Official New Balance Thread *sizing info for different models on first page*

New Balance is going to get more and more of my money im officially addicted Jordans are loosing my intrest big time now.

I agree, I can't stop looking for NBs and scooping them up. I really can't find anything appealing in other brands anymore. Only regret is that I feel like I started with NBs too late
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relax. they dont release in states til 28th
interesting. so why did shoebiz have em if they havent released in the states? im confuzzed...
Aww....they're finally mines.

Nice to see you posting here again Ty. Looking forward to your wdywt posts.


converts to $335 if i did that right.

Basically like ordering from eBay I guess haha

I'm feeling the colorway but I'm not sure about the quality/materials on these.

I need your input guys. I'm about to drop $300 plus shipping on a pair of Kennedys but im having second thoughts after seller sent me this pic.


I don't know if I can still take that stain out, But you know how is it hard to come by a pair of Kennedy's especially in your size. If I were you, will you cop or just look for another pair?
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Jason Markk's product will knock that stain out. 


Do you all have success on suede with the premium brush from Jason Markk? I've tried it and it seems that the brush messes up the nap of the suede, for that matter any type of brush seems to. Haven't had a lot of success getting spots out of suede either. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Nice to see you posting here again Ty. Looking forward to your wdywt posts.
Basically like ordering from eBay I guess haha
I'm feeling the colorway but I'm not sure about the quality/materials on these.

I need your input guys. I'm about to drop $300 plus shipping on a pair of Kennedys but im having second thoughts after seller sent me this pic.


I don't know if I can still take that stain out, But you know how is it hard to come by a pair of Kennedy's especially in your size. If I were you, will you cop or just look for another pair?
That toe box stain looks like it is an old stain from ketchup or something, no amount of Jason mark or scrubbing will take that out now that it has been on there so long. IMO I would wait for a slightly cleaner pair, because that stain would drive me absolutely insane.
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interesting. so why did shoebiz have em if they havent released in the states? im confuzzed...

i know millenium and other shops
ive talked to have gotten stock, but not releasing til 28th. i got my pair cause spot accidentally released early then caught it after they were already shipped. some places here and there have released already (shoebiz) but actual date is 28th.
I agree. I never buy anything with stains or marks on them, doesn't matter how rare the shoe is. That stain or mark will drive me insane and will likely lead me to not even wearing the shoes. That's just how I am though. 
I use a soft bristle electric toothbrush (on low power/rotation) on my suede.

and brush the naps out with his $10 brush. Never looks DS fresh but the stains are gone. 
Kennedys are awesome and I know they go for a lot but $300 for sneakers with a stain on them plus the suede toe looks a little dirty? No thanks.
I know I might be in the minority, but I wouldn't pay more than $350 for DS Kennedys. But if they have some huge stain on the mesh? No way. If you can't talk him down to around $200 you should definitely pass. It's ridiculous when people are asking $300 for a well-worn shoe just because of the hype. 
I don't know if I can still take that stain out, But you know how is it hard to come by a pair of Kennedy's especially in your size. If I were you, will you cop or just look for another pair?
Bleach it. It will take it out in like 5 minutes. 

And kudos to anyone who got my last post. Took a break from sneakers these past couple months, but I THINK im back, for now. Too many dope pairs releasing that I cant sleep on.
Do you all have success on suede with the premium brush from Jason Markk? I've tried it and it seems that the brush messes up the nap of the suede, for that matter any type of brush seems to. Haven't had a lot of success getting spots out of suede either. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Jason markk is glorified soap it really doesnt work any better. I have it and its wayyy overrated IMO. 
Bleach it. It will take it out in like 5 minutes. 

And kudos to anyone who got my last post. Took a break from sneakers these past couple months, but I THINK im back, for now. Too many dope pairs releasing that I cant sleep on.
Bleach? On synthetic mesh? That is a HUGE no no. I have been cleaning and restoring kicks for years, you put bleach on mesh like that and the result is a piss yellow abomination. Your best bet if you were gonna take that route would be something like oxyclean. Those kennedys are worth no more than 200, and even at that price i would pass on them, don't let the hype sucker you in to a bad buy. On the topic of buying stained or otherwise dirty shoes, that is something that you should NEVER do online. When buying a pair of shoes like that you NEED too see them in person. With a good eye you will be actually able to identify exactly what type of stain it is, dirt, grease, oil, dye, etc. you need to know what you can and can not do when it comes to trying to restore them. When i buy a pair of used shoes online i make sure they are pass as DS or close to it with no visible marks or stains. If they aren't close to that then they are going to be a hell of a bad day when they come and you realize after cleaning that you essentially got hustled for a pair of beat to crap, permanently stained shoes. You have to understand, even though it may give you a bit of self satisfaction for finally getting yourself a pair of super rare kicks, when you go and wear those things everyone else is going to see just a nasty pair of beaters. It is always worth it to just save your money and get your self a pair of DS or close to it. That is my motto at least when it comes to online buys. If you have a bit of restoration experience under your belt, then you can take on the super messed up pairs. But still, only in person so you can gauge the extent of the damage and wether or not it is fixable. 

Totally agree on the jason markk placebo effect. I made a cleaning solution for kicks like that years ago. It is nothing you cant make at home, they just put it in a fancy little bottle and charge you $10 for it when in reality it costs about a dollar to make yourself. If you want a good basic solution use this formula. 2 cups water, 5 drops of a grease busting soap, and 2 drops hydrogen peroxide. That is plenty to clean a pair of kicks with. 
Nice to see you posting here again Ty. Looking forward to your wdywt posts.
Basically like ordering from eBay I guess haha
I'm feeling the colorway but I'm not sure about the quality/materials on these.

I need your input guys. I'm about to drop $300 plus shipping on a pair of Kennedys but im having second thoughts after seller sent me this pic.

I don't know if I can still take that stain out, But you know how is it hard to come by a pair of Kennedy's especially in your size. If I were you, will you cop or just look for another pair?
the cncpts 574s, cool concept but too much money, idk if it is a 574 just too much for a model that really only has GITD and no mention of any other quality on them.

Razz: you are part of the rare few who wouldn't pay that or more for kennedys, a ds 10.5 went for 700$ on ebay today, wayyyyy more than what I paid for my pair.

Jayson Markk: I only use it for my dirty midsoles and rarely try to take on suede. I tried it on my suede clarks and ruined them. It's a good product but it isn't a wonder maker

haven't posted a picture of pickups, will wait for a pair or two to come in and share them. need to stop buying nbs and save up for a camera, but it's hard
Yeah I bought some Jason Markk about a month ago, thinking I was getting something special. Nope. My shoes looked exactly the same as when I had cleaned them with a washcloth, hot water, a toothbrush and toothpaste (for certain midsoles only).

The brushes are nice though. Just not worth the price.
Suggestions on what to do about these? I got these off a seller on ebay in the UK. He said they were seconds, but that he quote "BUT I CAN FIND NO FAULTS WITH SHOES" and that they can be returned if unhappy.

Obviously I'm unhappy with the suede, but the shoe is beautiful and it took FOREVER to get these from the UK. Sending them back would cost a lot of money and time. I'd rather find a way to repair the suede and be able to rock them.


Oh, and they're these by the way:
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