Anyone ball in the elite low yet?

I heard good thing about them as far as cushion but judging from the picture it look like your heel would slip out of the shoes easily.
See my post above yours and Sk33ter's a page back or so
Finally figured out what the hell that pain is where the area of the tongue get's stitched. Underneath where it get's stitched to the shoe there's like a hard, semi-sharp, circle piece of like plastic or something that they put right there under the laces and right under where the tongue stitches to the shoe. I guess to reinforce it lol. But that stuff hurts the top of my feet mang.
Finally figured out what the hell that pain is where the area of the tongue get's stitched. Underneath where it get's stitched to the shoe there's like a hard, semi-sharp, circle piece of like plastic or something that they put right there under the laces and right under where the tongue stitches to the shoe. I guess to reinforce it lol. But that stuff hurts the top of my feet mang.

This! My foot is in so much pain might just go up half a size vi better not have this problem.
When I first started playing in em they hurt like mothas! They still hurt a bit for the first like 5-10 min or so. But they seriously should not have put that plastic there. Lol. Mine are pretty broken in too. But I think I might switch to the LeBron X
When I first started playing in em they hurt like mothas! They still hurt a bit for the first like 5-10 min or so. But they seriously should not have put that plastic there. Lol. Mine are pretty broken in too. But I think I might switch to the LeBron X
I had the same problem as you guys with my size 10.5 KD V's but mine wouldn't start hurting till after I had already been wearing them for a long time. I can wear my 11 and 11.5 without it hurting though so its a combo of poor design on that part and size issues.
I wonder what would happen if I cut off that piece of plastic. Lol.

And I wonder if I'd still experience this if I had went with my normal size (9.5). Went down to a 9 because these ran long for me.
Yeah go your normal size, the regular Vs I went TTS and they felt a half size up as far as length goes but that issue you described was not a problem for me.
I like the way the 9 fits though. The length is perfect on a size 9 for me. 9.5 felt way too long. I had like a whole inch and a half of toe space I swear lol.
Yeah I did too haha but it's not noticeable when playing because the width of your foot still fits fine just length blows. Not sure what the remedy for that would be honestly, if I went half a size down my small toes would be been crushed!
Haha I see you're in St. Paul

I was at an activity center in Cottage Grove at Park HS.  I've got an Xperience Fitness membership, but the court there is pretty terrible.  It's a small makeshift court and is always crowded.  That's why I've been paying to play on real courts occasionally.  Luckily I've got a group that plays on the weekends too.

Just waiting for this snow to move out... I'm ready for some outdoor hoops
i feel ya. Snow needs to go ... Love playing outdoors might have to buy the tb cw kd v to hoop in .
I like the way the 9 fits though. The length is perfect on a size 9 for me. 9.5 felt way too long. I had like a whole inch and a half of toe space I swear lol.
the .5 up trick doesn't even work though. 

Only ones that dont bother me as much are the ASGs cause i dont ball in them. But the last time i played in my V's was in Feb, 2 hours killed the top of my feet, i think my left foot was even swollen from the pressure, and my feet aren't even wide. 
Stupid piece of plastic lol. So they run long for some people, esp for me anyway, and have that piece of plastic murdeing the top of your foot. Cmon Leo!
I've been trying to sell mine locally for $160 and I've barely gotten any interest. All I've had were a couple people lowballing for $100 or $120. 
Thanks. I found a seller dumping the Texas colorway for a low, low price, so I scooped those instead.

They'll most likely replace my old KD III Christmas as my shoe to ball in.
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^^^Yea I got all the releases I wanted only passed on aways ,homes, birches and ice blues . I know I can still cop least 3 of those from hoh at moa..
I have a question

I bought the ASG from the restock and wore them once and since Nike has the 30 day return policy I feel I should return them and buy the pure platniums. I'm just a kid so I cant buy every sneaker.
I liked them at first but they were too lime green and I want to put my money towards something else.
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Got my Elites in from FNL. I'm really digging these. Superheroes and the orange/yellow's are mandatory for me now.
The orange/yellow pair is probably the only Elite's I'm going to get, unless that EYBL somehow drops at retail which I highly doubt.
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