Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Maynor's worth $4-5m, I've viewed him as a solid NBA starter since VCU. What he did in crucial situations of the 2011 Playoffs should not be forgotten. Maybe a Darren Collison-type impact or career.
I just got home from the Goodman League Roundball Classic in Maryland. Josh Selby killed it by starting off 4 for 4 on 3 pointers in the beginning of the game and some nice dunks. Gilbert Arenas played and seemed to be in good shape but really wasn't trying out there. Ater Majok will never ever play in the league he looked horrible and of course Chris Brown was in the building.
He's more of a sg though. His pg skills as of now are limited compares to Wall's. I wasn't even talking about overall player.

I'm sorry. Might come of as a homer since I'm from DC and Russell Westbrook is without a doubt a better player than Wall right now...but running the point...give me Wall. He's instinctive. Distributing the ball comes natural to him.
It all depends on the team you are using... It's hard to say who is better because the quality of team is completely different.. One is championship caliber, the other is lucky if they get in the playoffs.. Could be extremely different if Wall was on the Thunder, and Russ was a Wizard

If I want a PG to score, and take over give me Russ
If I want a PG who can take a backseat, run the offense, distribute then give me Wall
Y'all act like John Wall's shot selection isn't questionable, or he's not a ~4to guy his damn self, and he isn't just as prone to get tunnel vision on breakaways, especially when he wants to do his 360 layups or his right foot right hand in traffic attempts. When he was asked to, Russ averaged over 8 when we had Nads and Jeff Green. Since then, he has been asked to score more as well as his assists going down have coincided with Harden and KD's going up.

Only thing I'd take John Wall over Russell Westbrook for is a dance contest.

Breezy aka Domestic Abuse!!

Mamba aka hide da white womenz!
He's more of a sg though. His pg skills as of now are limited compares to Wall's. I wasn't even talking about overall player.

I'm sorry. Might come of as a homer since I'm from DC and Russell Westbrook is without a doubt a better player than Wall right now...but running the point...give me Wall. He's instinctive. Distributing the ball comes natural to him.

Wall finally has a rather decent team around him this season. if he doesnt finally improve his entire game especially shooting then i dont expect him to get any better than he is now. he could be better that westbrook but we will see.
2nd Year Stats:

Russ 16.1ppg 41.8% FG 4.8reb 8assists
Wall 16.3ppg 42.3% FG 4.5reb 8 assists

2nd year teammates...
Leading scorer on Wizards (excluding Wall)... Jordan Crawford 14ppg on 40%
Leading scorer on Thunder.... Durant 30.1ppg

Different players, with very similar stats for second year, but extremely different caliber of teams.

Now compare 11-12 Wall and Russ...And even if you made Wall the same kind of player as Russ.. Less distribution, more shot taking.. If he takes 5.7 more shots to get to Russ total for this year.. How close do you think their point totals get (7.3ppg difference) and where are the assist comparison if he takes 5.7 more shots a game...

While I trust Russ to be able to just take over a game... He also has the protection to do so, whereas Wall does not..
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This is going to Walls best team around him since entering the league, i expect his TOs to go down and he might average close to double digit assists

i have the wiz as the 8th seed :pimp:
Wizards are a sleeper team. If Beal pans out thats a very solid defensive team right there. I have the East looking like this....

2nd Year Stats:
Russ 16.1ppg 41.8% FG 4.8reb 8assists
Wall 16.3ppg 42.3% FG 4.5reb 8 assists
2nd year teammates...
Leading scorer on Wizards (excluding Wall)... Jordan Crawford 14ppg on 40%
Leading scorer on Thunder.... Durant 30.1ppg
Different players, with very similar stats for second year, but extremely different caliber of teams.
Now compare 11-12 Wall and Russ...And even if you made Wall the same kind of player as Russ.. Less distribution, more shot taking.. If he takes 5.7 more shots to get to Russ total for this year.. How close do you think their point totals get (7.3ppg difference) and where are the assist comparison if he takes 5.7 more shots a game...
While I trust Russ to be able to just take over a game... He also has the protection to do so, whereas Wall does not..

Hit the nail on the head.

This is a make or break year for Wall. No excuses because he FINALLY has a team around him that's not filled with knuckleheads. Honestly, I don't know how many PGs in the league would look good playing alongside of Nick Young, Blatche, and McGee. Barring injury, I expect Wall to make a huge leap in his development. He's working w/ Dave Hopla (same dude responsible for getting Brendan Haywood to shoot 74% from the FT line) on his jumper. IF homie can shoot around 45% from the floor, we'll see better results for the team in the W/L column.

Also, some of you guys are silly for trying to write-off a guy who's 21 and has shown flashes of immense potential.
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