Chalmers though? He’s wasn’t top tier.
If you’re a role player, know your role and shut your mouth.


didnt say he was, he just asked what players didn't like him and i named some offtop. im just saying at this point seeing all the players whos games have pretty much tanked except for like two people, players know going to play with lebron is a HUGE gamble. As your stock will have gone down once hes done with you.

Also this is some professional perspective as it was happening last year from Chris Broussard when Kyrie was still there:

"He is doing too much. He's always done too much, though. So, this is who he is. In two ways, he's doing it.

"One, on the court. LeBron's greatest strength — with everybody, your greatest strength is often your greatest weakness — his greatest strength is he's one of the most versatile players we've ever seen. He can play point guard at 6'8".

"But sometimes that causes confusion, because Kyrie doesn't know, 'Am I bringing it up this time, or are you?'

"Kyrie wants to be a point guard, but he can't because LeBron's the point guard half the time. Deron Williams looks confused, because he's used to handling the ball, 'but do I?'"
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didnt say he was, he just asked what players didn't like him and i named some offtop. im just saying at this point seeing all the players whos games have pretty much tanked except for like two people, players know going to play with lebron is a HUGE gamble. As your stock will have gone down once hes done with you.

Agree to disagree. But I don’t think it’s a matter of how you were wording it like “when he’s done with you”. If you’re good, you’re good. If you’re a superstar or role player that’s what you are. If playing on the same team as Lebron and that elevated some latent ability of a role player, I don’t think their stock necessarily drops after Lebron leaves, there’s just no one there to tap into their potential. Same for a top tier/superstar, Kyrie didn’t get worse or better after playing with Lebron, his abilities haven’t changed or been altered. Playing with Lebron, did give him that platform/stage to showcase who he was/his talents. Sure a true basketball enthusiast knows where Kyrie played college ball or what he was doing in the dark dark days when Lebron was in MIA, but the average Joe wasn’t checking for Kyrie then or cared about what Cleveland was doing then. In my opinion, Kyrie wanted to be bigger than what he felt he was being treated. The CAVs could have ran that duo/trio (James, Irving & Love) for a lot longer, but some people don’t like sharing the spotlight/stage, which is the category I think Kyrie fell under.
Agree to disagree. But I don’t think it’s a matter of how you were wording it like “when he’s done with you”. If you’re good, you’re good. If you’re a superstar or role player that’s what you are. If playing on the same team as Lebron and that elevated some latent ability of a role player, I don’t think their stock necessarily drops after Lebron leaves, there’s just no one there to tap into their potential. Same for a top tier/superstar, Kyrie didn’t get worse or better after playing with Lebron, his abilities haven’t changed or been altered. Playing with Lebron, did give him that platform/stage to showcase who he was/his talents. Sure a true basketball enthusiast knows where Kyrie played college ball or what he was doing in the dark dark days when Lebron was in MIA, but the average Joe wasn’t checking for Kyrie then or cared about what Cleveland was doing then. In my opinion, Kyrie wanted to be bigger than what he felt he was being treated. The CAVs could have ran that duo/trio (James, Irving & Love) for a lot longer, but some people don’t like sharing the spotlight/stage, which is the category I think Kyrie fell under.
ok i see your point but if that is true how come only about 2 or 3 peoples game hasn't really suffered playing with him.It also doesn't address the fact that lebron tries to play everyone's game and micromanage it through assists when thats not an option. Even Rodney hood sent out an smh tweet about how they handled him and how his game tanked there. Ill still give the benefit of the doubt slightly but if it happens again in LA its officially a trend and truly going to be all Lebrons fault.
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It's becoming obvious big ticket players don't want to play with Lebron James. I do not see how it can be argued. Sure he will get some marginal guys to LA but when all is said and done he's going to get exposed, for years narrative was saying guys did not want to play in Cleveland which was his scape goat and thats over now. Lebron's only shot to get top tier players is Magic overpaying in trades. The PG and Kyrie situations are indicators of all this.
It's becoming obvious big ticket players don't want to play with Lebron James. I do not see how it can be argued. Sure he will get some marginal guys to LA but when all is said and done he's going to get exposed, for years narrative was saying guys did not want to play in Cleveland which was his scape goat and thats over now. Lebron's only shot to get top tier players is Magic overpaying in trades. The PG and Kyrie situations are indicators of all this.

Kyrie sees himself as "The Man" and wanted his own team. PG's a loser :rofl:
It's becoming obvious big ticket players don't want to play with Lebron James. I do not see how it can be argued. Sure he will get some marginal guys to LA but when all is said and done he's going to get exposed, for years narrative was saying guys did not want to play in Cleveland which was his scape goat and thats over now. Lebron's only shot to get top tier players is Magic overpaying in trades. The PG and Kyrie situations are indicators of all this.

as a Laker fan. Some of this is true. Kobe always had the reputation of being hard to play with. IMO Lebron is the same way, because of how much the offense is centered around him.

I don't think Magic will have to overpay. Certain players will be willing to come. You just have to be willing to sacrifice your game.
It's becoming obvious big ticket players don't want to play with Lebron James. I do not see how it can be argued. Sure he will get some marginal guys to LA but when all is said and done he's going to get exposed, for years narrative was saying guys did not want to play in Cleveland which was his scape goat and thats over now. Lebron's only shot to get top tier players is Magic overpaying in trades. The PG and Kyrie situations are indicators of all this.

Meh...I think it also depends on a few variables as well, like contracts and when certain big ticket players are available and on top of that it’s not like there’s a plethora of that many big ticket players around the league or at least of the caliber of the likes of Lebron, Irving, Durant, Harden, Westbrook, etc. THEN some players are more about “securing the bag” as the youngsters say. Money talks and a hefty contract and getting paid and living a lavish life is all that matters or is important for the time being and ring chasing is on the back burner. For example...Carmelo in my opinion could have long aligned himself with a decent squad to secure a ring...well he basically had an allstar team in Denver but Kobe was running things back. Even more reason now Melo could align himself properly but he still thinks he’s better than his actual output. Who really knows what these guys are thinking or prioritizing besides them?

Funny thing is though, while Lebron seems to improve, the same guys his age are now “marginal” at best for the most part (ie Melo again). There’s still no one better than Lebron at the moment, but maybe one or two on the horizon. Even then they aren’t Lebron caliber, so can you fault anyone for not wanting to play with someone better? Unless you’re that humble or just want to ride coattails, just do what you’re good at.
This thread has gotten more action in months and people are complaining. There would be no posts otherwise. The 15 is on life support. :lol:

Bron, drop those red Deion 15's and lets get this place moving again.
Way too many paragraphs in here.

Are ya buying the shoes or not? :lol:


Depends on how they look

and now I can really be annoyed at how Lebron likes to wear a bunch of PE's that aren't attainable as opposed to Kobe who wore a lot of release kicks.
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