ha champssports site crashed and i clicked nike twitter link ASAP and it was sold out

Eastbay and Champs both crashed at I clicked on the NDC link and that sucker was sold out immediately. Seriously, it's ridiculous. They have to know people are using bots.
One thing that sucks... since last year, it's gotten 1000 times worse. Nike changed the format of their site to HELP bots, not destroy them. Last year, the asg release for example, the initial drop, then for the next hour if you kept checking they added sizes slowly. They did this for a good while, then when they did the wait in line bs, it's truly all about the fastest bot. They made the problem themselves. If they released them in bunches like before, the bots would only get the initial bunch, and it would be a better chance for the rest.

This....the old system rewarded perseverance. Now it's all about connection and script speed. I don't doubt there were people smart enough to be using them back then, but NDC bots were nowhere near the problem they are now.
I need to stop looking at pics of the WTK. The more I look , the more I realize how COLD these are

Pic before work the temptation was super real..saw my size too [emoji]128553[/emoji]
willowbrook right? Saw that the other day :lol: they shouldnt leave em out like that
I've bought nikes for way over retail, love the 8s so much, but I just lookedup what resellers are asking for already, who in their right minds loves the WTkobe enough to drop luxury brand money on these?
I will take some solace in the fact that I believe the BHM are a better CW than the WTK. Still would have liked a fighting shot, but oh well, can close the book on kobe 8 now and prepare to be disappointed in the 9. Probably grab one, but doubt I would ever rock them on the regular like I do 8s.
knowing nike, they will let us have sparks, but make them crazy limited  
isn't this statement already true? i would call a shanghai-only drop crazy limited. so i guess they let us have it, no bot required, just round trip airfare to china
ha champssports site crashed and i clicked nike twitter link ASAP and it was sold out

Most times, the time it takes to click on the Twitter link is about a second too long when it comes to a limited shoe like this.

And Nike "says" they care about fairness and bots and blah blah blah... but they really don't.

Nike is a business. To be successful, they need to sell product to make $$$. And they do it well...

While I'm not a fan of these WTKs, it amazes me how so many were ready to fork over $140+ to NDC for a pair of mismatched shoes, so early in the morning. Nike is a MASTER at what they do.
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