Originally Posted by Jimmy Page

Originally Posted by MeloVP

i think the smartest way to move him is to trade, because the buyout would cost us 21 mill, meanwhile if we dangle that same amount coming off the books in front a team in the 2010 sweepstakes, we may have a taker for this guy

obviously we don't know how cancerous steph is to this team from an internal standpoint, but it must be to a severe extent if their running him out of the door like this

oh well, let duhon start, he can't do any worse than our pg's last year

Do you not understand that in order to get under the cap and rebuild we have to let Marbury's contract expire? What you are requesting is something Isiah did for 5 years and look where its got us now.

before the duhon signing was official, i was one of like three dudes saying let him finish the contract, let the numbers come off, and move forward
The buyout would have absolutely no effect on the cap.

I don't get why anyone would think the right idea would be to trade his expiring contract. Seems like an Isiah move. Remember trading Penny'sexpiring/Ariza for Steve Francis? How did that work out? Steve Francis turned into Zach Randolph.

Remember moving Patrick for Glen Rice, Longley and Travis Knight? How'd that work out? Are we still paying Luc Longley.

When you're rebuilding, you just suck it up and let that contract come off the books, not try to trade it for another big contract.
"Our ultimate goal is to win an NBA Championship, and with the addition of all three
players, we feel we have taken a major step towards achieving that goal." Thomas
said. "All three players are young seasoned veterans that can help us win now and,
combined with our existing players, give us a solid foundation for the future."
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

"Our ultimate goal is to win an NBA Championship, and with the addition of all three
players, we feel we have taken a major step towards achieving that goal." Thomas
said. "All three players are young seasoned veterans that can help us win now and,
combined with our existing players, give us a solid foundation for the future."

yea its funny how it turned out nearly 5 years later
Paying in to lose out on 21 mill in cap room....

Duhon as our starting PG.....

When are they starting that Atlantic Yards project again?
I mean...we have had to put up with Steph for this we are going to buy him out and give up on cap relief? Walsh's #1 priorityallegedly?
Steph is infinitely more capable at running the point thanDuhon, Mardi or Nate...why lose him now? To satisfy players that you plan on moving anyway...makes absolutely no sense to me. What player (human being)isn't going to look out for their best interest in their last shot for redemption? You think he won't go to a division rival (like Bosoton) and tormentus for years to come? At least get something out of this failed project..
This is the exact type of BS that got us into this misery. Let 12 months go by and get a clean 21 mill off of the books. There is no other opportunity likethis in the whole NBA and we are going to pay throw away this once in a decade chance.... wow.

And I was all for getting Chris to play backup to Steph for this season...while we worked on a permanent solution....but Duhon as the engine behind a run andgun team....with Galinari as our premiere offensive threat....

All I can say is...WOW

If we buy the contract out...that contract still comes off the books. (right?)

The only difference is he won't be on the rosters.

(if it was more than one year it would count against the cap and pay him over the years, but since it's one, they should come to a settlement and itwon't effect the cap)
I agree with everything you just said (haze) but the whole Atlantic Yards thing had me like:


I really wanted him to stay and play this last year, and that's what I thought Walsh was going to do. And Im not big on Duhon like that to begin with,we'll see what happens though.
Why would we want Steph to play out next season anyway? I love the dude, and wish he would have worked out, but what's the point? He didn't work out, and we need to move on and move forward with a new plan.

last year of the contract, im positive that he'd be more than willing to give it his all and leave the city on a positive note instead of this sourposition he's in right now. Maybe that's just me but I see no reason for him to not play hard under this new regime in a high paced offense.
If we buy him out, it makes absolutely no difference in the cap. His contract still comes off the books at the end of this season if he's bought out.

Why would we want Steph to play out next season anyway? I love the dude, and wish he would have worked out, but what's the point? He didn't work out,and we need to move on and move forward with a new plan.
I have to ask again...

Say he plays well...

Then what, would you want to re sign a 31 year old Steph?

Or would you want to trade him at say, the All Star break...and have to get a contract(s) in return that matches his 21 million....that would have more years.

Or he plays well and walks with nothing to show...

Or a sign and trade, which again would require taking back a longer contract. I said before, this is a 30 win team max, no matter if it's Duhon or Steph best just to cut ties now.

Maybe it's just me, but the last thing we would need is for him to play decently and win, say....35 games and have the #10 pick in next years draft
I personally have no problems parting ways with Steph now.

Could he come back with a vengeance on another team and show he can still play? Sure, he could.

Or he could continue to be a cancer on another team like he was in NY.

Unless Steph has showed at this point an effort and dedication to get better and expressed a strong desire to come back and play, then let's just move on.
last year of the contract, im positive that he'd be more than willing to give it his all and leave the city on a positive note instead of this sour position he's in right now.
Taking aside a personal liking to him..

Why should we give him that opportunity tho?

He's had his chances, and he chose to continually embarrass this franchise.
to buy out a contract, the team and player have to compromise a price. so since marbury is making like $20-21 million this upcoming season, he'll probablywant $18 million or so at least.

if they two can't settle on a buy out, then i think the team can waive him but they have to pay for his entire salary that season.
Y'all are right about the cap being that he only had 1 season left...the salary would only stay on the books for this upcoming season.

But I still think he's best suited to playing out this season and then exploring our options at the end of the season...that way we have an opportunity ofgaining something out of the whole ordeal.

For all of the dirt being thrown on Steph's Knick stint....the biggest negative I can come up with was his relationship with Isiah. Not his play on thecourt.
.the biggest negative I can come up with was his relationship with Isiah. Not his play on the court.
The lawsuit and his testimony.

The interviews, the stupid statements. The whole ordeal with him not traveling with the team (Isiah)

Just completely rubbed me the wrong way. And made a joke of a franchise even more so.

That clown needs to leave and never come back.
But all of that was associated with Zeke...those two were extremely close, best friends and neighbors....for him to be labeled as the scapegoat (Dolan'sorders) by his best friend a couple weeks into the season...when Curry and others were playing the way they were...I can understand some of the things hesaid..I was even shocked when they started benching Steph out of the blue...Isiah caused that you gonna ask teammates to vote on benchinganother player in the middle of a team flight after a long and losing road trip...and then start him anyway in spite of their opinons.

Steph was the only reason we made the playoffs at all in recent years and he has sacrificed his game tremendously to fit in to the thousand different schemesthat management has concocted (thats frustrating for a PG). He has shown the most enthusiasm for playing in NYC since Starks and he has gotten the raw deal inthe media. Outside of the Zeke fiasco...I can't think of what he did negatively besides being too unslefish on the court.

No offense to my dude Flatbush...but the NY media has made Plaxico, Elli, Strahan, and Coughlin look like selfish, knuckleheaded losers...until they bought achip to the city.
I blame Isiah too...(actually with most of it)

But when Stephon doesn't get along with 4 organizations in his career...

He is part of the problem.
Man, that's a dope cover. Why don't I remember it?

"They don't even want you in New York, you like Penny _____!"
-Joe Budden
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