to the Lakers if he doesn't give any indication that he's staying, or they could be the third team in a ORL/LA deal & get Bynum.
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So, it looks like Dwight is going to LA.

Welp, at least it's happening. You'd think Dwight is chillin' with Farve with the amount of attention and indecisiveness he's pulling.

please let this happen!
Just listened to Yahoo Sports Radio, Jarrod Rudolph said that this is far from over.
Essentially he said everybody is ready to make the trade but the Magic.
So we'll see what happens.
No one's trading Dwight for Blake Griffin.. If they were taking straight up trades, Bynum would have been in Orlando in March..
Clippers need picks. A bunch of expiring contracts, and take on terrible contracts.. This is the stalling block the Lakers have.. They lack 2 of 3, and unwilling to do the third. That's why a 3rd team is bidding to take Bynum

Blake is damaged goods now from here on out the rest of his career.

Knee injury in a pre season game caused him to miss his true rookie season. Now this summer another knee injury while practicing with team USA.

Real talk it's just not a good outlook for a player who's game is built on athleticism. He seriously needs to adjust his game and improve his post up game and develop a better mid range game like Amarie did after he got microfracture knee surgery.
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Now it looks like HOU could trade for Howard knowing that they can just trade him to the Lakers if he doesn't give any indication that he's staying, or they could be the third team in a ORL/LA deal & get Bynum.

Houston is in a bad position right now and really can't counter the Lakers\Cavs\Magic 3 team trade because they are still waiting to hear if Asik restricted contract offer is going to be matched by the Bulls.I think Chicago still has another 2 days to decide.
Houston is in a bad position right now and really can't counter the Lakers\Cavs\Magic 3 team trade because they are still waiting to hear if Asik restricted contract offer is going to be matched by the Bulls.I think Chicago still has another 2 days to decide.
The Rockets have nearly 30 million dollars in cap space.

Asik's $5 million salary next season has no impact on trade talks.
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Just listened to Yahoo Sports Radio, Jarrod Rudolph said that this is far from over.
Essentially he said everybody is ready to make the trade but the Magic.
So we'll see what happens.

Obviously. The Magic would be getting Anderson Varejao and draft picks. LOL, and they said that the Nets deal was terrible.
Obviously. The Magic would be getting Anderson Varejao and draft picks. LOL, and they said that the Nets deal was terrible.

It was terrible. Nobody except the Nets were dumb enough to give whatever Lopez brother a MAX contract. Those 1st round draft picks they would have got from the Nets would be all in the mid to late 1st round.

Name one NBA team that found superstar players or built their team around 1st round picks that late.

People seriously forget that Orlando wants young talent clear cap space, and unload their crappy contracts to re build their team through free agency over the next 2 to 5 years.
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It was terrible. Nobody except the Nets were dumb enough to give whatever Lopez brother a MAX contract. Those 1st round draft picks they would have got from the Nets would be all in the mid to late 1st round.
Name one NBA team that found superstar players or built their team around 1st round picks that late.
As opposed to all of the mid to late first round picks that they would receive in this trade?

And also getting back Varejao, whose contract runs as long as Hedo's?
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It was terrible. Nobody except the Nets were dumb enough to give whatever Lopez brother a MAX contract. Those 1st round draft picks they would have got from the Nets would be all in the mid to late 1st round.
Name one NBA team that found superstar players or built their team around 1st round picks that late.
People seriously forget that Orlando wants young talent clear cap space, and unload their crappy contracts to re build their team through free agency over the next 2 to 5 years.

I don't think you got the point of my post. I wasn't trying to say that the Nets offer was good. I was saying that getting Anderson Varejao + draft picks is even worse.
I don't think you got the point of my post. I wasn't trying to say that the Nets offer was good. I was saying that getting Anderson Varejao + draft picks is even worse.
Varejao contract is lesser than Brook's MAX. 
Also, Nets will probably have a higher standing than the Cavaliers at the end of the season; Cavs have a higher likelihood of entering the draft lottery than the Nets, so their picks may potentially be more valuable. 

IMO, Cavs can offer a better package for Orlando's rebuilding process. 

Still, Houston probably owns the best draft pick in this discussion (via TOR). 
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As a Cavs fan, I would love to have Bynum, him Kyrie, Waiters, we can be on the map again. Only issue is, I hope Kyrie can convince Bynum to sign with us long term next year becasue we all know how that goes in Cleveland.
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