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Not gonna start a whole new argument, but the Pacers to me are the most overrated team in the last decade. Paul George wlil never be what everyone wants him to be and Granger is another overrated player. DJ and Gerald Green are nice additions but that team isnt going anywhere.

I'm actually not expecting much from Kidd to be honest, except for less turnovers than Knick teams in the past, and I want to say most Knick fans here feel the same. Its the additions of Camby (the team wont blow leads now everytime Tyson gets in foul trouble), Pablo (high IQ, pass first), Felton, Brewer (makes up for shumpert loss) along with Kidd that make this team a lot better than last years. ESPECIALLY defensively.

Its the fact that the whole team is motivated. Melo getting in shape, Felton losing weight and has a chip on his shoulder, Amare putting in the work this offseason (doubt he can get worse than last year).

Hard work pays off, and I'm liking the direction this team is headed so thats why I put them in 3rd. But we all know regular season standings dont matter.
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You can disrespect NTs favorite players, just cause he dropped 72 in a summer league game where defense isn't the main priority and going against players of lesser talent, who are we to judge?
Wizards are a sleeper team. If Beal pans out thats a very solid defensive team right there. I have the East looking like this....
Knicks as the third seed? Oh, you're from NYC.

Has the Southeastern Division become the worst division in the NBA?

Miami is great but:

Orlando, Atlanta, Washington, and Charlotte.

Miami is a lock to make the playoffs. Then we can assume 4 from the Atlantic (BOS, PHL, BYN, & NYK) Then IND, CHI, and then I'd say that last spot is between Cleveland and Milwaukee.
Honestly I can see chi town completely missing the playoffs if rose doesn't come back, that team offensively without him :x and I can see Cavs / Wiz / Bucks pushing for those final 2 spots
Y'all act like John Wall's shot selection isn't questionable, or he's not a ~4to guy his damn self, and he isn't just as prone to get tunnel vision on breakaways, especially when he wants to do his 360 layups or his right foot right hand in traffic attempts. When he was asked to, Russ averaged over 8 when we had Nads and Jeff Green. Since then, he has been asked to score more as well as his assists going down have coincided with Harden and KD's going up.
Only thing I'd take John Wall over Russell Westbrook for is a dance contest.
co-sign. Russ averaged 8 assist a game for two straight years prior to this year.
Dudes take it so personally that he picked the Knicks to be the THIRD best team in the east :lol:

If Amare can get back to being STAT and Felton does what he's gotta do there's no reason the Knicks cant potentially be a third seed.

I really will never understand how so many people hate a team that hasn't won anything in 40 years :lol:
I got it as

1. Heat
2. Celtics
3. Nets
4. Knicks
5. Pacers
6. Sixers

Bucks/Hawks/Wizards battle for the final 2 positions

7. Wizards
8. Hawks
I got it as

1. Heat
2. Celtics
3. Nets
4. Knicks
5. Pacers
6. Sixers

Bucks/Hawks/Wizards battle for the final 2 positions

7. Wizards
8. Hawks

4-6 is interchangeable and no love for the Cavs? :nerd:

Other than that...

Dudes take it so personally that he picked the Knicks to be the THIRD best team in the east :lol:

If Amare can get back to being STAT and Felton does what he's gotta do there's no reason the Knicks cant potentially be a third seed.

I really will never understand how so many people hate a team that hasn't won anything in 40 years :lol:

And there goes the word "hate" because we don't believe in the Knicks team :lol: I guess
4-6 is interchangeable and no love for the Cavs? :nerd:
Other than that...

Just not enough.. I love their team.. But too young this year... Had they gotten Bynum.. I'd have them 6th.. But without him I got them 9th or 10th..

Too many young guys, and not enough depth..

After Kyrie.. No one
Boobie & Waiters at SG..
CJ & Alonzo Gee at SF
Tristan and Harrangdody at PF
Verajao & Zeller at Center..

If they had a reliable veteran and someone who could score a lot I'd be with it.. Next year they'll be nice. But this upcoming season is another growing year.

Reason I still think Hawks get in is because Teague & Harris is a solid PG.
Morrow & Lou Will is solid at SG..
They are weak at SF.. But Korver is good as like a 6th scoring option which he seems to be on this team.
Josh Smith, Horford is a nice front court.
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Again, no chance in hell the Bulls don't have enough to actually miss out on the playoffs in the East.
Idk if it makes sense to everyone else but I wish the Cavs had take Barnes and signed Juice :\
Pistons and Wizards should make the playoffs if everyone stays healthy. I don't see the Cavs having enough firepower to sneak into the playoffs. If Waiters or Tristan Thompson have big years then maybe, but until then, they'll be right back to the lottery. Bucks could sneak in if their front court does anything.
Wizards are a sleeper team. If Beal pans out thats a very solid defensive team right there. I have the East looking like this....









Knicks as the third seed? Oh, you're from NYC.

Has the Southeastern Division become the worst division in the NBA?
Miami is great but:

Orlando, Atlanta, Washington, and Charlotte. :rofl:

Miami is a lock to make the playoffs. Then we can assume 4 from the Atlantic (BOS, PHL, BYN, & NYK) Then IND, CHI, and then I'd say that last spot is between Cleveland and Milwaukee.

Milwaukee is trash, TRASH!

i can see Cleveland making it IMO its a toss up
Again, no chance in hell the Bulls don't have enough to actually miss out on the playoffs in the East.

Depends on when Rose comes back.. If it goes all the way to All Star Break and Rose isn't back, they'll need a HUGE run to get going..

Could they sneak into an 8th seed.. Possibly..

But without Rose they are not a playoff team..

Gibson is a terrific player, but look at that bench.. It is horrific.. When you lose your best player for a significant amount of time, your bench is the only thing that can help you.. And Bellineli, Nate, Heinrich & Marquis Teague is painfully bad for the job they need to do. If Rose was there it's nice, without Rose, it's cringe worthy..

And who is their number 1 scorer... Certainly can't run through Deng for a full year.. Teams will just play Tight on Deng, force the ball to go through Boozer which does no one any favors.
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tanking is definitely in their best interest. do they still have an amnesty? might as well use it on boozer.

They still have it. Should use it on Black Ice before next year since they can't this year...

Keep Deng who expires end of 2013-2014..

Have enough to add a max if they don't reup Rip for next year.

And the year after let Deng go or facilitate a sign and trade for Picks.. And have enough for close to a max deal.

But it probably won't happen nearly that way because Taj is a RFA after this season, and Bulls will likely end up overpaying to keep him from leaving..
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I would like to see Taj in a starting role just to see what he can do.... At this point if you can't amnesty Booz now might as well keep him and use him as 15 Millie expiring , don't pull a sixers and amnesty someone in the last year of their deal :stoneface:
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