Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Anyone go on a babymoon?

Thinking about going to SoCal.
we kinda did, we flew back to the Bay to have our baby shower among Family, flew from NY where we currently live

edit: we were supposed to go to Cancun last Sept. but couldnt due to the whole Zika thing
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Anyone go on a babymoon?

Thinking about going to SoCal.

We went to Honolulu.
Can't go wrong with SoCal. Depending on what you plan to accomplish (and how far along your wife is) my preference is always the Newport Beach area. Easy to take a day trip to SD or up into LA as well.
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My wife and I, went shopping for the baby for the first time today. Today was the first time it really hit me that i'm going to be a father. Low key felt out of place in the baby store today.

All my wife looks at is baby stuff / Baby Info. I really haven't done any research or anything :smh:

It just doesn't feel real. Did any of you guys go through this?

I need to step it up :wow:

I think for a lot of guys it's not real until the baby actually comes out. If you aren't interested in this stuff now, I wouldn't sweat it too much because either way, your gonna be putting in long hours early on, and a lot of the stuff you read about (outside of generic things) are going to be entirely dependent on your baby's personality.

Best thing to do is to be supportive of mom and take an interest (even if feigned) in what she's researching.
Second best decision I ever made, right up there with the decision to start a family.

Lucho, Blake P, how was the procedure? I've been thinking about it as I don't think I'm planning on anymore kids. Wife just got an IUD in a few months back that's supposed to be good for 5 years, so it's not something that's urgently needed.

I've heard after it hurts like you got kicked in the sack really good; that kinid of dull constant aching pain. Any info you guys want to share is greatly appreciated.
Lucho, Blake P, how was the procedure? I've been thinking about it as I don't think I'm planning on anymore kids. Wife just got an IUD in a few months back that's supposed to be good for 5 years, so it's not something that's urgently needed.

I've heard after it hurts like you got kicked in the sack really good; that kinid of dull constant aching pain. Any info you guys want to share is greatly appreciated.
That's a pretty accurate description.  Dull aching pain for a week+.  I went back to wearing boxers after a few days and that was a mistake.  I'd recommend wearing compression shorts or briefs for at least a week to keep your boys nice and close to your body to give them time to heal.  I had my procedure done on a Friday and laid low all weekend, spending lots of time in bed and never left the house until Monday morning to go to work.  Keeping a bag of frozen peas or cold compress between your legs at the incision site for a day or so is crucial.  I only experienced slight bruising around the incision, but have heard from others who didn't really lay low that they had ALOT more bruising and a longer period of discomfort.  You'll get some phantom pain here and there that will go away after a few weeks to month, but it's mostly healed after a week to 10 days.  I was initially planning on not filling the prescription for valium the urologist gave me, but was talked into it by my brother in law and I'm glad I did.  It definitely helped relax me and keep me from feeling any anxiety before/during the procedure.  I'm a pretty relaxed guy in general, but there's nothing relaxing about having that part of your body cut open.  The worst is the shots to numb you, followed by a weird tugging sensation when the doc is pulling your vas deferens through the incision to cut and cauterize it.  Whatever you do, don't watch.  Just close your eyes and hope the nurse isn't one of your ex gf's.  Any pain or discomfort you feel is nothing compared to childbirth.  Get it done and don't look back.
Anyone go on a babymoon?

Thinking about going to SoCal.
i took my wife to kauai (we live on oahu) for our babymoon. she really appreciated it. she really loved the hotel pool and i carried her around in the water while she floated on her back. it was great relief for her poor swollen feet :lol: we just relaxed, ate lots of food and hung out together.

and a lot of the stuff you read about (outside of generic things) are going to be entirely dependent on your baby's personality.
lots of the stuff we bought ourselves beforehand and got at our baby showers were pretty much a waste :lol: my son hated the stroller so i coulda got some cheapass thing instead of a bugaboo that we barely used. we had like 3 of those rocker things with sounds and music that lull your kid to sleep. two of them were really fancy but of course my son only liked the one that prolly cost around $25. thing ran on batteries - didn't even plug in. i could go on and on. we donated so much brand new stuff to salvation army that first year.
Swag level cant be touched! :pimp:

Next week is may...baygirl arrives in july. Jeez where does the time really go?!

Thanks bro!

And the time only goes quicker once they're here.

Likewise for my daughter, but at the end of July.

Just dropped her off at daycare for the first time this morning and she was an absolute wreck. I knew sticking around was making it worse but damn, this has been one of the toughest things I've ever done leaving my Princess while she's bawling :frown:

One of the toughest things! We didnt do daycare but that first day of pre-school was super tough lol
We went to Barcelona. We knew we wouldn't be able to take a big trip for a while, and we had been wanting to go for some time.

i took my wife to kauai (we live on oahu) for our babymoon. she really appreciated it. she really loved the hotel pool and i carried her around in the water while she floated on her back. it was great relief for her poor swollen feet :lol: we just relaxed, ate lots of food and hung out together.

I wanted to go farther, but we only have three days off. So Cal it is! I will try this Pool trick lol.
I wanted to go farther, but we only have three days off. So Cal it is! I will try this Pool trick lol.
Hyatt Huntington Beach is a good one to look into if you don't already have a spot in mind.  Also love Newport Coast Villas with the fam cuz they're all 2 bedroom units, but that's overkill if it's just you and the wife.
Lucho, Blake P, how was the procedure? I've been thinking about it as I don't think I'm planning on anymore kids. Wife just got an IUD in a few months back that's supposed to be good for 5 years, so it's not something that's urgently needed.

I've heard after it hurts like you got kicked in the sack really good; that kinid of dull constant aching pain. Any info you guys want to share is greatly appreciated.

Im a little over 24 hrs after the procedure. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The numbing part was the most uncomfortable one, and the tugging of the vas is a bit freaky. I've just been laying as much as I can and icing. I don't go back to work until Monday, and I'll be home alone until Saturday, so I should get plenty of chill time.
We are heading to Disneyland in a few weeks. Can't wait. The drive down is going to be interesting.
My son turned 1 today and got his first haircut. Had to be the longest, but shortest year of my life lol
Could be but more like demanding a toy/snack/item....

So frustrating.

Don't trip man. Soon they'll be telling you what they want vs you trying to figure out what they want.

I thought it was a teething thing too though. Kids got it bad when they're teeting :x

My son didn't wanna eat much, constantly put his hands in his mouth. Crying and had a hard time sleeping. Bit of a fever. He was just super moody.
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