Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

just overall not impressed or satisfied with these. with all the hype and the nice looks of the shoe, the full length air, i figured these would be ready to go out the box. they look comfy, but most comfy shoes are comfy out the box. not tryna complain or anything, just expressing my discontent with the shoes in case anyone was on the fence. for $160, i'd say don't bother with these. these are all hype just cause they're "the new lebrons."

I feel the exact same way about the Hypermaxes. Seeing as how these look like a similar set up, I was curious if the feel would be the same.

and I dont buy that "break in" stuff. For as long as I've worn Nike's, I've never had to break in the cushioning.
Why do I need to cut my nails? they're mine, dont worry about me over here, im good. I was just tryna show yall how the Lebron's look.
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

oh nah, im good. but im just saying what do my nails have to with the shoes? dont worry about my nails

Just cut your nails homie. Hey sorry for my ignorance but are you West Hollywood material?
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

lol. nah, im not 40, no where near it.

since you took the pic...can you tell me if the mid-section of the shoe is patent or leather? I've asked about 2 times now and have yet to get aresponse...
i think the backing towards the heel might be and very back of it... i honestly dont remember. ill take more pics when i go back to work. lol but theymajority, like 95% plus of the white on the shoe is leather
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