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Check the no flash just did on my computer and all sizes showing as of 4:27 also size 7.5 of the 3Ds back up.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

OCs size 11, 12.5, 15 back up on ndc as of 4:14.
Sold out
It was on the non flash. I checked the flash, it didnt appear but it was avail on non flash. Hope my sz 11 doesn't get cancelled.
Originally Posted by earvcunanan

Whoa, my size 11 order went through on NDC. =D
Checking out on their site via iPhone is much easier and faster.

Got an 11 as well, one of them will probably be cancelled between us
Thanks baby jumpman 
Originally Posted by cubanref

Honestly I haven't been so excited about shoes in a looong time. The Kobe VI is so different (in a good way) and creative that I think 5 years from now its going to be a classic. Whenever I wear my VI's people do a double take and are like what are those? The designers of the VI did a great job by thinking outside the box. I mean look at all the "unique" CW's that have dropped and for the most part they all work. Granted if they were all GR's some would probably sit but they gave the consumer something different and innovative in terms of design and CW's. I can only imagine what they have in store for the rest of the year 

Anyways patiently waiting on BHM's and Chinas
but now I kinda want some 3D's and OC's lol
Yeah man, it's crazy to think we're only about 2 months into the shoe's release, and there's already over 800 pages for this thread. 
And is it just me or does it feel like we knew about more colorways of the Vs by this time of year last year than we do now about the colorways of the VIs that will be coming out? I guess maybe it's just cuz there are multiple "All-Star" colorways this year, so I'm kind of counting all of them together as a group.
No problem, seeing as how there wasn't any 11s on RD hopefully they dont cancel. On a side note has anyone even received shipping confirmation. Also the size 7.5 in the 3Ds is still there.
Originally Posted by earvcunanan

I won't be sweatin' it if my order gets cancelled. If it goes through, cool.
Same here. Good luck to all my sz 11 NTers

I wonder if these sz 11s are the ones that were missing on Thursday...
Haha and here I was saying that I wanted to get a pair of the OC's! I just bought a pair of 12.5  off the non-flash site on NDC 
. Thanks Baby Jumpman
^FTL I'm east coast over here and don't even wear kobes
Oh well keep us updated if you receive shipping confirmation, back to sleep I go.
Originally Posted by JayJunkie

Originally Posted by earvcunanan

I won't be sweatin' it if my order gets cancelled. If it goes through, cool.
Same here. Good luck to all my sz 11 NTers

I wonder if these sz 11s are the ones that were missing on Thursday...
You know I swear this happened to the South Beach Lebrons at least for sz 10 when they came out. I clicked on the NDC link immediately for the shoes, and 10 wasn't even an option to begin with. Then a few days later when the online restock hit, the 10s were there but a lot of other sizes weren't.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Insomnia FTW.....?

Yeah I'm on the east coast also but I can't sleep...hopefully I get shipping conformation later on today. Anyways back to Dexter on Netflix 
The Chinas will be copped!!! Anyone else feeling the duke colorway in march? Neither for retail, hopefully......
Kd3's are dope, too bad they're super uncomfortable.. easy pass. Lebrons, too expensive, im a college student. Kobes will be copped
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