The struggle to find a pair of Galaxys in my size at a decent price is killin me man. I been hunting for the past month. What do you guys think is a fair price for those right now? DS and VNDS.
F the statistical talk about why China is getting special boxes and such. That's irrelevant in this case. This shoe is supposed to commemorate Team USA and their win representing the United States. How they get these shoes first, with special packaging and player visits is beyond me, but whatever. And don't forget the fact that we (U.S. consumers) will be left to scramble for these. 

Did you even read/think over what you typed, especially in the bold? Seriously, c'mon son.
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The struggle to find a pair of Galaxys in my size at a decent price is killin me man. I been hunting for the past month. What do you guys think is a fair price for those right now? DS and VNDS.
FC price right now is creeping up on 6 bills. To me, I wouldn't pay more then 4 bills for them if they were DS. That's just me though. 
The struggle to find a pair of Galaxys in my size at a decent price is killin me man. I been hunting for the past month. What do you guys think is a fair price for those right now? DS and VNDS.
FC price right now is creeping up on 6 bills. To me, I wouldn't pay more then 4 bills for them if they were DS. That's just me though. 
Dang forreal? I offered a guy on the Bay $230 for a VNDS pair and he was like best I can do is $330 shipped. I was like 
. But if that's what they're going for I may have to just wait til I get a little more money, smh.
Dang forreal? I offered a guy on the Bay $230 for a VNDS pair and he was like best I can do is $330 shipped. I was like 
. But if that's what they're going for I may have to just wait til I get a little more money, smh.
It wouldn't hurt to wait out for other people's opinions. As much as I hate resellers, I usually pay for what I want. I'm in a better situation than most people though since I wear an 8.5 so prices aren't as jacked up. But yeah, 10.5 and up I believe on FC is 6 bills. I just checked. Keep searching though fam. There's some decent prices out there. 330 I think is okay, depening on how "VNDS" his shoes really are. 
The struggle to find a pair of Galaxys in my size at a decent price is killin me man. I been hunting for the past month. What do you guys think is a fair price for those right now? DS and VNDS.

I paid $230 for my pair and it was worn more than VNDS condition. Soles arent pretty to say the least :rolleyes But it makes it easier for me to wear them, not having to worry about the soles now.
Woke up this morning and he said he could do $280 for the Galaxys. I'm thinking about pulling the trigger but jeez that's steep for a $95 shoe.
Depends on how much you are willing to pay...Me personally I wouldn't pay that much...I'm looking too but just can't do it for that price range on the galaxy's.
^^ That's how I'm feeling too man, smh. But cats in here saying they're going for $300+ got me wondering if I'll really find a better price.
Pulled the trigger on gold need to find galaxy in my size for a decent price
To everyone with the galaxy's that has worn them, how's the glow holding up compared to when they were DS?
I've worn mine twice, and I just tested out the glow yesterday. The midsole part that glows still glows immensely, which is the most important part, in my opinion. Obviously, over time the glow won't stick around for as long but it still holds up pretty well to me. The sole still glows through the dirt but it doesnt glow as long as before. 
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