I went to HOH's beverly to get my ticket and I saw a whole freaking family(mothers,aunts,brothers,cousins,etc.) getting registered for the raffle . They signed up for the X and of course the KDs . How the **** am I suppose to compete with that ? I registered myself and my mother (took me a while to convince her) . The only way to be successful in these raffles is by having a huge family or signing 10+ people , that being said the odds don't look good at all :smh:
I went to HOH's beverly to get my ticket and I saw a whole freaking family(mothers,aunts,brothers,cousins,etc.) getting registered for the raffle . They signed up for the X and of course the KDs . How the **** am I suppose to compete with that ? I registered myself and my mother (took me a while to convince her) . The only way to be successful in these raffles is by having a huge family or signing 10+ people , that being said the odds don't look good at all :smh:

you are not different from him if you go register your mother. he's just fortunate to have more family members than you

Good Job Bro..
Tried for both the NTSM and NTLA #RSVP today. Sent them in within 20-25 secs and got through on NTLA. So excited. It's a 90 mile round trip drive but I definitely feel like these are worth it. I can't wait to see them in person. 
Tried for both the NTSM and NTLA #RSVP today. Sent them in within 20-25 secs and got through on NTLA. So excited. It's a 90 mile round trip drive but I definitely feel like these are worth it. I can't wait to see them in person. :nthat:

I hope you drive a prius with the way gas prices are nowadays.
Tried for both the NTSM and NTLA #RSVP today. Sent them in within 20-25 secs and got through on NTLA. So excited. It's a 90 mile round trip drive but I definitely feel like these are worth it. I can't wait to see them in person. 
I hope you drive a prius with the way gas prices are nowadays.
Unfortunately, I drive a german car that gets 16 MPG. It's probably going to cost me $25 in gas to pick it up but it's still better than paying eBay prices.
you are not different from him if you go register your mother. he's just fortunate to have more family members than you

That's a very good point but I just think it's a bit too excessive having about 6 cousins or siblings (all different ages) and 2 female adults registered but you got to do whatever it takes to increase your chances I guess , even if it involves having a family gathering at HOH's
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Looks like these are being raffled. If thats the case Im guessing I already struck out here in Houston.
i have intentions on picking them up one way or another, notice that i only rsvp'ed for dallas because its the closest nike location to me (houston), so dont get all butt hurt because you have not secured your pair yet.

wasn't picking on you and yes i can read, i know you only rsvp'ed to the one place. i'm not "butt hurt" i don't care about these, passing on them so i'm not losing any sleep. just commenting on how the rsvp system is messed up.
If they are doing raffles how the hell do you expect them to sit on shelves for 2 weeks, and furthermore which kd iv has sat on the shelves??

Sarcasm clearly fly's way over your head. Yes these are limited yes they are doing raffles, if you already knew all of that why would you ask if these are going to be limited. It has been known these would be limited for a very long time now. Good luck.
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