Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

they also debut 3rd jerseys tonight against the BJ's
The 3rds are so ill.

PhilBalla09 wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

3rd time is the charm suckas!!

yeah, it's not happening

How bout those Bruins?

ah good look fellas

bjm...with all this warm weather, you nervous at all about them being able to freeze ice in fenway?
I actually hadnt though about that... I'm sure they have a backup plan to artificially freeze it. I hope it snows so bad..
Did you guys see that article on Puck Daddy where it was saying Pronger doesn't want to step on Mike Richards' toes while the team is on this slide?There were some comments on the article that some folks were calling for Richards to relinquish the captaincy and give the "C" to Pronger...they saidthat Richards is more of a lead-by-example type of player, and not necessairly a dude who will do some of the little things off the ice to get the most out ofhis was interesting...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Did you guys see that article on Puck Daddy where it was saying Pronger doesn't want to step on Mike Richards' toes while the team is on this slide? There were some comments on the article that some folks were calling for Richards to relinquish the captaincy and give the "C" to Pronger...they said that Richards is more of a lead-by-example type of player, and not necessairly a dude who will do some of the little things off the ice to get the most out of his was interesting...
they should give it to Pronger.

Spoiler [+]
Tough Spot: Pronger Won't Step on Richards' Toes

When the Flyers traded for Chris Pronger at the NHL Draft last summer, general manager Paul Holmgren said that the game's best defenseman would be expected would be vocal in the dressing room.

That he'd be someone 24-year-old team captain Mike Richards could lean on during hard times.

Well, these are hard times right now, with the Flyers losing five of their last six games and dropping like a stone in the Eastern Conference standings.

Pronger told on Tuesday that Richards has not asked for his help and that he is wary of "stepping" on Richards' toes.

Holmgren added that now may be the time for Richards to trust his instincts, but the young centerman appears to be at a crossroads.

"Mike is an intelligent young man," Holmgren said. "He knows that he has experienced guys around him he can lean on if he has to. But I also think he has to trust his gut in certain situations. Maybe that is where he is at a crossroads right now. He has to trust his gut and his instincts. I think he has good instincts."

Pronger told he is walking a "tightrope" in the dressing room right now.

"He hasn't asked me for any help," Pronger said of Richards. "I've been in his shoes. It's not [bleeping] easy. The expectations are high on him and on the team. We're not playing to the best of our abilities, and a lot of that gets shouldered by the captain.

"Sometimes it's fair and just and sometimes it's not, and it's hard to deal with that, especially at [his] age. You're trying to figure out yourself. At 24, some kids are coming out of college, business school, some don't even have a job at 24."

Richards and Holmgren met recently to discuss the team's slide, but Pronger, who is 35, said he has not been asked for advice from his end.

Pronger won a Stanley Cup in Anaheim in 2007, and has an Olympic gold medal with Team Canada, plus a Hart Trophy.

"[Richards] hasn't come to me [to] ask me anything, and it's delicate because at the end of the day, it's his team," Pronger said. "He's the captain. He needs to show the rest of the players that it is his team. I don't want to be the guy that has to stand up every day and tell ourselves to look into the mirror and play better and all this stuff.

"I don't know if he is 'rah-rah' type or talkative type. It is a difficult tightrope to walk. I don't want to step on his toes. Maybe he is evaluating. You can't just jump into a situation and ranting and raving without understanding what has gone on here in the past, as well.

"He's been here four years and sees how things have progressed from being a s----y team to a pretty good team, to having even higher expectations. I would think he has a better read on some of these guys than I do.

"I think Homer is right. [Richards] has to trust his instincts that got him to where he is at. That is something you learn early on. Especially, when you struggle to play the game sometimes, which we all do."

Pronger said if Richards is questioning his own instincts, "if he's already at that point, then I think we'll see something within the next few days. If he's trying to trust his gut or ask for help. I know Homer has talked to him"

Pronger said the entire club understands "the ramifications" of losing ground in the standings and also said the team seems to be trying "too hard" to win games. Several players said this week the Flyers sometimes make the game harder than it is on the ice.

"The expectations are high, you want to accept that challenge and embrace it and overcome it, but there is the idea you want it too badly or push it too much," Pronger said. "You try too hard to score a goal when the simple play is to throw if off the goalie's pads and the teammate who's driving the net, bangs it in. Little things like that get lost in the shuffle of what you are doing. ... You try to make the game more difficult than it is."

Coach John Stevens has emphasized that the effort is there but not the results.

"It's not like we're not working hard or just out there bleeping around," Pronger added. "We're not putting the puck in the net. Little things like that, sometimes, you over-evaluate and over-analyze things. The simplest thing is to take a step back and look at it from a simple perspective."

Pronger said the 1-0 loss in Atlanta was easy to dissect.

"How could we have won that game in Atlanta?" Pronger asked. "Could it have been that [3-minute] power play? Absolutely! Could it have been not to take that bleeping penalty-and go down 5-on-3? Absolutely! How about scoring some goals 5-on-5?

"Instead of Richie one-timing it and instead of [the puck] going into the corner, maybe it goes off his mask into the net? There's a lot of different things. If you want to analyze, there are 10, 12, 15 things that happen in the course of a game that could change a game and have it go either way.

"When you are not playing as well as we had been, and playing like crap on that road trip and losing and losing and then you are starting to come out of it, and playing a little bit better, you are still going to lose coming up that slope.

"You're playing good enough to win, but you are still in the dump, you're losing those games. At some point, that turns and you are winning those games. Then you've turned the corner."

Pronger said he felt the past couple games the Flyers deserved to win, but they still haven't cleared "the hump."

"We're losing games we should win right now, but hopefully, we're over the crest, we can see the top and start scoring some goals and win," he said.

The Flyers have one more off day before playing Vancouver on Thursday.

"We need to make it [bleeping] happen on Thursday," Pronger said. "It needs to [bleeping] happen now, so we can get over that hump and get this ship headed into the right direction."
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Did you guys see that article on Puck Daddy where it was saying Pronger doesn't want to step on Mike Richards' toes while the team is on this slide? There were some comments on the article that some folks were calling for Richards to relinquish the captaincy and give the "C" to Pronger...they said that Richards is more of a lead-by-example type of player, and not necessairly a dude who will do some of the little things off the ice to get the most out of his was interesting...
Seems like one of those arbitrary issues the media likes to blame when a team isn't doing so well. Sort of like how "Europeans dont makegood leaders" except all that talk went out the window when the Red Wings won 2 seasons ago.

Richards is the face of that franchise...I bet you wont be hearing @%!+ from the media when he's one day hoisting the Cup.
That was a great shootout. I honestly felt bad for Mason. He hasn't had the best year and he's been downright terrible in shootouts and last night hewas great in the shootout. It honestly looked like almost everyone who shot for Columbus had never taken one before or really didn't give a F. They werehorrid in the shootout.
Shootouts are the WORST thing about the NHL. I absolutely hate them. Like I read on PD the other day, you have guys battling it out for 60+ minutes ONLY tohave the game decided by a skill competition.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Shootouts are the WORST thing about the NHL. I absolutely hate them. Like I read on PD the other day, you have guys battling it out for 60+ minutes ONLY to have the game decided by a skill competition.
Tell em why you're mad son
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Shootouts are the WORST thing about the NHL. I absolutely hate them. Like I read on PD the other day, you have guys battling it out for 60+ minutes ONLY to have the game decided by a skill competition.
Tell em why you're mad son
laugh.gif have NO idea how much I hate the SO. If you all don't read PD, you should check it out. It's the best hockey blog on the net. They had awrite up about it a few days ago, and I share the same sentiments. For me, I understand why the NHL implemented the SO post-lockout. You want to gain somecasual fans to watch your sport, so what better way than to have a skills competition at the end of OT. It's a gimmick...nothing more and nothing less. If the shootout was that essential to the NHL, then you would be seeing it in the playoffs. The playoff format in the NHL is incredible. To me, it's theBEST post-season out of the four major sports (baseball, basketball, football, nascar tho) in North Amercia. I'd be tight as hell if I was a playeron the losing end of a shootout when I played my *!! off for 60+ minutes. Imagine being the losing team due to some turd like Derek Boogaard slipping the puckpast your goalie in like the 14th round? Now imagine if they had this in the playoffs???
The NHL can get rid of the shootout for all that I care, and Ireally hope that they do. It's a real terrible way to decide a game. Games in the regular season should just have a 10 minute OT of 4-on-4 hockey. Ifthere is no winner, then you can get one point to each team for the tie. Anyways, I could go on and on, but I'm getting fired up
I'm going tostop now...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Shootouts are the WORST thing about the NHL. I absolutely hate them. Like I read on PD the other day, you have guys battling it out for 60+ minutes ONLY to have the game decided by a skill competition.
Tell em why you're mad son
laugh.gif have NO idea how much I hate the SO. If you all don't read PD, you should check it out. It's the best hockey blog on the net. They had a write up about it a few days ago, and I share the same sentiments. For me, I understand why the NHL implemented the SO post-lockout. You want to gain some casual fans to watch your sport, so what better way than to have a skills competition at the end of OT. It's a gimmick...nothing more and nothing less. If the shootout was that essential to the NHL, then you would be seeing it in the playoffs. The playoff format in the NHL is incredible. To me, it's the BEST post-season out of the four major sports (baseball, basketball, football, nascar tho) in North Amercia. I'd be tight as hell if I was a player on the losing end of a shootout when I played my *!! off for 60+ minutes. Imagine being the losing team due to some turd like Derek Boogaard slipping the puck past your goalie in like the 14th round? Now imagine if they had this in the playoffs???
The NHL can get rid of the shootout for all that I care, and I really hope that they do. It's a real terrible way to decide a game. Games in the regular season should just have a 10 minute OT of 4-on-4 hockey. If there is no winner, then you can get one point to each team for the tie. Anyways, I could go on and on, but I'm getting fired up
I'm going to stop now...
holy wall of text!


i can dig what djs is saying...but i wish theyd play more than 5 minutes of OT if they were to get rid of the SO.
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