Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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"The way I look at it is if that's the case (people are mocking me), then—and no disrespect—you'd have to be an idiot," he says, getting just a tiny bit red other than in his hair. "That I won some contest to be in the NBA? Or that I don't have to fight every day? That I'm not the first guy on the floor and the first in the weight room and the last to leave? That I haven't been waking up 5:30 my whole life to train? I'd have to think you'd are an idiot to think I'm a joke. They might, which would be disappointing. Maybe it is that. But I know why I'm here."

Scal :pimp:
Let's see how Durant feels in a couple years when he still has no rings and he's been bounced out of the WCF 2 years by the Lakers and seeing Harden leave and him and Westbrook may be feuding and get tired of each other.


I'm glad you know this in advance, saved me a lot of time potentially spent actually watching real NBA games. Well, that settles it then.
According to Royce White... Ibaka will make $12.25 mil a year.. Lowest he'll make over 4 is $49mil.. And as much as $51.5

Assuming Harden will play for the same that Ibaka got.

Next year:
KD 17.823
Russ 14.693
Ibaka 12.25
Harden at lest 12.25

Total for those 4 is $57.016

According to everything I read, Presti will not dive too deep into the luxury tax. So chances are he tries to stay under $74mil.

Meaning the Thunder have a little less than $17mil for the rest of the roster

Perk makes $8.9mil
Thabo $3.9mil
Collison $2.585mil
Maynor is a RFA at $3.351mil
Perry Jones III $1.082mil

Those 5 guys push the Thunder past that $17mil threshold, so Perk is a goner. If a team goes at Maynor for more than $3.35, he will probably be gone as well
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I keep making the mistake it's Perry.. Have no reason why I keep typing Percy. :rofl:
He's a 4.

:lol: it happens

hopefully Perry pans out into a nice little bench player for them and helps with that depth

and collison is still on the books for a 2 years at pretty decent rate.

they shouldve payed the beard first then worried about Serge, not the other way around :smh:
Can't wait to see OKC fall apart :smokin :evil:
Don't have a rally in a Costco parking lot to be at? To ***** and moan about your team being "stolen" as if franchised being sold and moved isn't commonplace (I wonder if Minnesota Timberwolves fans panties are in a bunch at how many championships the Los Angeles Lakers have won, since those should be in Minneapolis) but cheer at the prospect of doing the same thing to some other city?

And Essential where have you heard the Thunder are going to be unwilling to go into the tax? They've never given concrete figures or anything, but he and Bennett have always said that they intend to keep the core together, do what it takes to give them the best chance to win a championship, etc. He got married yesterday but took time to make it clear that Ibaka's extension has no bearing on signing Harden. “These type of things have their own tempo. Their own rhythm. They happen independently of one another, Sometimes you get to that point a little bit sooner, but it doesn’t necessarily mean those conversations are at different rates or any indications of one way or the other. We’re going to continue our conversations with James. We very much value him, We want him to be part of the organization moving forward. We’re excited he’s a member of the Thunder and we hope he’ll be with us for years moving forward. We think [Ibaka]‘s important, but we also think his best basketball is ahead of him. I can’t sit here and tell you that any of us anticipated Serge being a first-team All-Defensive player in just three years..

I agree James is more important and I would have rather seen him be signed first and if the two don't make the exact same, he should make more. 12+ is a bit expensive for a guy who only plays 27 minutes. Plus, Westbrook took a deep paycut (15mil over 5 yrs) of what his max rate could have been, presumably to help the Thunder be able to retain everyone, would've liked to see Serge come in at 4/40

Either way, I hope they do. And Perry probably does project out to be a 4, but he worked out as a 3 in most of his predraft stuff. His post defense needs work
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Wall is a better pg than Russy a far as being a pg goes. I don't know how Wall can be a poor man's version of him. What Russ is better at is control, his jumper, and overall scoring. Not buying that defense talk. I mean lets not act like Wall isn't only 3 years or so in to his career and Russ had some of those skills already before he entered the league and hasn't improved as a passer and his court vision much.
as a PG, as a over all player russy is better then wall
Russy is a gunner, dude was slighty bigger he'd be an all star SG, but let's be realistic, wall hasn't had the best environment in WAS, I think you switch them at this point and Wall would be an all start PG throwing lobs to Beard / KD
Wall's jumpshot is terrible. hes good speed and can get to the hole but his jumper is atrocious :x hopefully he worked on it this summer
Wall is a better pg than Russy a far as being a pg goes. I don't know how Wall can be a poor man's version of him. What Russ is better at is control, his jumper, and overall scoring. Not buying that defense talk. I mean lets not act like Wall isn't only 3 years or so in to his career and Russ had some of those skills already before he entered the league and hasn't improved as a passer and his court vision much.

as a PG, as a over all player russy is better then wall
He's more of a sg though. His pg skills as of now are limited compares to Wall's. I wasn't even talking about overall player.
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