How much does the ZK3 weigh vs the Hyperdunk. I know the Hyperdunk is like 13oz but what about the ZK3.
Originally Posted by ssgefiestoakagerger

Set to endorse...

Looks like somebody got Kobe to see that this is a GOOD idea....

He wasnt initially happy with Nike pushing a shoe that wasnt his line....
Good Job Mr. Parker...
So, are the ones releasing (on going to be patent or no? I'm hoping no, much cleaner w/o, IMO.
on the page before the video of Kobe jumping over the car, it has a passage (latin, im guessing) in the crest/shield:
Scito hoc super onmia.
Haec vita est tua una sola.
Dum vita superset,
Utere maxime quoque puncto,
Momento, et hora quae habes.
Tempus neminem non manet.
Noli manere tempus.
Carpe diem

Can somebody help me figure out with it means or a site that explains...
That kb video is sick, but it's fake. The car comes towards kb on the side , not directly in front of him, so as kb jumps the car turns into him. Justpause it and notice the front wheel turning right. No way they would let him do that, but I know he could.
I jumped a Honda Accord 3 yrs ago......................

I was on my dirtbike though. (true)

COOK # 45
get fit.
Originally Posted by airbabio

That kb video is sick, but it's fake. The car comes towards kb on the side , not directly in front of him, so as kb jumps the car turns into him. Just pause it and notice the front wheel turning right. No way they would let him do that, but I know he could. video is fake?!!?
@ myself for thinking that video was real.

two reasons why that video is still sick:

1.) it was all about FUN. just looking at the natural interaction between kobe and turiaf, made the commercial seem like it wasn't force-fed w/ a bunchof fancy speciakl FX.

2.) that commercial was damn funny!!!
Originally Posted by RUDOLPH1996

Originally Posted by ssgefiestoakagerger

Set to endorse...

Looks like somebody got Kobe to see that this is a GOOD idea....

He wasnt initially happy with Nike pushing a shoe that wasnt his line....
Good Job Mr. Parker...
Would you be happy about it if you were him? Nike treats him like a second class citizen by not even running commercials for his signature line and hisshoes are FL exclusives. The only exposure his shoes got at all was in that House of Hoops commercial. :/ He deserves way better than what they give him. TheyHyperdunks are a much nicer shoe than the Zoom III though.
I still think that the strength's should have been the zkIII and the lites as the IV's and then the ZKIII as the V's because to me, the ZKIII has areal futuristic(sp?) design to it.
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