Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

I'm joining the club fellas, got 4 more months

I need a diaper bag or something of that sort... Any recommendations???
my girl ended up wanting a gucci one, but they was like almost 1k 

hit the outlets and got a bag that was similar but more of a duffle style for 200 
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Got any pics? Does it have insulation?

Thanks fellas for the help by the way!
i can post some when i get home later tonight, its not as insulated as a diaper bag would be, but its pretty good for us, plus we can fit more things in it than a normal diaper bag
I'm joining the club fellas, got 4 more months

I need a diaper bag or something of that sort... Any recommendations???
my girl ended up wanting a gucci one, but they was like almost 1k :wow:

hit the outlets and got a bag that was similar but more of a duffle style for 200 

I ain't gonna lie, my wife copped one and I like to stunt and use that Gucci changing pad that came with it when it comes to changing diapers :nthat:
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for me i had a backpack, not the ones like a messenger bag.

i was usually the one carrying it, so it was easier.

Plus, when I had the Bjorn, i can wear both the baby and the backpack.

I forgot what brand i had though, although i should get it back out since wifey's preggers again (see a couple of my posts ago... LOL)

When the first born got older and we didn't need an actual diaper bag, i just used my north face....
what do u mean how we deal w it?

go in the mens, get a stall, stand inside the stall.
How do yall deal with public bathrooms when your out with your daughters solo?
My daughter is still in diapers, but I always thought it was a given that little girls go into the restroom stall with dad, no questions asked.
in for the answer to this question.

Well I actually carry cleaning supplies to clean the toilet :x

But if I peep a sweet older black lady going at the same time I ask them to take her, they always kindly oblige.

It was pure struggle at first.
We've been using a Star Wars Stormtrooper backpack. We did receive a diaper bag from the baby shower, but the backpack is more convenient.  It's on it's last legs though.
Well I actually carry cleaning supplies to clean the toilet

But if I peep a sweet older black lady going at the same time I ask them to take her, they always kindly oblige.

It was pure struggle at first.
No way either of my kids would go into a restroom with a stranger.  Not a chance I'd allow it anyway.
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How do yall deal with public bathrooms when your out with your daughters solo?

my babygirl is 3 and on the petite side so she's only like 27 lbs.

I put two paper seat covers on the seat and i hold her up above the seat... like shes hovering.

works well so far, but if anybody has a better way that will work for me, holler!
No way either of my kids would go into a restroom with a stranger.  Not a chance I'd allow it anyway.
Yeah, being where i'm from its a pretty tight community with blacks.

​Especially the elderly.

No issue with sending her in with big momma but i understand why some wouldn't. 
my babygirl is 3 and on the petite side so she's only like 27 lbs.

I put two paper seat covers on the seat and i hold her up above the seat... like shes hovering.

works well so far, but if anybody has a better way that will work for me, holler!
Lol nah its a struggle regardless 

But that works.

Just always wondered how people did it. 
Invest in them lil potty training inserts, plop em down right in the middle and they don't even touch the seat
Backpacks FTW. Makes things much easier to carry and you have that room for anything. Make sure you try it one before though. We got one a while ago and the straps where short for me and they kept slippin off my shoulder. We use a Jordan backpack for 2 kids now.
New dad's yall need to pick up the doona car seat stroller.. I would say this is probably the greatest thing invented for babies in the 21st century
Recommendations on a jogger fellas? The lady wants one since I've been running it's motivating her to get back on the grind and she feels she can now.
Recommendations on a jogger fellas? The lady wants one since I've been running it's motivating her to get back on the grind and she feels she can now.

We had the BoB and while I never jogged with it that was a great stroller. Downside was that the air pressure in the tires always seemed to need checking or they'd be flat and hard to push. Thankfully I have my own compressor in the garage.
Flying home with our daughter for this first time. Let's hope she doesn't lose it on the plane.
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