OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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The players knew that they were gonna get hurt, but most of them didn't know the risks would affect their brain, they all probably thought they would get some arthritis or bones broken, but not losing their mind like what happened to Junior Seau.

That's why all these CTE and concussion stuff is major news now to these players and they are becoming aware of it.

I think the NFL is gonna die in 20 years

Will soccer die too?
[quote name="The Collector"][quote name="DarthSka"]Potentially fatal health effects and irreversible nerve damage are not what they are told is on the table.

They are told "Blah, blah, the NFL is working hard to ensure garble, garble, garble."

And they buy it, because they are 19, and millions of dollars with only a risk of maybe a broken bone somewhere along the way, maybe not even that... sounds AMAZING.[/quote]The point people are missing is why must they be told? Who are these people who don't know anything about how the human brain works? I'm sorry but to not know IMO shows either a lack of common sense or straight up stupidity. All these guys are well aware concussions are common. Have been since the beginning of the sport. Memory loss wasn't discovered 10 years ago. Neither were half the issues associated with brain trauma. CTE is the new hot word but that's only 1 form of brain trauma. Info on concussions has been out here for years. They chose to take the leagues word for it. That's on them for not doing the research. The NFL isn't the only place on Earth the information is available. Randle played in the internet age. Google it. Very simple. The NFL doesn't control the health industry. They haven't suppressed the info from every health organization on Earth.

Even knowing the risk right now we have a league that has no problem filling a 53 man roster with practice squads and players who would sign up to play right now.[/quote]In short: because they are being presented a lie.

I mentioned that in my previous reply.

prospect: "Seems super dangerous. Permanent brain damage. El Amin. Etc."

NFL: "Blah, blah, the NFL is working hard to ensure garble, garble, garble. No need to worry yourself with that. And actually... inconclusive data. Something, something, safer work environment than Walmart."

*prospect enters draft*

*prospect retires as a veggie*

moral majority: "He knew what he was getting into."
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Probably more, and that's fine. But the NFL should be finding out all they can and fully disclosing the workplace hazards to their employees

I agree that the NFL was wrong for their role in suppressing info. Yet and still they aren't and don't have influence over world health organizations. These are multimillionaires who have access to some of the best doctors in the world. Claiming ignorance isn't a excuse.
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No way my kid will see a football field

Except punting :pimp:

No way my kid will see a football field

Except punting :pimp:

This, after all the flack they get, they're the smart ones here :lol:

I definitely have a hard time believing that these players didn't know the risk. Everyone of them has seen a guy get laid out unconscious. Now getting hooked on meds is another story.
[quote name="The Collector"]The point people are missing is why must they be told?[/quote] Because...[quote name="The Collector"]I agree that the NFL was wrong for their role in suppressing info.[/quote]... of that.
In short: because they are being presented a lie.

I mentioned that in my previous reply.

prospect: "Seems super dangerous. Permanent brain damage. El Amin. Etc."

NFL: "Blah, blah, the NFL is working hard to ensure garble, garble, garble. No need to worry yourself with that. And actually inconclusive data. Something, something, safer work environment than Walmart."

*prospect enters draft*

*prospect retires as a veggie*

moral majority: "He knew what he was getting into."

That's the point. A lie from a Football league. You mean to tell me there wasn't a doctor or health organization on Earth they could have turned to not associated with the NFL. Who's fault is that? Not every health organization is under the NFLs control.

Right now we get a small does of radiation from using cell phones. If you or I happen to get sick later in life are we to blame and sue phone companies because they didn't tell us when we purchased the phone? Even though the information is out there if they don't tell us it's there fault. Not ours.
It seems the NFL is still figuring out the risks, how do players know besides the most basic terms and effects?
Look, I don't think there's a single 21 year old in all of college football that doesn't know the effects of getting your head smashed repeatedly.

I knew that when I was 7, these dudes are in college and going to the NFL, they should fully understand the risks of their sport.

And if they don't, lets be honest, it's not like their brain was contributing much to society anyways...
Let's be real 20 years ago do you think All-American 18, 19, & 20 yr olds were being told in 20 years you may not be able to walk down a flight of stairs, remember your own kids name, or even worse case scenario commit suicide because of bad headache you will experience on a daily bases? To think they did, you guys are the true idiots.

Randle El is 36.....

Junior Seau was 43....

Jovan Belcher was 25....

Jamal Lewis is 36.....

All are player we know that either have uncomfortable lives or have taken their's by the age of 50... and that's just the tip of the mammoth iceburg


But wait..."They knew's common sense"
Probably more, and that's fine. But the NFL should be finding out all they can and fully disclosing the workplace hazards to their employees
Pretty much the NFL will have to do these studies more, or else they are going to keep getting sued
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You think football players are going to read hundreds of pages of medical research to understand the risk of getting your head smashed repeatedly?
Its common sense but we live in a world where everything has to be documented for legal purposes.
Sad thing it's really right in front of us.... Jeremy Maclin, Percy Harvin, Wes Welker..... but we don't even realize it... or either choose not too
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