Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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“Love me or hate me. It’s one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I’m a veteran, a champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I’m loved for the exact same reasons.” – Kobe
People are really overdoing the whole "OKC route, OKC model" thing. Just because your team is going to suck, doesn't mean you're the next OKC anymore than all those trash Euros like Skitsvilli became the next Dirk or Pau. And how much can you trust the same GM/owners who made this ****** *** trade, to draft well in the LATE 20s and make quality signings? You couldn't even turn Dwight Howard into something useful. Again, they did not get lottery pick in the trade. Not only do I think you can't "hit" on 5 picks in a row like OKC did (not to mention the shrewd moves involved in obtaining those picks, salary dumps, and small trades and fa signings(, you won't be in that office long enough if your start is any indication. And that's not just the Orlando GM, that's every GM who keeps peddling this OKC model nonsense to their fan base.
Same two dudes cryin a week later. :lol: Hell, I forgot the trade exception and the tax avoidance Essential brought up, AND neither mmg or Hank are picking up yet on being a top 3 pick vs a top 12 pick. All they can focus on is who got name players. Someone pass these two a tissue.

The hell I care about defendin Orlando for bright guy? **** I don't give a ****. I said the EXACT same things about the Pau deal, and Memphis ain't never been better. People still cryin over that deal too. :smh: Bigger picture boys, dig deeper.

We raped Orlando, and Memphis and everybody else in the league, bothers me none. Say it all you want, but at least look at other angles, pretty damn sure GM's, owners, scouts, and coaches know a bit more than you 2.
Lakers forward Ron Artest doesn't think the Cavaliers would be a playoff team without LeBron James.

"Actually I thought about that [Thursday]," Artest told CBS Sports.

"If you take LeBron off that team, no. They're not. They're nothing. Not that they're nothing, they're still human beings. But you take him off that team, no. I guess that's why they got me, to take him out of the game. [Thursday] it didn't work. They got us this year, so all we can do is move on from that and see what happens in the playoffs."

Artest, a Queensbridge native, added that his hometown Knicks need some star power.

"No disrespect to Cleveland, but we need some star power here in New York," he added. "We need some legit star power, so I can come down and beat up on 'em. We still need some star power here in New York. We need one of those big-time players to come here and get a great team, and when the Lakers play the Knicks, we beat 'em by like 40 or 50 points. It would be great hopefully one day to see a New York-L.A. championship. I don't have any power to do that, but it would be nice."

Ron Artest shut down the whole LeBron's supporting cast argument. They're still people, but that's about it
The new CBA, they said, would make owners think twice before uniting superstars. And who's to say it won't? In that regard, the juicy parts of the new deal haven't kicked in yet. CBA expert Larry **** emails to explain what's in store for the Lakers if they keep this intimidating roster together:

The Lakers will have a tax bill of around $30 million next July, and in retrospect, will view this season as their salad days -- it’s the last one where the tax rate is dollar-for-dollar. Starting in 2013-14 the new “incremental” tax takes over, where being $30 million above the tax line will mean paying a whopping $85 million tax bill.

And it gets worse. Starting in 2014-15 teams will pay an even higher rate for being repeat offenders -- defined as paying tax in at least three of the four previous seasons. A team $30 million over the tax line will pay -- brace yourself -- an additional $115 million in luxury tax.

After adding up their payroll, luxury tax bill, and revenue sharing contribution (projected to be $49.4 million in 2013-14), even the Lakers have to stop to consider whether this simply can be written off as the cost of doing business -- and that’s the future if they’re paying players with salaries like Bryant, Howard, Gasol and Nash.

I asked **** to make some rough estimates, and he guessed that salaries, revenue sharing, and luxury tax could cost the Lakers close to $240 million in 2013-2014. And the season after that is when the especially punitive repeater tax, for perennial high-spenders, kicks in.

Even back when players cost the Lakers about a third of that they made transactions to cut payroll. In the lockout, they laid off video coordinators and the like to save the table scraps. After the lockout, but before facing these kinds of bills, they pointed out that it was tough to make money anymore.

In other words: This Laker roster is barely affordable now, and due for a massive day of reckoning when the NBA's real "system" is fully up and running.
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And I don't care about where he went. I'm just stating that Orlando made a terrible deal and pointing out exactly why. 
Shut MMG down with the quickness.

Not close to the best deal. Not the worst deal.
That's exactly what the problem is though. It's not anywhere NEAR the best deal they could've made and we're talking about them having all the leverage + dealing an undisputed top 3 difference maker in the NBA when healthy. There's really no excuse for them not receiving better/more assets...any other competent FO would've been able to do it.

The fact that the 1st Round picks have some type of protection is LAUGHABLE.

Give Masai Ujiri control over a Dwight trade and he comes up with a better haul in 30 minutes.

Not gonna lie though...I'm just glad Daryl Morey didn't get what he wanted. All that scheming and c*** blocking done in the offseason and the Magic never even gave him a chance. That's all on Orlando, not his fault, but I don't 'eem care.

Sorry franchise3.
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What's been reported is most GM's, owners, scouts and coaches around the league are LOL'ing at Orlando though.
I agree they were gonna get a lot better of a deal from the Nets but they turned the Nets down.  The Lakers received Duhon too which is gonna help  their bench.  The Lakers got a steal deal in this trade.   I think Denver and Philly got better and the Magic got worse.
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Orlando front office: Hey guys, let's help out the Sixers, Nuggets, and Lakers! Forget about our team for a minute, don't be so selfish!
hahah man we went to a game 7 vs the spurs in 05 and we lost control of the game in the last 4 mins.  Im still salty from that.  In game 6 Horry hit that wide open 3 to send the series to a game 7.  R. Wallace forgot to cover him.  smh   06 d wade and shaq beat us.   Their bench was to deep for us.   In 07 Lebron went nuts on us and we lost again in the East finals.   Then in 08 The Celtics put the nail in the coffin and sent us packing.  We made it to 6 straight Eastern Conference finals, 2 finals and only came away with 1 title. 
  At least we won  one though unlike the Bills in the NFL.
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Pistons =/= one hit wonder.

Lin = one hit wonder.

People like to cheapen what a championship means.
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Pistons =/= one hit wonder.
Lin =/= one hit wonder.
People like to cheapen what a championship means.
At least we won during our latest run that we had.   since the 1983-1984 season only 8 different  teams have won the NBA title.    Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, Heat, Rockets, Spurs, Mavs, and Pistons.
Dwight screwed over Magic so bad by signing that extension it's ridiculous.
Had he just walked away Magic would be in a much better situation.
They could have traded him for better assets last season.

whos fault is that? its the magics fault. dwight screwed no one. they gave him the damn extension/ opt in to sign. the hell you talkin about?

the magic screwed themselves...
Question for the basketball heads....who was Dwight's best teammate before he got to LA?
either way if you wanna talk about somebody who didnt get **** built around him it was dwight not lebron who had garbage and dumb *** management who went out and got trash. oh and they made it to the finals too....
Question for the basketball heads....who was Dwight's best teammate before he got to LA?


But seriously, Dwight has been surrounded with a bunch of role players his whole career. He's played with a 1x all-star (Jameer) & 2 MIP winners (Turk & Ryan Anderson) so I'm more than intrigued to see how he does with a Laker team with 3 future HOF'ers.
That's exactly what the problem is though. It's not anywhere NEAR the best deal they could've made and we're talking about them having all the leverage + dealing an undisputed top 3 difference maker in the NBA when healthy. There's really no excuse for them not receiving better/more assets...any other competent FO would've been able to do it.

The fact that the 1st Round picks have some type of protection is LAUGHABLE. :lol:

Give Masai Ujiri control over a Dwight trade and he comes up with a better haul in 30 minutes.

Not gonna lie though...I'm just glad Daryl Morey didn't get what he wanted. All that scheming and c*** blocking done in the offseason and the Magic never even gave him a chance. That's all on Orlando, not his fault, but I don't 'eem care. :pimp:

Sorry franchise3.

From the way it seems, they didn't want to go from Seed 4/5 in the playoffs. To Battling for Seed 8 (which they could have done). But instead it seems they wanted to start from the ground up at the beginning.

That's why they declined Brook, declined Bynum, declined Iguodala.

They seemed to rather want to chance it with possible future assets they could get by being clearly out of the playoffs than current assets and be a 15th pick in the draft.
Dwight had Rashard Lewis and Hedo when they were still pretty damn good, Jason Richardson, Brandon Bass, Gortat, Ryan Anderson, Jameer Nelson, JJ Reddick, Vince Carter when he was still pretty decent averaging 15-17 PPG, Quentin Richardson, Mickael Pietrus, Glen Davis and Matt Barnes. Those guys are pretty good players. They're not superstars but they're awesome role players and a few guys that were borderline stars. If you're the dominant player that you're supposed to be then they should atleast be enough to get the job done. Definitely better than Varejao, Mo Williams, Boobie Gibson, Anthony Parker and Antawn Jamison. And the thing is, they surrounded Dwight with exactly what they thought he needed in a bunch of 3 point shooters to space the floor. Dwight had some of the best three point shooters in the league during his time with the Magic.
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