Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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I feel like where ever you are right now, you should be doing this

Who was it that said JR Smith was missing a chromosome :lol:
:rofl: @ this dude posting Lebron's game 6 as if it is the greatest game anyone has played in playoff history
It is one of the greatest playoff games though.. Considering it was win or go home once again. High stakes.. And what he singlehandedly did..

What are ya'll arguing.. The Mavericks were a better all around team then any of the Cavs teams. The Mavs were also a better team than the Heats when they won the championship. Not talent wise, but chemistry wise. Experience is the greatest teacher.

Oh and no question, I think Dirk was a freaking monster when he won that championship. You can say he did it by himself and thats fine, but he's already nearing 35.. How many more opportunities does he have to win another title. I think that's what Lebron wanted to avoid. B/C I believe he could of done it too if he had stayed longer for the pieces to come in with the Cavs. But, would he of even made it to the finals with the Cavs of old this year.. Hard to say..With the Heats, they are favorites.
Look, you're clearly gonna cry all year, I can see that already by the last 20 posts of yours, that's fine, don't try to understand it, but it's their plan. They let Anderson go for pretty much nothing, same deal here. They are trying to reduce salary. And how, exactly, is their cap number the same without getting rid of J-Rich, Clark and Duhon? That's an extra 10-12 million gone, is it not? On top of the almost 20 they would have to pay Dwight, or 16-17 to Bynum. Taking on Iggy wouldn't do anything, they shed money, and tank like hell to get that #1 and start over. Why do you struggle with this? As Mike already said and I repeated, Al's deal is like half guaranteed, as in, he could be flipped or cut at lower cost than his deal reads, does this still confuse you?
They are saving a lot more money than you are getting. The deals that get done now are not always going to be man for man, straight equal value. They got less than what Melo cost, and D-Will, etc, yes, but those teams also didn't go full rebuild, they tried to move forward with talent they already had. Notice, Denver or Utah never tanked to get a #1, they merely added extra picks and drafted in the early to mid first round, rather than top of the first round.
And Affalo at 8 mil, vs Gordon at 13-15 mil, doesn't seem all that bad to me. So the CP3 and D12 deals aren't all that dissimilar. Gordon is the better player, sure, and also almost double the countract in a couple years, so I mean.....
Can you tell me why the 2012-2013 salary cap matters to the Magic and the team's long-term future?

Also, how is it a salary dump if

-Afflalo makes almost as much JRich and Chris Duhon and for more years? It's less than 2M difference. Again, he is on the books until 2016. 2016.

-Earl Clark doesn't even make a third of Al Harrington's salary and he only had 1 year left on his deal. Al Harrington's partially guaranteed deal goes to 2014.

This is some salary dump. The team didn't save anything more than Dwight's salary for 2012-2013. And that's a good deal?

ORL-"Here, take Dwight's services for one year and his bird rights for nothing. "

Like I said, show me how this deal positively affects the salary cap situation for the summer of 2013 and the 2014 season and summer. Show me numbers. Because from my vantage point, if the Magic had done absolutely nothing, the team would have had similar cap space for those time frames. Again, for me, the team basically received nothing for a top-3 player in the NBA. No great or promising young players, no additional cap space and no great picks. And this incredible deal was made under the threat of a rapidly approaching September. Or maybe there is some Summer Olympics deadline in the new CBA. 
Can you tell me why the 2012-2013 salary cap matters to the Magic and the team's long-term future?

Also, how is it a salary dump if

-Afflalo makes almost as much JRich and Chris Duhon and for more years? It's less than 2M difference. Again, he is on the books until 2016. 2016.
-Earl Clark doesn't even make a third of Al Harrington's salary and he only had 1 year left on his deal. Al Harrington's partially guaranteed deal goes to 2014.

This is some salary dump. The team didn't save anything more than Dwight's salary for 2012-2013. And that's a good deal?

ORL-"Here, take Dwight's services for one year and his bird rights for nothing. "

Like I said, show me how this deal positively affects the salary cap situation for the summer of 2013 and the 2014 season and summer. Show me numbers. Because from my vantage point, if the Magic had done absolutely nothing, the team would have had similar cap space for those time frames. Again, for me, the team basically received nothing for a top-3 player in the NBA. No great or promising young players, no additional cap space and no great picks. And this incredible deal was made under the threat of a rapidly approaching September. Or maybe there is some Summer Olympics deadline in the new CBA. 

CP is a lakers fan and is just trying to spin this into gold.

i brought up the same points a few pages back and met with this long rebuttal of nothingness.

Orlando lost, hard, regardless of what happened or who went where.

No cap help, No Draft Picks, No great potential players.

Honestly they were better off letting him walk.

oh and they get the Lakers 1st rounder in 2017? i guess if d12 leaves and kobe retires it might be worth something :rolleyes
And I don't care about where he went. I'm just stating that Orlando made a terrible deal and pointing out exactly why. 
The deal before this one that everyone was up in arms about was the Pau deal. Was that also a terrible deal?
The deal before this one that everyone was up in arms about was the Pau deal. Was that also a terrible deal?

Ska, your gonna honestly sit there and tell me it wasnt? with a straight face?

In exchange Memphis will receive forward Kwame Brown, guard Javaris Crittenton, guard Aaron McKie (who the Lakers signed earlier today), the draft rights to Marc Gasol and first round picks in 2008 and 2010.

and dont point marc, because he was a late 2nd rounder at that point and im sure had the lakers known what he would turn into they wouldnt have shipped him :lol:
(A) I don't remember the salary cap ramifications but I think they were a lot better than this garbage.
(B) Deal happened at the trade deadline. It's August.
(C) Dwight Howard is 10x the player Pau Gasol is.
(D) Weren't there rumors of Memphis ownership getting involved?
So the fact that the Grizzlies are more of a threat in the western conference now than they were with Pau, is that because they have worked theirselves past that terrible deal of ours, or because the deal was good for them despite what it looks like on paper to us laymen?
Can you tell me why the 2012-2013 salary cap matters to the Magic and the team's long-term future?

Also, how is it a salary dump if

-Afflalo makes almost as much JRich and Chris Duhon and for more years? It's less than 2M difference. Again, he is on the books until 2016. 2016.
-Earl Clark doesn't even make a third of Al Harrington's salary and he only had 1 year left on his deal. Al Harrington's partially guaranteed deal goes to 2014.

This is some salary dump. The team didn't save anything more than Dwight's salary for 2012-2013. And that's a good deal?

ORL-"Here, take Dwight's services for one year and his bird rights for nothing. "

Like I said, show me how this deal positively affects the salary cap situation for the summer of 2013 and the 2014 season and summer. Show me numbers. Because from my vantage point, if the Magic had done absolutely nothing, the team would have had similar cap space for those time frames. Again, for me, the team basically received nothing for a top-3 player in the NBA. No great or promising young players, no additional cap space and no great picks. And this incredible deal was made under the threat of a rapidly approaching September. Or maybe there is some Summer Olympics deadline in the new CBA. 

Magic were banking on a number of things...
1. Sucking for the next 3 years.. This will give them almost guaranteed top 5 the next 2 years for how bad they'll be, and a top 10 in the 3rd.
2. They gained 6 picks (3- 1sts & 3- 2nd)
3. They received the largest Trade Player Exception of $17.8mil..
4. Moved them out of Luxury Tax
5. They like Afflalo
6. Al Harrington is a Pro's Pro who they can move to any number of teams in the hunt at the deadline
7. There really was no way they'd get out of cap hell.

Not close to the best deal. Not the worst deal.
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John Salley on MJ:
Saying they forced him left and forced him to take 32 shots.
He couldnt pass going left.
Isiah Thomas was the greatest player he played with(he was on 96 bulls also)
Jordan wasn't even top 4 players he played against. (magic,bird,kareem,hakeem )
Jordan defense was overrated because he would hand check everyone with his big hands.
Can you tell me why the 2012-2013 salary cap matters to the Magic and the team's long-term future?

Also, how is it a salary dump if

-Afflalo makes almost as much JRich and Chris Duhon and for more years? It's less than 2M difference. Again, he is on the books until 2016. 2016.
-Earl Clark doesn't even make a third of Al Harrington's salary and he only had 1 year left on his deal. Al Harrington's partially guaranteed deal goes to 2014.

This is some salary dump. The team didn't save anything more than Dwight's salary for 2012-2013. And that's a good deal?

ORL-"Here, take Dwight's services for one year and his bird rights for nothing. "

Like I said, show me how this deal positively affects the salary cap situation for the summer of 2013 and the 2014 season and summer. Show me numbers. Because from my vantage point, if the Magic had done absolutely nothing, the team would have had similar cap space for those time frames. Again, for me, the team basically received nothing for a top-3 player in the NBA. No great or promising young players, no additional cap space and no great picks. And this incredible deal was made under the threat of a rapidly approaching September. Or maybe there is some Summer Olympics deadline in the new CBA. 

Can I ask you a question? What would be the point of trading for Iguodala or Bynum and be the perennial 7th or 8th seed in the East? You have to understand Hennigan's background is to build through the draft. That's the plan. Sustainable growth through young, lottery picks. The OKC route. Obviously the product the Magic will put on the court will be ugly next year, but they will be in the lottery not only this year. But most likely the year after that. And in that 2nd year, they'll have the cap salary to go add another marquee player to the mix. By then, some of those "terrible" contracts will be off the books. The bottom line is that Orlando explored all options for months and decided that their quickest path to the top is to tear down the team completely and start from scratch. You can't criticize the decision until you see how the Master Plan all plays out.

and dont point marc, because he was a late 2nd rounder at that point and im sure had the lakers known what he would turn into they wouldnt have shipped him

Marc Gasol was a well-known prospect from Spain. He had led his team to several European/Spanish titles. Dude was having a MVP like season over there when he was drafted. The only reason he was a 2nd rounder was because he was 23 and GM's weren't 100% when he'd join the NBA.
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Oh, people were absolutely singing the Cavs praises, but that's why we have the phrase 'prisoners of the moment.'
In retrospect, the collective majority was wrong; way wrong. That roster was trash.

I remember how Detroit were going to be a problem after 2004 even after they failed to draft Carmelo. One hit wonders like the Heatles. Other fine examples of prisoners of the moment.

Pistons were a one hit wonder?


So the fact that the Grizzlies are more of a threat in the western conference now than they were with Pau, is that because they have worked theirselves past that terrible deal of ours, or because the deal was good for them despite what it looks like on paper to us laymen?

A little of both. Like I said, the circumstances are different and the players are different. If this was the trade deadline, I wouldn't be as harsh. But it's early August.

And to the other dude, I never said trade for those guys. Heck, I said what's the difference between this and doing nothing. Heck, why not just trade Dwight to the Rockets for the Raptors pick? Now that's really a Master Plan deal. Why take on Afflalo's contract? Plus, it's August. What's the rush? Mitch Kupchak had goons on deck?
You're saying they collapsed after they lost Lebron, but they also lost SEVERAL other contributors that led to that terrible record. Oh yeah, the Heat are 1-5 in games without Lebron, how terrible is their supporting cast?

Allow me to expose you on this flawed 1 of 5 stat. They actually won two games without him, and two of those losses were games that Bron bosh and wade sat out together to rest for playoffs. Nice try.
For what it's worth, the Magic seem to be very high on the two Philly players they got. Future all stars? Doubtful. But cheap guys they like and at worst they get solid rotational players going forward.
Dwight screwed over Magic so bad by signing that extension it's ridiculous.

Had he just walked away Magic would be in a much better situation.

They could have traded him for better assets last season.
Magic screwed themselves on that one.. They wanted him to sign it

And no they wouldn't have been in a better situation.. They got a couple of young players.. And 6 picks. Role players, and marginal picks of course. Didn't take back any ridiculous salary they can't part with (excluding the other ridiculous contracts they already had).

And got a $17.8million TPE which if they use it with the picks could make some smart moves to fill a highly competent bench.

It was a bad deal because they didn't get a superstar back, but if you look at what they were aiming for.. It could have been much worse.
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The best way to enjoy this thread now is to not read any posts and look at the pics and gifs. cuz when I happen to stop and read one post it's some of the most ridiculous things. Can't even understand some ppl's motives as they continue to go back and forth to stress a non-existent point.
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