OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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[quote name="The Collector"][quote name="DarthSka"]In short: because they are being presented a lie.

I mentioned that in my previous reply.

prospect: "Seems super dangerous. Permanent brain damage. El Amin. Etc."

NFL: "Blah, blah, the NFL is working hard to ensure garble, garble, garble. No need to worry yourself with that. And actually inconclusive data. Something, something, safer work environment than Walmart."

*prospect enters draft*

*prospect retires as a veggie*

moral majority: "He knew what he was getting into."[/quote]

That's the point. A lie from a Football league. You mean to tell me there wasn't a doctor or health organization on Earth they could have turned to not associated with the NFL. Who's fault is that? Not every health organization is under the NFLs control.

Right now we get a small does of radiation from using cell phones. If you or I happen to get sick later in life are we to blame and sue phone companies because they didn't tell us when we purchased the phone? Even though the information is out there if they don't tell us it's there fault. Not ours.[/quote]Being presented a lie is the key.

I have never been told by any cell phone company that radiation is a myth.

And have you ever worked at a place that had potentially fatal risks unbeknownst to you and what you were told was that they did indeed have minimal risks?

See, you can't answer that.
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I can't speak for everyone else but I knew long ago that repeated concussions can be very bad for my health short and long term. If that's not common sense then yes I'm smarter then the masses who don't/didn't realize that. End of conversation.....
I can't speak for everyone else but I knew long ago that repeated concussions can be very bad for my health short and long term. If that's not common sense then yes I'm smarter then the masses who don't/didn't realize that. End of conversation.....
Did you think playing football could potentially lead to suicide? 
Why should history factor in it, brain damage is brain damage no matter the sport.
You just asked me if soccer will die like football, and I just said the history prevents it from dying :lol: Kids from Europe and Africa aren't going to stop playing soccer. And football has more brain injuries than any sport. Soccer has less concussion rates by a lot compared to hockey too. Parents would rather have their kids play soccer/baseball/basketball compared to those two (football/hockey). Hockey is already almost dead in the US and American football will probably see that soon in the next 20 years in terms of talent.
[quote name="The Collector"]I can't speak for everyone else but I knew long ago that repeated concussions can be very bad for my health short and long term. If that's not common sense then yes I'm smarter then the masses who don't/didn't realize that. End of conversation.....[/quote]That didn't answer the question at all. :lol:

I don't blame the bailout, though. There's no denying that employer cover-ups and blatant lies have influenced decisions that grossed millions for said employer. There's absolutely no denying that, and that's the core issue.

You were told that concussions are bad. I trust you have looked into the concussion data of every employee you have worked for. Or... have you just trusted... that the risk... was minimal?

And has an employer ever came out and specifically told you there is no risk when there is? Have you ever been mislead without knowing it?

"Tell dee TROOF!"
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In hindsight it was weird how the doctors handled one of my best friends concussions during youth and high school football. He had 2 or 3 concussions in middle school. And basically his doctor gave him a limit of concussions before saying he had to quit. It was 3 or 4 I cant remember. Instead of analyzing the severity of each concussion individually they gave him a number of concussions. I was on the field with him freshman year of football when he came back to the huddle talking all weird. Had to stop play to push his *** off the field. And he was done after that. Now he's having issues at age 24 and I really do believe this is why.
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zest God basically just came out the closet with the video he posted or reposted or whatever on Instagram.

he basically pranced to the hoop and set up an alley oop and then they choreograph danced to "ccccccccccelebrate" it
Soccer doesn't have anything close to a brain injury epidemic :lol: :lol:. Most of the injuries that happen involve the lower body. Occasionally upper body but rarely the head
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NFL isn't going anywhere
It won't and I don't want it too, I just think the NFL failed to revel the true effects of playing football to the generations before us and to an extent are still untruthful about it now, even though there medical evidence and living victims of it
Did you think playing football could potentially lead to suicide? 

Of course. Repeated head trauma can lead to any number of issues. I'm not gonna apologize for not needing my hand held in every situation with potential health risk. In theory you could go broke post your NFL career and take your life under the pressure of bills etc. Do you need to be told not to go broke? We live in a world now where no one can take personal responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. I'm not that person. The NFL couldn't convince me banging my head was 100% safe. Who takes any organizations word as gospel.

Randle El blamed his parents for not allowing him to play baseball. I didn't see the part where he blamed the league.
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Best thing NFL can do is state the game is dangerous and playing it my cause irrepairable at your own risk.

Trying to make football "safe" is an exercise in futility.
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I didn't watch concussion

What was the lie?
There is an element of intent for a statement to be considered a lie.
Did the NFL know about the potential brain damage and swept it under the rug?
I guess I'm just smarter than the masses too

The argument is really "NFL players need to be read that getting hit in the head multiple times endangers their health and have their hands held by the NFL because reading independent studies and analyzing the risks of their job is too difficult for them to do by themselves, despite being college students."
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I guess I'm just smarter than the masses too :lol:
The argument is really "NFL players need to be read that getting hit in the head multiple times endangers their health and have their hands held by the NFL because reading independent studies and analyzing the risks of their job is too difficult for them to do by themselves, despite being college students."
most of those "college students" weren't given scholarships for their academic career in high school :lol:

Like what Charles Barkley said one time with EJ

Ernie: "Auburn is a pretty good school. To graduate from there I suppose you really need to work hard and put forth maximum effort."
Charles: "20 pts and 10 rebounds will get you through also!"
[quote name="The Collector"]We live in a world now where no one can take personal responsibility for anything.[/quote]Nah, dog, you trying to spin this a certain type of way.

What about the personal accountability of millionaire liars misrepresenting their product?

You want personal accountability for select persons.

People taking advantage of others through drugs or manipulation need personal accountability, too, ESPECIALLY if they gain a profit from that advantage.


Absolutely. :wink:
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I guess I'm just smarter than the masses too

The argument is really "NFL players need to be read that getting hit in the head multiple times endangers their health and have their hands held by the NFL because reading independent studies and analyzing the risks of their job is too difficult for them to do by themselves, despite being college students."
That really IS asking a lot..

Quote on 183 college athletes - "60% read between fourth- and eighth-grade levels. Between 8% and 10% read below a third-grade level."

Maybe it is possible that....They Just Might NOT Know. Being in college doesn't mean they are smart
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From 2003 to 2009, for example, the NFL’s now disbanded Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee concluded in a series of scientific papers that “no NFL player” had experienced chronic brain damage from repeat concussions, and that “Professional football players do not sustain frequent repetitive blows to the brain on a regular basis.”

In the case of Omalu, league doctors publicly assailed his research, and in a rare move, demanded a retraction of his study. When Omalu spoke to FRONTLINE about the incident for the 2013 documentary, League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis, he said, “You can’t go against the NFL. They’ll squash you.”

You can defend the NFL all you want, but the facts show that they left the players in the dark on purpose on these studies
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