Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

I never said Crosby should fight someone that he knows would kick his $#$...all I'm saying is that Crosby isn't a dummy as far as who he fights andwhen he fights...he'll either surprise someone with a fight like he did w. McLean last year, or he'll fight a non-fighter like he didtonight....let's see him try some of that BS with someone like Mike Richards or even Sean Avery for that matter. All of them are around the same size...butthe main thing is they (Richards and Avery) can fight...

And are you seriously questioning why someone would think Crosby is a POS???
I'll leave that open-ended for your interpretation...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I never said Crosby should fight someone that he knows would kick his $#$...all I'm saying is that Crosby isn't a dummy as far as who he fights and when he fights...he'll either surprise someone with a fight like he did w. McLean last year, or he'll fight a non-fighter like he did tonight....let's see him try some of that BS with someone like Mike Richards or even Sean Avery for that matter. All of them are around the same size...but the main thing is they (Richards and Avery) can fight...

And are you seriously questioning why someone would think Crosby is a POS???
I'll leave that open-ended for your interpretation...
...uh, you're still saying the same thing I questioned you about. Why would he fight somebody that can fight? He's not a fighter himselfand doesn't pretend to be. Picking your battles seems like the intelligent move to me.

And yeah, I'm seriously questioning why he's a POS... because I know you're the type of dude who would love him if he were on your team.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I never said Crosby should fight someone that he knows would kick his $#$...all I'm saying is that Crosby isn't a dummy as far as who he fights and when he fights...he'll either surprise someone with a fight like he did w. McLean last year, or he'll fight a non-fighter like he did tonight....let's see him try some of that BS with someone like Mike Richards or even Sean Avery for that matter. All of them are around the same size...but the main thing is they (Richards and Avery) can fight...

And are you seriously questioning why someone would think Crosby is a POS???
I'll leave that open-ended for your interpretation...
...uh, you're still saying the same thing I questioned you about. Why would he fight somebody that can fight? He's not a fighter himself and doesn't pretend to be. Picking your battles seems like the intelligent move to me.

And yeah, I'm seriously questioning why he's a POS... because I know you're the type of dude who would love him if he were on your team.
I don't think you get it. At all. It's not about fighting someone who can "fight"'s about fighting someone who may bea wee bit tougher than the McLean's and Zidlicky's of the NHL....Mike Richards repeatedly has less PIMs than Crosby, but I'd almost bet thatyou'd never see Crosby drop the gloves with him. If you're going to be willing to drop the gloves against softer guys, then you should be willing todrop the gloves with tougher opponents. I remember Rick Nash (who isn't a fighter himself..and doesn't pretend to be) dropped the gloves against JimVandermeer. Dan Carcillo can fight, but he still went up against Raitis Ivanans...Vinny Lecavalier tried his best vs. Zdeno Chara goes on and on. Theseguys show guts and fortitude that Crosby has yet to display....keep fighting soft players Sid....

*why wouldn't I want Crosby on my team? He's a top 3-5 player in the NHL....just cause I think he's a POS doesn't mean I wouldn't want himplaying for my squad...
Hold up...

I don't remember Princess Vinny going up against Chara...

*goes to Youtube*

I remember this for Vinny.
that's why Vinny is my dude.� I'd love to have him on my team.� I'll never forget this one I got up and starting screaming
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I never said Crosby should fight someone that he knows would kick his $#$...all I'm saying is that Crosby isn't a dummy as far as who he fights and when he fights...he'll either surprise someone with a fight like he did w. McLean last year, or he'll fight a non-fighter like he did tonight....let's see him try some of that BS with someone like Mike Richards or even Sean Avery for that matter. All of them are around the same size...but the main thing is they (Richards and Avery) can fight...

And are you seriously questioning why someone would think Crosby is a POS???
I'll leave that open-ended for your interpretation...
...uh, you're still saying the same thing I questioned you about. Why would he fight somebody that can fight? He's not a fighter himself and doesn't pretend to be. Picking your battles seems like the intelligent move to me.

And yeah, I'm seriously questioning why he's a POS... because I know you're the type of dude who would love him if he were on your team.
I don't think you get it. At all. It's not about fighting someone who can "fight"'s about fighting someone who may be a wee bit tougher than the McLean's and Zidlicky's of the NHL....Mike Richards repeatedly has less PIMs than Crosby, but I'd almost bet that you'd never see Crosby drop the gloves with him. If you're going to be willing to drop the gloves against softer guys, then you should be willing to drop the gloves with tougher opponents. I remember Rick Nash (who isn't a fighter himself..and doesn't pretend to be) dropped the gloves against Jim Vandermeer. Dan Carcillo can fight, but he still went up against Raitis Ivanans...Vinny Lecavalier tried his best vs. Zdeno Chara goes on and on. These guys show guts and fortitude that Crosby has yet to display....keep fighting soft players Sid....

*why wouldn't I want Crosby on my team? He's a top 3-5 player in the NHL....just cause I think he's a POS doesn't mean I wouldn't want him playing for my squad...
same old song and dance from you... i'm notbothering.

You have a really interesting world view, anybody ever tell you that?

If you're going to be willing to drop the gloves against softer guys, then you should be willing to drop the gloves with tougher opponents.

edit: wait, i could let this go. This is the most illogical thing in the whole post though. Okay - so if I'm willing to fight some local drunk down thestreet, I should be willing to fight some UFC guy too? Like - do you understand the concept of picking your battles? At all?

Guts and fortitude?
In your world maybe. I prefer the guy who puts uppoints rather than fighting minutes in the box. Guts is having to play with a target on your back every night like he does and still delivering.

But again - it's your world J's... everything how you see it or not at all.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I never said Crosby should fight someone that he knows would kick his $#$...all I'm saying is that Crosby isn't a dummy as far as who he fights and when he fights...he'll either surprise someone with a fight like he did w. McLean last year, or he'll fight a non-fighter like he did tonight....let's see him try some of that BS with someone like Mike Richards or even Sean Avery for that matter. All of them are around the same size...but the main thing is they (Richards and Avery) can fight...

And are you seriously questioning why someone would think Crosby is a POS???
I'll leave that open-ended for your interpretation...
...uh, you're still saying the same thing I questioned you about. Why would he fight somebody that can fight? He's not a fighter himself and doesn't pretend to be. Picking your battles seems like the intelligent move to me.

And yeah, I'm seriously questioning why he's a POS... because I know you're the type of dude who would love him if he were on your team.
I don't think you get it. At all. It's not about fighting someone who can "fight"'s about fighting someone who may be a wee bit tougher than the McLean's and Zidlicky's of the NHL....Mike Richards repeatedly has less PIMs than Crosby, but I'd almost bet that you'd never see Crosby drop the gloves with him. If you're going to be willing to drop the gloves against softer guys, then you should be willing to drop the gloves with tougher opponents. I remember Rick Nash (who isn't a fighter himself..and doesn't pretend to be) dropped the gloves against Jim Vandermeer. Dan Carcillo can fight, but he still went up against Raitis Ivanans...Vinny Lecavalier tried his best vs. Zdeno Chara goes on and on. These guys show guts and fortitude that Crosby has yet to display....keep fighting soft players Sid....

*why wouldn't I want Crosby on my team? He's a top 3-5 player in the NHL....just cause I think he's a POS doesn't mean I wouldn't want him playing for my squad...
same old song and dance from you... i'm not bothering.

You have a really interesting world view, anybody ever tell you that?

If you're going to be willing to drop the gloves against softer guys, then you should be willing to drop the gloves with tougher opponents.

edit: wait, i could let this go. This is the most illogical thing in the whole post though. Okay - so if I'm willing to fight some local drunk down the street, I should be willing to fight some UFC guy too? Like - do you understand the concept of picking your battles? At all?

Guts and fortitude?
In your world maybe. I prefer the guy who puts up points rather than fighting minutes in the box. Guts is having to play with a target on your back every night like he does and still delivering.

But again - it's your world J's... everything how you see it or not at all.

you ever admit that you're wrong? You're not "bothering" because *gasp* you have no rebuttal. For someone who thinks they areso smart, I swear you are stuck on stupid sometimes.

Let's talk about your weak UFC analogy. You say if you are willing to fight a local drunk down the street then you should be willing to fight a UFC guy aswell....How the HELL does that apply to the NHL, boss? Crosby is no dummy. Rather than fighting random dudes on the street (going backto your dumb analogy), he knows EXACTLY who he is dropping the gloves with. That's the difference. You think Crosby is just going to drop the mitts withanyone? LMAOOOOO....look at the second comment that I posted below.

This is why I respect the likes of Rick Nash, Vinny Lecavalier, or even Dan Carcillo for that matter. 2/3 of those guys are not fighters, but they knew whothey were fighting against (in Carcillo's case he gave up 5 inches and 60 ragdolled, but still dropped the mitts). Let me know when Sid doesthe same...until then, I hope he fares well in his next bout vs. Tomas Fleischmann.

here are some comments from hockeyfights...

Per usual, Sid goes after a guy who has no fighting resume and without prompt, he simply drops his gloves and starts throwing down. Run through his fight logs and you'll see the same approach by him every time.

I hate ho people give Cindy props for fighting when he goes at guys that are nobodies. He got hit, saw who it was and tried to look tough

He won/dominated the fight...but best believe if it had been Mike Richards or even Sean Avery for that matter, all he would have done was the slash on theankles....
The Devils keep rolling along on the road. They've won their first 7 road games of the season and are now 8-4 on the year. %+$!%@ part is is thatthey're obviously 1-4 at home. Someone said they find ways to win on the road and Lemaire responded with "Well thats good because we find ways to loseat home."Also this Sidney Crosby argument is becoming moot. I don't like him at all but he plays the game extremely well and arguably better thananyone else. Sure he might do some dirty stuff and pick his battles but everyone does. You talk about guys like Carcillo knowing who to fight, well thats whathe does, he's a fighter. If you want to mix skill in with physicality it has to be Iginla. He's the only guy in the league IMO who will put up a hattrick on you while punching your face in. It is however pretty obvious Zidlicky had no idea they were dropping the gloves.
Sat 3 rows up from the ice last night, never been that close during an NHL game before. Watching shooting in warmups gives me a new appreciation for goalies,period.

But Vokoun
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

The Devils keep rolling along on the road. They've won their first 7 road games of the season and are now 8-4 on the year. %+$!%@ part is is that they're obviously 1-4 at home. Someone said they find ways to win on the road and Lemaire responded with "Well thats good because we find ways to lose at home."Also this Sidney Crosby argument is becoming moot. I don't like him at all but he plays the game extremely well and arguably better than anyone else. Sure he might do some dirty stuff and pick his battles but everyone does. You talk about guys like Carcillo knowing who to fight, well thats what he does, he's a fighter. If you want to mix skill in with physicality it has to be Iginla. He's the only guy in the league IMO who will put up a hat trick on you while punching your face in. It is however pretty obvious Zidlicky had no idea they were dropping the gloves.
I 100% disagree with you saying EVERYONE picks their battles (more specifically against lesser adversaries)....I brought up Carcillo ONLY inreference to his bout w. can look at Rick Nash/Vandermeer and Vincent Lecavalier going up against Chara as examples of guys who chose to dropthe mitts REGARDLESS of the pedigree of the guy they were scrapping with. They didn't pick out the softest guy on the ice...they dropped the mitts with noregard for what may happen to themselves or their faces when the bouts concluded....

I'm going to drop the argument, because you are right...the whole debate on Crosby is becoming moot. I think he's an awesome player, but I don'tlike the way he goes about things on the ice....that's all.
I'm just still befuddled by how you can say he should be fighting guys he knows will beat him? Like you're saying he should voluntarily get his !!+kicked once in awhile just to prove he's tough?

Just become SOME guys decide to fight bigger targets doesn't mean it's the correct way to handle yourself. It doesn't make it right or wrong.
^Just read that he's listed as day-to-day w. an upper body injury (possibly his shoulder)

he got roughed up by Chimera in a scrum....Chimera was mad because Ovechkin ran him over earlier in the game...

well, if he's gonna be out for a few games the rest of the team has to step up. More production from the 3rd line, and a better defensive effort allaround....
IMO it's always good for a team to have to play a few games without their superstar player........

I'm hoping Kessel makes his debut in the Blue & White tomorrow as I'll be attending the game.
@ Hedman attempting to tilly with Richards just now..........why the Euro'salways keep 1 glove on? !%@$ pisses me off when the softy's always do that.
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