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Oreo's Yeezy II.....Ultra hyper 3rd strike release on ndc anytime now
I can already imagine all the instagram pics with milk.
Shoulda made some twinkie yeezy 2's and see if they go for more than those twinkies people trying to sell on ebay for 21 mil 
rspot, please pm me back, been looking for something like this on elance for a while now lol.  definitely feel like you should be getting paid for this work 
I like them. If I had a shot at retail, I'd pick them up. I wouldn't be mad if I missed em though. That's a little more white mesh and rubber than I'm comfortable with.
The purpose of this program is to open links posted by selected accounts instantly after they are posted on Twitter. This is ahead of text message notifications, Twitter web client updates, etc. This will not help with RSVP releases, only NDC releases.

Download for both platforms found clean by 44 independent and up-to-date virus scanners
OS X specific instructions
  • Download from the OS X link above
  • Safari will automatically extract the program into ~/Downloads/twinkle-v03a. Open that folder *
  • Follow the rest of the instructions below.
* I assume you are using Safari, steps may be slightly different otherwise

Windows specific instructions
  • Download from the Windows link above
  • After it finishes downloading, go to your downloads folder and double click the zip file to open it
  • Drag the two files inside of the .zip to a folder on the Desktop or wherever you can find it. Keep that folder open.
  • Follow the rest of the instructions below.
Instructions for both platforms (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • Double-click twinkle_config.txt to open it
  • Edit in your Twitter username and password (use a throwaway account for best results)
  • Add your own Twitter handle in place of youraccount (without the @) for testing purposes
  • Save and close the config file
  • Double click twinkle to start the program
After a short initialization period, tweets about Nike will start scrolling by. Only tweets from followed accounts containing links will be opened though. Note: links will open faster if your default browser is already opened.

To test, make sure your account is in the follow list (case-sensitive in version 0.3a) and tweet a link. Watch it open... instantly!

Known bugs
  • On OS X v0.3a, names in the follow list are case-sensitive. If you do not match the name exactly as it is on twitter, it won't work.
For support, please PM me. Include your email address if possible.

Please don't quote this post. It's long and makes the thread look bad.

Please post feedback in this thread. I won't continue to release software if you don't. Thanks for all the feedback and reps so far.
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The purpose of this program is to open links posted by selected accounts instantly after they are posted on Twitter. This is ahead of text message notifications, Twitter web client updates, etc. This will not help with RSVP releases, only NDC releases.

Please post feedback in this thread. I won't continue to release software if you don't. Thanks for all the feedback and reps so far.

rspot, you have done a great service for the sneaker community. Posting it on NT is kind of a gift and a curse being the kind of forum it is and all. Although incredibly useful if proven to be clean and without flaw it's usefulness may be dwindled down to marginal once adopted by most every member. I thank you for the contribution none the less and the work you put forth is greatly appreciated. The fact that you literally could've made a couple hundred grand with this program but provided it for free says alot as well.
The purpose of this program is to open links posted by selected accounts instantly after they are posted on Twitter. This is ahead of text message notifications, Twitter web client updates, etc. This will not help with RSVP releases, only NDC releases.
A question and a statement.

1. Works fine with Chrome on Windows.

2. Will you give this out to as many people as possible, or will you have a cutoff point?
Awesome program. Repped rspot. Please folks on here, do not run and tell everyone to come here and dl it, it should be #NT only.
For all those concerned about the program getting into the hands of too many people, notice the "checking for developer authorization" line at startup.

Basically, the program checks a secret twitter account at startup to see if it should continue running. I can disable the current releases at anytime, even for those who have already downloaded it. Then I could release a new version to a more select group.

I have been talking to a few people about the best way to choose users and distribute it but there doesn't seem to be a good way to do it. I also keep running into the PM limit when trying to talk through this stuff.

A couple of ideas have come up. a few a month? a couple  per release date used? Anyone who bothers to send me a PM? Something else? If anyone has any good ideas, let me know.
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Awesome program. Repped rspot. Please folks on here, do not run and tell everyone to come here and dl it, it should be #NT only.

What are the odds this stays any kind of secret unless rspot figures out a way to kill his previous version and releases a version to those that have already downloaded the earlier version. Its an incredible program but unfortunately posting it on NT is like giving eveybody a *golden gun with heat seeking bullets.

*Nintendo 64 Goldeneye reference :D

EDIT: Rspot, glad you have some control over access. Nice!
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For all those concerned about the program getting into the hands of too many people, notice the "checking for developer authorization" line at startup.

Basically, the program checks a secret twitter account at startup to see if it should continue running. I can disable the current releases at anytime, even for those who have already downloaded it. Then I could release a new version to a more select group.

I have been talking to a few people about the best way to choose users and distribute it but there doesn't seem to be a good way to do it. I also keep running into the PM limit when trying to talk through this stuff.

A couple of ideas have come up. Join date / post count? $5 or $10 a month? $1-3 per release date used? Anyone who bothers to send me a PM? Something else? If anyone has any good ideas, let me know.

Maybe accounts over a certain number of posts and reps that way in order to get the program they have to be an actual contributing member of NT. Also YOU should REALLY be getting paid off of this dude like seriously, I'd feel guilty having something like this and NOT paying or tipping something for this so maybe a monthly fee would be a good idea as a thanks. I mean we are people dropping $500+ a month on shoes, why not tip someone that helps that process. Its only right and well deserved.
Join Date/Post count won't be a good idea because some of us weren't able to take our screen names and post counts to the new board.

I think it should a 1 time fee to a limited amount and then close it off.
 why do ppl keep making these comments alot of ppl lost  their old username when the switch was made myself included.
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All that money talk in your post is gonna get you banned.... Better edit that.

Actually all that talk about non yeezy stuff is gonna get this thread locked.

Make a thread in general or leave it strictly to PM
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I am sorry if this ruffles some feathers, but rspot is not revolutionizing the shoe game with his program. In fact, there are many programs who use the same Twitter'like' API process; most of them with millions of dollars in backing. A little research goes along way. With that said, I am not taking anything away from rspot. God knows I am not that skilled with computer code. Just thought I'd fan the flames a bit.
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