Yeah, I mean...I guess they figure it's better to cut ties now.

Which I agree with.

Can't see that guy bringing anything positive to the table. On or even more the court.

I don't even mess w/ Duhon like that. I'll check youtube, don't really know much about his game.
EDIT- here's a vid, not bad.
Can't complain, if Duhon went to anyother school I would be ecstatic, but you know. Anyways biases aside, I like the signing, a bit more than I hoped butits alright only 2 years. And at this point in the game he woul;dn't be terrible as a starter. Rather have him off the bench though.
I dont think we will release Marbury. It doesn't help anyone really. We will just pay him to stay home, and do nothing. No team will really take a chanceon him, because just got out of surgery, and he hasn't played a full season of basketball in sometime.

I think we should let him play, and use him as trade bait. Either use Marbury, Duhon or Lee as trade bait to move Zbo. I see the Knicks using their option onCollin this summer, and trying to add Lee, Nate and Zbo into a deal just to move Zbo.
Nah, I think it's best to cut ties with Steph now. Let him go somewhere else and try to earn another contract. The Knicks don't want him around, andSteph isn't going to be happy with sitting around and not even having a chance to sell himself to other teams in a contract year.

The worst thing you can do it keep Steph and use his expiring contract as trade bait.
if they say that duhon is gonna be the starting, then steph must not be ready to play as a result of his injury

if steph is healthy, there's no question who should be running this squad

buying him out now would be the dumbest move in the history of western civilization
First off, nobody thinks we're winning more than 30 games MAX next year, right?

So, it's not like we're trying to put our best out there to contend, so...

Say he plays well like yall want.

Then what, give him a new deal?

Absolutely not.

Think any other team will want to trade for him? Probably not and what kinda contract/player would we get in return?

I'm sorry, but it really amazes me how ANYONE can defend or cheer for that man to succeed in a Knick uniform.
^^it doesn't make sense to move him now. It would work best for both parities if he can play now. It works for us because if he does end up playing well,he can be trade bait for us and would be easier to package in with Zbo so we can get cap relieve.

It works for him, because he knows we won't resign him next season and it gives him a chance to showcase his game to other teams so he can get somethinggood.
Him and Zbo together is A LOT of money...don't contracts have to have to match $ wise?

we don't need any bigger contracts (years) around here.

Trading him would be even worse, if you posses that expiring contract, do just that, let it expire.

And Again, who's gona take our trash?

...just buy the guy out and move on.

He's been a disgrace to this organization and I would love to never see him step foot on the Garden again.
but how would it feel for the rest of the teammates to see him still around when they said they obviously don't like him? his image is just bad and his repon and off the court would just cause more problems. best give him the scissors now
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

How would we get cap relief if we deal the biggest expiring contract in the NBA this season?

We can package him with Zbo/Lee/Nate anyone else.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Him and Zbo together is A LOT of money...don't contracts have to have to match $ wise?
They do have to match, but that doesn't mean we can't include 3-4 teams into a mix.
^^right, but we can get back something we have to deal with for about 2 years instead of the 3 years Zbo has left right now. We don't even have to get aplayer for a player type deal. We can get back 2 players who have shorter contracts fro Zbo's big contract. Although that depends on how many players areon the other teams roster.

That's why I say it would favor us more if there was a 4 team deal somewhere.
Not mad at the signing at all, I like Duhon's game.

He could be a legit backup point in the future.

Nice first step.
Do we even have a draft pick for next year? Maybe trade Marbury for a pick and basically pay his salary (sort of like how they do in baseball)
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