Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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larry "legend" bird is the 2nd greatest player of all time.

Dead serious.

I'm not white.

Bird isn't even the 2nd best at his damn position :lol: . Ya'll kill me but whatever.

Jordan leaves his team, they have 50 wins and make the playoffs. LeBron leaves his team and all them ****** collapse. Who REALLY needed help?

List all the other players the Cavs lost too, dont worry, I'll wait.


I don't understand the question srs

You're saying they collapsed after they lost Lebron, but they also lost SEVERAL other contributors that led to that terrible record. Oh yeah, the Heat are 1-5 in games without Lebron, how terrible is their supporting cast?

And who are these other contributors? Jamison and Williams was still on the team
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I kinda agree with you, but I also feel like we're prisoners of the moment and forget how great of athletes guys like Pippen, Larry Johnson, Shawn Kemp were. The big difference is that these super athletic guys are becoming more SKILLED. Back then we had alot of Blake Griffin types whos main discernible skill was centered around their athleticism
As far as big men go as it relates going forward it can be said that there are more "Blake Griffins" than guys with skill.

People like to say that LeBron is the same size as Malone but that **** aint true.

You guys are totally forgetting how freakish guys like Karl Malone, Robinson, and even Barkley was.
List all the other players the Cavs lost too, dont worry, I'll wait.

The same Cavs players they had in the 08-09 and 09-10 seasons when they were 1-6 in the 7 games LeBron missed in those two seasons? What is your explanation for this? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Anyway, other than LeBron, the 10-11 Cavs lost three other players from the previous season:

They lost a crappy old Shaq who contributed nothing. Also, Shaq wasn't a part of the 08-09 Cavs when they had the best record in the league as well so that proves that he wasn't the reason for their success.

Delonte West - He missed 20 games in both the 08-09 and 09-10 seasons and the Cavs actually had a better record in the games he missed.

Ilgauskas - The guy is a certified loser. At his very peak aged 27 and playing 81 games, in the 02-03 season right before LeBron came he led the Cavs to a phenomenal, worst in the league tying 17-65 record. I would really like to hear you make a case for how this guy would've helped those Cavs at the age of 35. Also, it should be noted that the very first season in his career he didn't play with him, LeBron won a championship.

26 LOSSES IN A ROW. IN A ROW! Mo Williams was injured and traded halfway throughout the season, but he still played 36 games for the Cavs that season where the Cavs record was 8-28. The same with Varejao who played 31 games with a 8-23 record. If Mo Williams and Varejao were completely healthy and played 82 games, the Cavs wouldn't have been as horrible, but it is evident that they would still pretty bad. You have no case.

I can't believe the audacity of some Kobe stans to even argue that his 48 point and 16 rebound game from 2001 is even in the same stratosphere as LeBron's game 6. Either as a game on its own, but especially considering its importance. 19-26 shooting (73%!) on almost nothing but jump shots. He single-handedly saved the Heat. The second best player that game for them was Wade with 17 points on 6-17 shooting. No one else scored in double digits. Kobe's game was in a series where the Lakers were up 3-0, LeBron's was when the Heat was down 3-2, breaking the hearts of every one of you haters were jumping for joy because you thought the Heat was out for sure.

I feel like where ever you are right now, you should be doing this
Barkley was a ******g monster :smh:

dude was what 6'6? One of the best PF ever....
If you could give negative feedback, DipsetGeneral would lead the pack.

I'm mad dude figured out how to get off Sneakertalk. :smh: I was kind of hoping he'd still be there bumping threads and ****...

It would be like if we all moved to a new house and when he knocked on the door we just turned off the lights and didn't answer. He wouldn't even notice if he was all by himself.. I've seen him bump a Bow Wow thread with like a dozen straight posts and no one else replying.
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[quote name="ohmygosher"]U aware, brah?

And if that was directed at me, I was comparing his '09-'10 team to the Mavs finals team.
[/quote]Nah, wasn't directed at you. Was directed at whoever's comments I saw about the championship Mavs being close to the Finals Cavs in terms of talent.
Also, Dirk did not win the 2011 championship by himself. No player has won it by himself, but if you must have an example of a player closest to winning it all by himself, Hakeem and Rick Barry come much closer.

Go watch the final game 6 and him being horrible in the first half shooting something like 2-11 yet the Mavs still being up 8 points at halftime. This would not be possible if the team relied on him alone. His overall performance in the 2011 finals was actually far from legendary. .416 shooting. Along with 26.0 points, 9.7 rebounds, 2.0 assists, 0.7 steals and 0.7 blocks, compared to Finals MVPs throughout history this is actually pretty average. Jason Terry averaged 18.0 on much better .494 shooting in 8 minutes less per game. Tyson Chandler and Shawn Marion played great. That team had a player to cover every aspect of the game, other than inside scoring for which Dirk stood for himself. Everything else, perimeter scoring, perimeter defense, interior defense they had a player who did and did very well.
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some jimmies are rustled in here. you guys take things to seriously. clam down...

Look, man nobody wins a championship by themselves entirely obviously every championship teams had good players that contribute I'm just telling you that Dirk's 2011 squad falls significantly below the level other super stars have had to work with. Were they as bad as the cavs? not quite, but they were around the same quality that Hakeem had to work with, maybe slightly better.

Dirks playoff run imo is one for the ages and it should go up there in the patheon of one man teams with, Hakeem, Walton, Barry, and 03 Duncan.
Hakeem....? nah, Drexler was his Robin, along with them having 5-6 guys in double figures every night. I do see how you can kinda make that comparison a bit though.
now people are talking about the cavs having a good cast around lebron :lol: this thread is officially shot

do you specifically remember those years on niketalk? i do. EVERYBODY including me were picking them to win it all. You had people saying the cavs were the deepest team in the league. you had dudes saying their bench was the best.

remember after they traded for jamison? majority were saying they would win it all...

people complain about teams have big stars and talent.

it takes a team to win not a bunch of stars. if the stars cant play as a team whats the point of having a bunch of stars on a team?

i would take what mj and pippen had over ANY loaded team from the past two decades

why? because they knew their role. played crazy *** defense, rebounded the ball, were fearless, and be ready to take open shots....

no matter how much people cry about stacked teams it dont mean **** if you cant play as a team
Ahhh yea I always forget Drexler slid in the 2nd year and got a ring and wasn't their both years. So yea, that 93/94 team were pretty similar. Still think that Rockets team even the year before were deeper.
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Some of you guys are making yourselves look like clowns
Bron was the reason that team had the best record point blank
where there some ok guys on the squad? yes but if your 2 best players after Bron are Larry Hughes and Big Z that dont scream title contention
dudes will say anything to try and discredit LeBron

not so much discrediting lebron its the kobe effect

people wanna act like the one superstar did everything when its a team game. you cannot play a game 1 on 5
[quote name="NobleKane"]
do you specifically remember those years on niketalk? i do. EVERYBODY including me were picking them to win it all. You had people saying the cavs were the deepest team in the league. you had dudes saying their bench was the best.
remember after they traded for jamison? majority were saying they would win it all...
people complain about teams have big stars and talent.
it takes a team to win not a bunch of stars. if the stars cant play as a team whats the point of having a bunch of stars on a team?
i would take what mj and pippen had over ANY loaded team from the past two decades
why? because they knew their role. played crazy *** defense, rebounded the ball, were fearless, and be ready to take open shots....
no matter how much people cry about stacked teams it dont mean **** if you cant play as a team[/quote]Oh, people were absolutely singing the Cavs praises, but that's why we have the phrase 'prisoners of the moment.'

In retrospect, the collective majority was wrong; way wrong. That roster was trash.
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Oh, people were absolutely singing the Cavs praises, but that's why we have the phrase 'prisoners of the moment.'
In retrospect, the collective majority was wrong; way wrong. That roster was trash.

I remember how Detroit were going to be a problem after 2004 even after they failed to draft Carmelo. One hit wonders like the Heatles. Other fine examples of prisoners of the moment.
[quote name="knightngale"]
I remember how Detroit were going to be a problem after 2004 even after they failed to draft Carmelo. One hit wonders like the Heatles. Other fine examples of prisoners of the moment.[/quote]Bro, people aren't being POTM w/ the Heat. :lol:

Year 1: Finals runner-up. Year 2: top dogs... then sign the greatest 3-pt shooter ever. C'mon, man. :lol:

The Pistons won and then faded into Bolivia. The end; it's not 'the end' for the Heat. It's... not even close. :lol:
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