Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Originally Posted by dreClark

But yeah, y'all can still get a quality player....Darrel Arthur or someone like that. All is not lost...

Darrel #6....with the team we have right now?? I know it could NEVER happen, but I'm just incredulous you would even suggest it could be a possibility, or a good decision.

It's pretty obvious the Knicks need a PG or SG so at #6 we will just take the best player available at those positions.
Man #%@! the Bulls!


OJ/ROSE/MAYO/BAYLESS/B-Easy are prolly gone.

DJ Augustin is good....But is he #6 pick good?

Y'all don't want Eric Gordon right???

Y'all ain't getting NONE of the premier guards.

Y'all ain't gonna REEEEEACH and get B.Rush

Y'all don't want a Euro player or Kevin Love.

Deandre Jordan is gonna take FOREVER to develop, and I assume y'all want at least some production now. Yeah, he's an athletic big man, but heain't in the Oden/Dwight Howard mold.

So, why wouldn't you pick a big man who played in a somewhat uptempo offense.

Oh, so you want to draft on potential and get someone like Anthony Randolph or Mareesee Speights...

Who exactly do you plan to get at #6 if y'all don't trade the pick???? Oh, I guess yo want Chase Budinger or Joe Alexander huh??
Originally Posted by dreClark

thats $@*#** up Cake...

I told those clitoris's Pooh wasn't goin tho that sess pool of a team G... and I said they were gonna get the 6th pick and draft somebody likeBudinger

Now I just gotta hope OJ don't slip past Minn and everything will be right with the word
If we draft a's not gonna be someone at the 4 who isn't a post/inside scoring threat like Arthur. I like Darrel and think he will be a decentplayer in the league if he learns how to rebound, play defense, and improve his work ethic. But not on this squad. 4 is the one position the Knicks DO NOTneed.

I think it would be WAY more likely that if OJ/Bayless/Gordon are all gone, the Knicks either trade down to draft aomeone like possibly Westbrook or Augustine,or possibly take the soft Italy dude, since D'Antoni has a man-crush on him. I'm not saying those are all great options, but the one thing I amconfident in is that the Knicks will not draft Arthur at #6.

Chances are either Mayo or Gordon will be there at #6 anyway, and I would rather have either of them than Arthur. I'm not getting the Budinger or Alexandersuggestion? Did i mention them? They are clearly not top 10 picks...

If the Knicks go with a big man, I am guessing it will be someone that D'Antoni feels can bring a similar dynamic as Stoudemire. I am not sure if there isanyone who fit's that mold (most likely not) but if the Knicks evaluate a big as having that type of game and potential, maybe they could go for that typeof a player. You think that would be Arthur?
rumor has it the warriors want baron davis to opt out of his contract... now that theres pretty much no chance we're gona get derrick rose or draft anyoneworthwhile of changing this team around i think they should def try to get baron davis. for 1, he would work well with d'antonis run and gun offense, and2, with the west loaded with pgs (deron williams, cp3, jkidd, nash, parker, iverson) davis would destroy any pg in the east with billups being anywhere closeto any comp... now the knicks being over the salary cap cant sign davis and chances are he wont settle for the MLE, sign and trade may be the onlypossibility... what you guys think our chances are to grab davis?
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

If we draft a's not gonna be someone at the 4 who isn't a post/inside scoring threat like Arthur. I like Darrel and think he will be a decent player in the league if he learns how to rebound, play defense, and improve his work ethic. But not on this squad. 4 is the one position the Knicks DO NOT need.

I think it would be WAY more likely that if OJ/Bayless/Gordon are all gone, the Knicks either trade down to draft aomeone like possibly Westbrook or Augustine, or possibly take the soft Italy dude, since D'Antoni has a man-crush on him. I'm not saying those are all great options, but the one thing I am confident in is that the Knicks will not draft Arthur at #6.

Chances are either Mayo or Gordon will be there at #6 anyway, and I would rather have either of them than Arthur. I'm not getting the Budinger or Alexander suggestion? Did i mention them? They are clearly not top 10 picks...

If the Knicks go with a big man, I am guessing it will be someone that D'Antoni feels can bring a similar dynamic as Stoudemire. I am not sure if there is anyone who fit's that mold (most likely not) but if the Knicks evaluate a big as having that type of game and potential, maybe they could go for that type of a player. You think that would be Arthur?

I feel you. 100%

I was just going of a process of elimination of players. Going off what some of y'all said. Thats why I mentioned Speights, Randolph, Budinger, andAlexander.

Joe can slide in the top 10 if someone falls in love w/ his versatility at 6-9...Not saying he deserves it though....

I really wonder if y'all will go euro and get the Italian (

I mean, I don't think Arthur will be the perfect fit....Thats why I said
But yeah, y'all can still get a quality player....Darrel Arthur [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]or someone like that[/color]. All is not lost...
Meaning, that type of talent, not necessarily that specific player. Someone in 5-10 range talent wise.

I say trade down, get DJ or B-Rush....Do you really want a project player (Jordan, Speights, Randoplh, etc)
We'll your post actually got me to thinking...if we don't see a PG/SG that we like at there a player available who could play a Amare like role?I remember there was a lot of booing and hating going on when PHX drafted Amare too, so maybe it's someone who is flying a little bit under the radar formost people.

The crazy thing is I see a bunch of teams with 2-3 young PG's I wouldn't mind seeing in the Orange and Blue (Memphis, Toronto, Phoenix). So if theKnicks really are sold on someone in this draft turning into that 25-10 young force like STAT, then why not pull the trigger on him, and see if you can findanother way to solve your other needs.

But really, if Mayo and Bayless are gone, and the Knicks stay at #6, I can definitely see them going with dude from Italy
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

^aren't you a Raptor fan? Raptors have never been successful

That team is a bunch of fools too and need to get their +*%%together.

what about russell westbrook? would they even consider him? i know he's more of a defensive threat but all the guards we'll want won't be there soi was just curious about him...
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

We'll your post actually got me to thinking...if we don't see a PG/SG that we like at there a player available who could play a Amare like role? I remember there was a lot of booing and hating going on when PHX drafted Amare too, so maybe it's someone who is flying a little bit under the radar for most people.

The crazy thing is I see a bunch of teams with 2-3 young PG's I wouldn't mind seeing in the Orange and Blue (Memphis, Toronto, Phoenix). So if the Knicks really are sold on someone in this draft turning into that 25-10 young force like STAT, then why not pull the trigger on him, and see if you can find another way to solve your other needs.

But really, if Mayo and Bayless are gone, and the Knicks stay at #6, I can definitely see them going with dude from Italy

DeAndre Jordan is the best prospect if you're looking to gamble. I don't like any of the bigs in this draft so if the Knicks decide to go in thatdirection i'd be extemely pissed off.

ESPECIALLY....if we keep any of our bigs. I want a rookie that will compete for a starting spot. Darrell Authur won't....nor LSU kid or the FLkid.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

what about russell westbrook? would they even consider him? i know he's more of a defensive threat but all the guards we'll want won't be there so i was just curious about him...

That's wat sucks.....everybody is being considered right now. Even DJ Augustine....i love him....but at 6 is a reach. Russell Westbrook is a goodscorer too....just doesn't create on his own. He's one of those quick, atlethic guards that are good in transition and finishing.

Alotta people say Gallinari isn't soft....but i don't want him either. The Knicks and Euro are two words that historically never really went welltogether.
Right...but the question becomes if it's only Augustin, Westbrook, and Gordon that are the guards left who can compete for a starting spot, and #6 is tooearly to go for a guy like Rush, then what do the Knicks do?

Augustin is not a good fit IMO for D'Antoni's system. While I really like him, and think he would be a really good PG in the league, I am uncertain ifD'Antoni is sold on Augustin taking this team and leading it to W's. His size also scares me a little bit, altho in a half court offense, I think hewould be a very effective facilitator and shooter. Ultimately it will depend on whether or not the Knicks feel he can legitimately be the PG of the future inNY.

Westbrook is another guy that I can see developing into a Rajon Rondo type player...but that won't work in D'Antoni's offense, he needs a fastbreak, pass happy PG who can also really shoot the rock. Westbrook seems more of a Athlete/Stopper at the next level. Good for some teams, but not for the newlook Knicks.

That leaves Gordon, who I wouldn't ming seeing play in a Knick uniform if Mayo and Bayless are not available. Granted he is not much different than BG, buthe has a little more size/athleticism, and I actually see him developing into a very complete 2 guard in the league with a little bit of an improvedethic/attitude. He has the strength to be a pretty good defender, and can score in a variety of ways. Looks to be the best fit in the run n' gun O out ofthe players I'm discussing.

Outside of them, assuming both Mayo and Bayless are gone, who are the PG or SG who can really impact this team immediately. My next best bet would be Rush, whoi see really developing into a great wing player in the NBA. However I see him as a bit of a reach at #6. If we were to trade down, I wouldn't mind seeingus go after someone like him.

But would anyone be surprised if at # 6 we ended up with Gallinari, the Italian dude? I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Mayo is gone so ya'll can forget that...

But Eric Gordon? Why would ya'll want a scorer on a team full of them? I'm still not sold on him...

Walsh needs to trade out of that spot. Dre' Miller, Barbosa?
After careful thought...Ive decided not to make any judgments until we've seen all the prospects after their workouts with the teams.
To be honest, I feel that somewhere in this large universe, there is a Euro player that isn't soft. Is Gallinari him, I haven't a clue. We all see howAndrea Bargnani and Marco Belinelli are. Sure, they have tons of potential but the question is will they ever reach that level. Look at Ginobili. Say what youwill about the man and his flopping, but his credentials do not lie. He's a winner on almost every competitive level in basketball. He's a pest andextremely tenacious. If we could get someone like him that isn't selfish and just wants to make his team better and win, I'm all for it. If workoutsshow that Gallinari can be that player, I'm all for that as well.

Also, I do not expect Eddy Curry to lose any weight and become better. He has almost no motivation to be better. Sure, he can score, but he also gives up a lotof points too. He would thrive in D'Antoni's system of you only thought of his ability to score, but to be effective with Mike D's system you alsohave to run, hence the name 'run n gun', and Curry does not have the endurance or stamina to do either for a long period of time. Mike needs to realizewhat he did wrong in Phoenix and correct it here in NY. He needs a stronger core front line and he actually has to utilize the bench. I would take DeAndreJordan and bring in Ewing as an assistant to try and develop him. Also, with trades and such, we can get some nice complementary pieces. We can totally keepLee because with his work ethic, he'll learn how to score. Balkman can stay too because he's a great energy man that can defend well. Nate, he's agift and a curse and a total toss up to be honest. I believe Q-Rich can be motivated because he knows that with D'Antoni he has the green light to shoot. Iknow we have a lot of work to do but I think that with the right moves, pieces, and decisions, we can be good in the future, even if we did get screwed overwith a number 6 pick.

We need to ship off a good number of people, on my list of deportees are:

Jerome James
Eddy Curry
Zach Boseph Randolph
Jared Jeffries

Have you noticed a common link in them all? They're all 'big' signings by Isiah Thomas. That man was a cancer in this organization from Day 0. Hesinglehandedly tore us apart from the core. Sure, we haven't had it as bad as the Atlanta Hawks, but they were in hell. We're in basketball purgatorywhich, depending on the beholder, can be a helluva lot worse.

Sorry for the rant, its late and I'm bored and emotional. If I only put this much effort into studying for my final. Smh
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

Coach D'Antoni

May 21, 2008 -- Mike D'Antoni's Knick career got off to a crushing and unlucky start last night at the draft lottery in Secaucus.

As his KnicksNew York Knicks
slid back from the fifth to the sixth pick, the team D'Antoni snubbed nine days ago, the Bulls, wonthe lottery after having just a 1.7 percent chance.

The Bulls didn't win D'Antoni, but Chicago won either Memphis point guard Derrick Rose or Kansas State power forward Michael Beasley.

The Bulls, still looking for a coach after being snubbed by D'Antoni, now are in position to draft Rose, a Chicago native and a perfect fit inD'Antoni's scheme.

"A pretty nice consolation prize," Bull VP Steve Schanwald said. "I thought it was a waste of time - a 1.7 percent chance. I thought I'djust get a good meal out of it."

Had D'Antoni waited until after the lottery before making his selection, he may have chosen the Bulls even if the offer didn't match the Knicks'$24 million package.

With Rose and Beasley officially out of the picture, Knick president Donnie Walsh admitted last night he will consider trading thesixth pick and fall back in the draft.

"Yeah, could you imagine," D'Antoni said, noting the irony. "[But] I'm not there [in Chicago]. I'm not thinking about it.It's an easy, it's a layup for you guys."

It's no layup for Walsh now. In play at No. 6 are guards Jerryd Bayless, O.J. Mayo and Eric Gordon. All three are combo guardsbut could be points in the NBA.

Also in consideration will be Stanford center Brook Lopez and project center Deandre Jordan.

Italian small forward sensation Dino Gallinari and Frenchman Nicholas Batum are definite possibilities, especially if Walsh tradesdown. Gallinari and Batum are the two Europeans Isiah Thomas went overseas to scout last week on Walsh's request.

D'Antoni, who played and coached in Italy, roomed with Gallinari's father, Victorio, for two seasons in Milan. The Knicksprobably could grab Gallinari, a Toni Kukoc type, or Batum later in the draft.

"I'll explore all the options," Walsh said. "You can take it or you can trade it. You got to look what you can get. It's an asset.It's a good asset."

D'Antoni sat on the dais and gave a weak smile when the Knicks came up No. 6.

"Hey, it's disappointing but it's pingpong balls," D'Antoni said. "What are you going to do? It's little disappointing, butthat's OK. Be honest - 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, you'll get a good guy at those numbers."

In his attempt to get under the salary cap in 2010, Walsh could trade down in an attempt to get some team - the Sixers? - to takeZach Randolph's massive contract.

"I gave up on being lucky," Walsh said. "It's all hard work. I just wanted to really know what the pick was. If the pick was one, I'dbe happier than if the pick was six."

Meanwhile, the Bulls are no locks to take Rose because they have a point guard in Kirk Hinrich. They could possibly swap with No. 2 Miami and go withBeasley.

"I'm sure Mike's very happy," Schanwald said. "He's a great coach and will do great things in New York. I'm sure theywould've liked to have gotten the pick we ended up with. That would've ... made Mike's job easier."

Miami, which entered No. 1 and had Dwyane Wade on the dais, will select second in the draft, with Minnesota at No. 3.
Notice how it spells Bulls hit. Take away that space between bulls and hit and that's how I sum up the lottery.

And I know Ginobili isn't European, but people like to think that all International players are soft. I really just wanted to use him as an example. Eitherway, I want a winner, whether he's from North Carolina or Kahsakstan.
^^Argentina is so European influenced its not even funny. They have "tea time" there too.

Kinda ignorant, cause a lot of countries have McDonalds, they are so US influenced its not funny?
Besids Tea isn't originally from Europe, but from China.
and on top of that even within Europe, Tea is really just a British fetish.

Besids Europe is a singular definition of the geographical entity.
Culture wize (which is to what you are refering) There is a bigger difference between Finland and Greece then there is between the US and Central america.
should we get into the carmelo sweepstakes?

then somehow clear up more space for lebron

I say we take the Boston Celtics route
(more long term tho, obviously)

what's Melo's contract looking like right now?
Trading the pick could work out well. I dont want Gordon and dont know much about Bayless, but Mayo is ready for the league.

I have some requests though...

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