Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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So by your logic.... Lakers were they only team he could've gotten sent to? D12 had the leverage? And since he wanted to go to LA that's the only place? Correct?

No sir. What I'm saying is that the longer the Magic waited, the quality of the deals they were offered would decline starting from the first Dwight Howard rumor we heard two years ago.
Dwight had ZERO leverage, especially after he opted in. Magic could have sent him to Charlotte if they so desired. I believe the leverage was with the teams involved with the Howard sweepstakes. Rockets, Nets, Lakers, etc...What was Orlando's ultimate end game? Ride it out to the trade deadline just to be lowballed by every team interested? Not trade Dwight and let him walk in the offseason, creating an even worse situation and leaving your fans with ZERO hope. They knew they couldn't let the situation reach that point and traded him before it was too late.
So by your logic.... Lakers were they only team he could've gotten sent to? D12 had the leverage? And since he wanted to go to LA that's the only place? Correct?

SRS tho. how hard is it to comprehend Dwight essentially KILLED any leverage Magic had at that point when he said he would FOR SURE hit the free agency and leave unless he landed in a team he preferred. What team out there would mortgage young talent/cap space for a one year rental of a disgruntled player with as much baggage as he would bring? please tell me.

I'm not even looking forward THAT much to rooting for this drama queen this year but damn. and stop saying the Lakers gave up nothing in this deal- they still gave up the 2nd best center in the league. Just look at how giddy the entire philly fan base is. Just because Orlando ended up with what seems like a trash deal (in the present) because THEY thought it was the best deal does NOT equal to Lakers landing Howard for a bag of salted peanuts.
SRS tho. how hard is it to comprehend Dwight essentially KILLED any leverage Magic had at that point when he said he would FOR SURE hit the free agency and leave unless he landed in a team he preferred. What team out there would mortgage young talent/cap space for a one year rental of a disgruntled player with as much baggage as he would bring? please tell me.
I'm not even looking forward THAT much to rooting for this drama queen this year but damn. and stop saying the Lakers gave up nothing in this deal- they still gave up the 2nd best center in the league. Just look at how giddy the entire philly fan base is. Just because Orlando ended up with what seems like a trash deal (in the present) because THEY thought it was the best deal does NOT equal to Lakers landing Howard for a bag of salted peanuts.

this this and this.

tired of seeing people cry about the lakers. acting like the lakers didn't give the best asset out of all the teams involved in the trade.

2nd best center, expiring contract in mcroberts, throw away in eyenga, and 1st and 2nd rounder to boot (although these picks are barely worth anything in the immediate future)

They took on salary with Duhon and upgraded at the center position (amount of upgrde depends on who you ask)
Ok, why in the Bosh one do they got random broads walkin right past him while he talkin at the men?

**** is startin to make me think it's all connected. Everyone in on the secret or somethin. :lol:
seems like important events he will wear his brand hes signed to, every other time he will wear nike :lol:

If his contract allows him to do that :smokin. Getting paid and having a sig shoe, while wearing nike products 8)
Damn Stan :smh: They did him dirt..


Iggy is a great all around player to me. He can do virtually everything but shoot the ball well. I thought he was the future of the Sixers but they jus' couldn't get over the hump. I look at Iggy as a #1 option on a squad, and he will be that in Denver.
How you gonna say "def"..then immediately followed by "it's a toss up" in the same sentence tho :lol:

And if the Warriors stay healthy. BIG GIGANTIC ASTRONOMICAL IF. I like them sneaking into the playoffs.
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Do you guys think the Pistons have a shot at making the playoffs?   Do you guys think there is any chance that the Bulls wont make the playoffs without Rose?
He has potential to be the best player in the draft :lol:
Haters gon hate
Also he's like 19 as well...

Granted he is young at only 19.. but saying he has the "potential to be the best player in the draft" is just ludicrous... I would say he has the best chance of being the biggest bust in the draft (pause). He was the laziest big man drafted right next to Fab Melo. Outside of Waiters, he was probably the biggest player drafted off of potential. C'mon
Wolves easily have a better chance of making the playoffs than the Warriors. GSW won't make it as long as Jackson is head coach.
He has potential to be the best player in the draft :lol:
Haters gon hate
Also he's like 19 as well...

Granted he is young at only 19.. but saying he has the "potential to be the best player in the draft" is just ludicrous... I would say he has the best chance of being the biggest bust in the draft (pause). He was the laziest big man drafted right next to Fab Melo. Outside of Waiters, he was probably the biggest player drafted off of potential. C'mon

coulda shoulda woulda.

if hes a bust, so be it. hes a high risk, very high reward.

either he pans out or he doesnt. hes working with Ben Wallace and Greg Monroe. name two better players to work with currently in the NBA?

i think if hes committed he should be a very good player.
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