what are my chances of scoring an unclaimed pair at a FTL/FA/Champs in SoCal if I head out right now? lol :frown:
I don't just get shoe because it's limited. I have to like the color way. I missed out on the Easter, MC's, and couldn't get the blitz's because I was in the hospital. But other than those didn't really try for anything else.
Most of those aren't limited, and I didn't say you should buy shoes you don't like. I was simply pointing out that that dude was wrong when he said you were missing only 4-5 pairs.
As quick as they was to take the money out, it must be fast...LOL
Them taking the money out has nothing to do with how fast they ship. That's just a pre-authorization charge that just about every website does for any order to make sure that you actually have the funds available in your account.
NONE, probably already a line at NT LA or SM
Well I wasn't going to try NikeTowns anyway cause I heard they got less pairs than some HoH / Champs. Was just wondering what was the pickup times since it was a friday most people have work and such.
Word is the link for the shoe was leaked here on NT, ISS, and Twitter.  So people had them in carts 1-2 mins before it was ever tweeted.
probably true. many people know that evilside posts the link early. then people in the Bot thread discussed adding the item to the cart before the tweet then checking out once the tweet goes out to ensure they don't get megged.

I agree, releases have been harder and harder to get. my heart died when I missed out on the galaxy foams... after that, its been meh and expected to miss out.
what the hell.

i never posted the early link anywhere.

find the proof.
Actually it wasn't really a backdoor, just simply code search.  And was posted by someone else (not ES) as a troll but turns out it works.  Nike must have made mistake on their end.
Them taking the money out has nothing to do with how fast they ship. That's just a pre-authorization charge that just about every website does for any order to make sure that you actually have the funds available in your account.
But, Nike put your money on hold until it's delivered. Even Eastbay don't take my money out that fast lol. I made a mistake w/ my statement last time. I meant to say they must ship them out today
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can you post a link to this early link posting.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>"Backdoor" Kobe WTK Link
<a href=""></a></p>— Validity Sneakers (@ValiditySneaker) <a href="">December 6, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

edit: did that intentionally. i'm sure you can figure out the rest of trail and later tweet.

this guy did have screenshot confirmation of double pairs:, but taken down from tweeter about an hour ago.
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So they switched from fcfs at the last minute to tickets. Thankfully my grandma don't stress over stuff like that and likes helping. Seem like a lot have not picked up their pairs. Guy said 8 is their deadline will try then.
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