wuddup yo

ive been busy pretty much since the draft but i thought i would comment on Duhon

i dont really like the move and i feel that we should of used the MLE on a shot blocking big and just let Steph run the point with Nate one more year until weadress a future PG next year. Also Duhon is more of a half court PG and he plays more of the style that Mark Jackson plays not a guy who runs the fast breaklike D'Antoni likes. Also i feel if wqe did want a PG to hold us over in the meantime there was a better crop than Duhon, but Duhon is more of that passfirst guy which is what we would be looking for.

I mean i dont like Duhon at all and i dont really like the move but i can see why we did it. There was definitley alot of good in this move. I read an articlethat compared him to Howard Eisley who was the PG who held things dopwn until we got our PG for the future in Marbury. For the next year or 2 while we haveDuhon under contract, him and Nate make a solid PG core whose styles really contrast one anothers. Nate is tiny and more of a scorer and he is super athletyicand explosive while Duhon is a bigger guard and he is slower and better in a half court set and he is much more pass first. These two will make a nice cobo forthe next 2 years and we wont win too much with them but Duhon will build chemostry whjich is more importantr than wins for our team. Cause with guys that needthe ball like Crawford and others on our team we really just need a PG who can get them the ball. Also Duhon is a solid defender which is a huge plus. Andalthough the MLE is pretty large we only got him for two years so he can run the poi9nt when we are rebuilding but his contract comes off the books in 2010when we start adressing positions to win like signing a big free agent and maybe using the draft to get a PG for the future. What i am saying is that Duhonmakes sense for right now he will work hard and distribute the ball, he is also young and his contract doesnt last so we get what we get from him in these 2years, and if he turns out to be a bust than fine we are done with him buy 2010 unlike the JJ signings. And if he really helps us in the rebuilding effort andmakes us more fun to watch he will play nicely in these 2 years and than some other team can over pay for him.

this also helps us out in that we have a PG top hold us over for the next 2 years so we dont need to give up Lee to trade for a PG likle Felton nor some +#*+.Instead we can keep Lee who will help alot or package him with a bum like Curry or Z Bo to get rid of them and maybe get a solid big man for the future who canblock shots and play D in return which i think is more important anyway. so maybe its a blessing in disguise that we use the MLE on a PG rather than a big sowe can trade a bum like curry/Z Bo for a big better than what we would get for them MLE who can block shots and +#*+.

Overall i think we could of dont better, but its a decent move and it makes sense which is more than what i can say about anytrhing this past decade withLayden/Isiah

anyways, today's feature article

Danilo Gallinari
Posted: 3:44 am
July 6, 2008

The Post's Steve Serby sat down with the Knicks' No. 1 draft pick.

Q: You're not afraid about the whole world watching while you play [the big stage]?

A: No, no, I'm not afraid.

Q: Why not?

A: 'Cause I like pressure. . . . Since I was 16 years old entering professional league, all the eyes were on me. And in Milan you have to win. . . . everygame. So if you not win, that would be not easy. ... So there is a lot of pressure. ... I think it's a part of my job, so I like pressure. ... When I gotto throw the [first] pitch [at Shea last weekend], when I practice here [Knicks facility] I was not throwing good pitches. Best one was when I get out of thecourt, and with 55,000 people, they give me power.

Q: That was your first baseball game. You had a hot dog?

A: Yeah, nice. Hot dog and hamburger also.

Q: Wash it down with a beer?

A: No, no, just Sprite, I like Sprite.

Q: Do you want to take the last shot to win the game?

A: I used to take that shot, so I hope that this year the team will trust me and trust in my abilities to get that shot.

Q: If they do trust you, you would want the ball?

A: Yeah.

Q: With a chance to win the game?

A: Yeah.

Q: Because you're not afraid to miss?

A: No, no, no.

Q: You were a point guard.

A: Last year in the starting five I play like small forward, but if the point guard needs some help because they pressure the ball, I got the ball.

Q: Could you play point guard if the Knicks needed you to?

A: If they need it, yeah.

Q: Is it fun?

A: Yeah, it's the position that I like most. 'Cause I like to settle the team, and try to beat the team in their weakness.

Q: Favorite childhood memory?

A: When my little brother was born.

Q: What's the age difference?

A: Nine years.

Q: Did you hold him at the hospital?

A: I hold him later when they clean him and put all the towels on him.

Q: What was that feeling like when you held him?

A: That was an incredible feeling.

Q: Do you have a girlfriend?

A: No.

Q: Describe the perfect girlfriend.

A: Like physically, or inside?

Q: Both.

A: Physically, has got to be so nice like [chuckle] I don't know, Adriana Lima, you know Adriana Lima? Inside, she's got to be intelligent, smart . . .and my time during the day, she's gotta respect these things.

Q: Does she have to be an Italian girl?

A: No, she could be from every country of the world.

Q: Did you get marriage proposals in the mail in Milan?

A: I remember two.

Q: Did you answer them back?

A: No.

Q: Why, they sent ugly pictures?

A: [Chuckle] No, because in that period, I was with my girlfriend. I was not seeing her so I was thinking about my girlfriend.

Q: Do you speak better English than Mike D'Antoni speaks Italian?

A: [Chuckle]. Is a great battle. Great fight, I don't know.

Q: Your first dunk?

A: In practice, I don't remember, in game, I remember well. I was 15 years old, and it was the final of a little tournament in Italy. . . . I was going ona fastbreak and I dunked, the first time.

Q: Best piece of advice your parents gave you.

A: Do the best of myself in everything I do and everything I do concentrate on what I'm doing, not thinking about other things.
Q: Was that your father or mother?

A: Mostly my father. My mother more watch out about people, think about your family. Your family's the most important thing.

Q: Watch out about people?

A: People that try to come to you and say, "I'm your friend," they are not your friend, and these type of things.

Q: Most embarrassing moment?

A: There was a big meeting in high school, everybody was listening to teachers and things like that, and I was doing like this [leaning back] in the chair,and I fell down, and like the people were looking at me and say, "Hello."

Q: Your 20th birthday is August 8 - how will you celebrate it?

A: I will be with the Italian national team, so I don't know. . . . I will celebrate with a practice [chuckle].

Q: Do you drive in traffic?

A: I got my driver's license in Milan, so if you can drive in Milan you can drive all over the world.

Q: What kind of car would you buy?

A: I like big cars, like SUV.

Q: NBA players you like to watch.

A: I like Kobe [Bryant] and KG [Kevin Garnett].

Q: What is it about KG you like?

A: Because he puts all the power he has on the court, and he plays hard and he plays for the team.

Q: And Kobe?

A: He's simply ... unguardable. You cannot guard him, I think. Even if Paul Pierce this year made a great job. ... Boston in general ... all the teammade a great defense. I went to see Game 5 ... phew! They played great defense.

Q: How about LeBron [James]?

A: He's like a big man but he moves like a point guard. He's not human.

Q: Three dinner guests?

A: Michael Jordan; Larry Bird; Angelina Jolie.

Q: Did your father tell you any funny stories about Mike D'Antoni [his Milan teammate]?

A: I let Mike talk about that [smile]. Mike lived all the stories, I only heard about stories.

Q: Where do you shop?

A: I don't like to go shopping.

Q: But you wear Armani.

A: Yeah, yeah. But I don't go shopping because all the clothes come to my house [smile]. They send clothes to my house.

Q: You've done modeling?

A: They put big posters on buildings in Milan and things like that.

Q: Your nickname is Gallo?

A: It means rooster. But here, in USA., if you talk about rooster, everybody smiles or get fun about that. In Italy, Gallo is a great nickname. Everybodyrespect that.

Q: People will be calling you the Italian Stallion.

A: Yeah, it's nice also.

Q: Sylvester Stallone . . . ?

A: He was the best one. He is the Italian Stallion. If they want to call me like that, it's OK, but my nickname is Gallo.

Q: Favorite meal?

A: Sushi; gnocchi with gorgonzola cheese.

Q: What kind of sushi?

A: Every type of sushi.

Q: Have you been to Nobu?

A: Yeah, yeah. We got one Nobu in Milan, because it is in the same building of Armani.

Q: Favorite movie?

A: "Man On Fire "American Pie."

Q: Favorite actor?

A: Denzel Washington.

Q: Favorite actress?

A: Angelina Jolie.

Q: Favorite entertainer?

A: Justin Timberlake.

Q: Give me a scouting report about your game.

A: That I play hard and I play with heart and give everything for the team. The other technical things, I let you say that, or the coaches say that.

Q: Your message for Knick fans?

A: Come to see the games, and let's win some games ... together.
The Rooster sounds like a genuine stand-out guy. Hope he can the best out of himself while in the NBA.

He is only 19 years old, so I'm sure he will improve a lot while in the league. Someone who can shoot, dribble and run is a great combo.
um i think he said i"im running in the mountains" not "im running into mountains".

you seem quick to bagg on steph there buddy
Q: Your message for Knick fans?

A: Come to see the games, and let's win some games ... together.


gallirani is a cool dude.. it'd be funny if lima leaves jaric for gallirani..
Danillo sounds like a laid back guy. Dude is only 19 years old, and will be 20 in August. I'm looking forward to see him play in the NBA summer games, andthe Olympics.

Dude seems like a hard worker, with a good work ethic. Hopefully he can turn into something, and help the Knicks.

July 11
4:00 PM ET Philadelphia vs. Golden State COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET New Orleans vs. Memphis COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET LA Lakers vs. Detroit* COX Pavilion
10:00 PM ET Dallas vs. LA Clippers* COX Pavilion

July 12
4:00 PM ET Toronto vs. Sacramento COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Charlotte vs. LA Clippers COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Philadelphia vs. Denver COX Pavilion
10:00 PM ET Memphis vs. Milwaukee COX Pavilion

July 13
4:00 PM ET Charlotte vs. New Orleans COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Dallas vs. Golden State* COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Memphis vs. LA Lakers* COX Pavilion
10:00 PM ET Detroit vs. LA Clippers COX Pavilion

July 14
4:00 PM ET New York vs. Cleveland* COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Toronto vs. Denver COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Washington vs. Portland* COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET Phoenix vs. Houston Thomas & Mack Center
10:00 PM ET Dallas vs. Minnesota* COX Pavilion
10:30 PM ET San Antonio vs. Memphis Thomas & Mack Center

July 15
6:00 PM ET Detroit vs. Milwaukee COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Philadelphia vs. LA Lakers* COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET San Antonio vs. New Orleans Thomas & Mack Center
10:00 PM ET Sacramento vs. Portland* COX Pavilion
10:30 PM ET Charlotte vs. Golden State Thomas & Mack Center

July 16
4:00 PM ET San Antonio vs. New York* COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Sacramento vs. Dallas* COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Philadelphia vs. Washington* COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET Minnesota vs. LA Lakers Thomas & Mack Center
10:00 PM ET Memphis vs. LA Clippers COX Pavilion
10:30 PM ET Cleveland vs. Houston Thomas & Mack Center

July 17
4:00 PM ET Dallas vs. Detroit* COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET New Orleans vs. LA Clippers COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Toronto vs. Philadelphia COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET San Antonio vs. Phoenix Thomas & Mack Center
10:00 PM ET Portland vs. Minnesota* COX Pavilion
10:30 PM ET Denver vs. Milwaukee Thomas & Mack Center

July 18
4:00 PM ET Phoenix vs. New York* COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Charlotte vs. Detroit COX Pavilion
8:00 PM ET Cleveland vs. Washington* COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET LA Lakers vs. Toronto Thomas & Mack Center
10:00 PM ET Sacramento vs. Golden State* COX Pavilion
10:30 PM ET Houston vs. Denver Thomas & Mack Center

July 19
4:00 PM ET New York vs. Charlotte* COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Golden State vs. Toronto COX Pavilion
6:30 PM ET LA Lakers vs. Denver Thomas & Mack Center
8:00 PM ET Washington vs. Houston* COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET Minnesota vs. Milwaukee Thomas & Mack Center
10:00 PM ET Portland vs. Phoenix* COX Pavilion
10:30 PM ET New Orleans vs. Cleveland Thomas & Mack Center

July 20
4:00 PM ET Minnesota vs. New York* COX Pavilion
6:00 PM ET Phoenix vs. Washington COX Pavilion
6:30 PM ET Milwaukee vs. Cleveland Thomas & Mack Center
8:00 PM ET Portland vs. New Orleans* COX Pavilion
8:30 PM ET Sacramento vs. Houston Thomas & Mack Center

all these games will be broadcasted by MSG so we will be able to catch some knick basketball
^^yeah we'll see what he got. I still dont likle the pick and i would rather a guy who focuses more on D but hopefully we can get the best that we can fromhim. Personality wise and stuff i love him from what i know i said that from the start, and i love the Rooster nickname and Italian Stallion is
. I justwould rather a guy who could play D but we'll see...

about summer league can anyone hook me up with our roster and/or schedule?
Dude is 19, so I'm assuming he's a kid just like most of us. Hopefully he has the personality to win us all over.

I have a feeling 2-3 years in NYC, he will be scooping up the ladies left and right.
Derick Jeter 2.0
I am shocked thee has been no word from the Knicks fron office on Steph buyout but then I again I guess they aewaiting til after he 9th when they canofficially anounc the signing.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Jamal Crawford's trade value is going to shoot WAY up under D'Antoni.


Best case scenario, we're like top 3 in the league in scoring, but give up the most points in the league. Jamal and Curry putting up numbers and Z-Boputting up half way decent numbers having all three having great trade value and trading them for expiring contracts.
Q: Favorite actor?

A: Denzel Washington.

My man...

Also... did anyone read that interview and Gallinari's answers with a very, very bad foreign accent.

I certainly did.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

AWKWARD INTRODUCTION: Stephon Marbury plans to attend the Knicks' voluntary minicamp in Las Vegas, where he will workout with point guard, Chris Duhon, who was acquired last week.


Last updated: 7:01 am
July 8, 2008
Posted: 4:09 am
July 8, 2008

Despite reports of his impending doom, an unfazed Stephon MarburyStephon Marbury
said he will not change plans and is heading to Las Vegas Friday to work out with KnicksNew York Knicks
veterans at a voluntary minicamp coinciding with summer league.

New hire Chris Duhon and Marbury's potential point-guard successor is also expected to work out with Marbury in Vegas, where the Knicks summer-leagueteam will hold its first practice Friday night. Can you say awkward?

Marbury was in the Bahamas vacationing with his family on July 4 when Duhon agreed to terms with the Knicks on a two-year contract, after which his agent,Kevin Bradbury, labeled Duhon the Knicks starting point guard.

Knicks: MORE: Knicks Blog

That further fueled speculation Marbury's Knicks' career was over.

"We will see how everything plays out in time," Marbury wrote in an e-mail to The Post yesterday from Los Angeles, where he is training in theHollywood Hills.

A source aware of Marbury's status claims a decision won't be made on his future until August, at the earliest, after Knicks president Donnie Walshplays the trade market. The Knicks want to see what more they can do before deciding whether to waive Marbury.

Walsh also wants to evaluate disappointing second-year point guard Mardy CollinsMardy Collins
and combo guard Nate Robinson during summer league.

Walsh told a confidant last week he wants Duhon to push Marbury in training camp. But Walsh, a lawyer, has made misleading statements before during hisbrief Knicks reign.

"It's premature," one source said of Marbury's release. "That hasn't been decided. There are other things that canhappen."

Despite the company line of evaluating the roster in August, this doesn't reek of a basketball decision. Marbury is better than any PG the Knicks have,but it seems the team wants Marbury back only as a last resort.

Marbury will perhaps become the scapegoat for last year's sexual harassment defeat, or his exit could become a symbol of next season's "freshstart."

Despite attempts, it's unlikely Marbury can be traded because they'd have to take back $21 million of contracts that expire before 2010.

Jamal Crawford, being shopped because his contract goes into 2010, could be traded, creating a stronger need for Marbury, whom Mike D'Antoni hasn'tdiscounted playing alongside Duhon.

His friends say Marbury isn't worried about future employment if released. The Celtics would be on his radar, considering they need point-guard help andformer teammate Kevin Garnett respects his game more than anyone. But on another level Marbury would be devastated at not getting a chance to reverse a tragic2007-08 season where he played in just 24 games. Marbury lost his father, Donald, and lost his father figure, Isiah Thomas, in a feud that started in November,and his health, succumbing to another ankle surgery.

The Post reported last month Thomas sent Marbury home from Phoenix to be bought out of his contract. Sources believe Thomas turned on Marbury, irate at hisoverly blunt testimony during the trial regarding his affair with a club intern.

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