Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Meh.. Just like I said.. preggo p
i took my wife to kauai (we live on oahu) for our babymoon. she really appreciated it. she really loved the hotel pool and i carried her around in the water while she floated on her back. it was great relief for her poor swollen feet :lol: we just relaxed, ate lots of food and hung out together.
lots of the stuff we bought ourselves beforehand and got at our baby showers were pretty much a waste :lol: my son hated the stroller so i coulda got some cheapass thing instead of a bugaboo that we barely used. we had like 3 of those rocker things with sounds and music that lull your kid to sleep. two of them were really fancy but of course my son only liked the one that prolly cost around $25. thing ran on batteries - didn't even plug in. i could go on and on. we donated so much brand new stuff to salvation army that first year.

All these companies market so much **** to you that you dont acutally need.
So much wasted money

My 1y/o will not stop SCREAMING at the top of his lungs.... for everything.

HELP?! :smh:

My daughter is 15 months and does the same thing.
Its basically whenever she wants something. She can point to stuff but obviously cant say what she wants, so she just screams.

This morning she was freaking out when i got my breakfast, turns out she just wanted my toast.

I think its normal...i just try asking her to point to what she wants..if its something she cant have..i just let her throw her tantrum and ignore her...or try to distract her with a toy
It eases me that others are experiencing this :lol:

But little guy demanding and letting out this huge screams(not necessarily crying) showing his frustration for not getting the item hold his breath and turning red :smh: :smh: :lol:
That's a pretty accurate description.  Dull aching pain for a week+.  I went back to wearing boxers after a few days and that was a mistake.  I'd recommend wearing compression shorts or briefs for at least a week to keep your boys nice and close to your body to give them time to heal.  I had my procedure done on a Friday and laid low all weekend, spending lots of time in bed and never left the house until Monday morning to go to work.  Keeping a bag of frozen peas or cold compress between your legs at the incision site for a day or so is crucial.  I only experienced slight bruising around the incision, but have heard from others who didn't really lay low that they had ALOT more bruising and a longer period of discomfort.  You'll get some phantom pain here and there that will go away after a few weeks to month, but it's mostly healed after a week to 10 days.  I was initially planning on not filling the prescription for valium the urologist gave me, but was talked into it by my brother in law and I'm glad I did.  It definitely helped relax me and keep me from feeling any anxiety before/during the procedure.  I'm a pretty relaxed guy in general, but there's nothing relaxing about having that part of your body cut open.  The worst is the shots to numb you, followed by a weird tugging sensation when the doc is pulling your vas deferens through the incision to cut and cauterize it.  Whatever you do, don't watch.  Just close your eyes and hope the nurse isn't one of your ex gf's.  Any pain or discomfort you feel is nothing compared to childbirth.  Get it done and don't look back.
I should have called a doctor today. Gonna try to nail one down to get this stuff taken care of
All these companies market so much **** to you that you dont acutally need.
So much wasted money
My daughter is 15 months and does the same thing.
Its basically whenever she wants something. She can point to stuff but obviously cant say what she wants, so she just screams.

This morning she was freaking out when i got my breakfast, turns out she just wanted my toast.

I think its normal...i just try asking her to point to what she wants..if its something she cant have..i just let her throw her tantrum and ignore her...or try to distract her with a toy
My daughter sporadically does this and when she first started we just used to let her grab whatever she was pointing at. Which does pretty well most of the time.

Luckily enough she's understanding more now, even now saying "I no know" when we ask her where something is
It eases me that others are experiencing this :lol:

But little guy demanding and letting out this huge screams(not necessarily crying) showing his frustration for not getting the item hold his breath and turning red :smh: :smh: :lol:

It might be too late, but we taught our son some simple sign language, so even though he can't say a bunch of words, he can just sign what's going on and we're good to go. He knows "Milk", "more", "all done(like with eating)". It's a lot of help for sure.
Never too late, especially at that young age. They some sponges, all it takes is some patience and consistency and it can be done
Our little dude yells for stuff to. We constantly say, do we yell for stuff we want? Response "yes".

He knows "more" for sign language, so we have to remind him to use it instead of pointing and yelling. :lol:

Our dude is also in the "hitting" stage when he's frustrated...any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated because this is the one thing I can't tolerate.
Our dude is also in the "hitting" stage when he's frustrated...any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated because this is the one thing I can't tolerate.
Whatever tactic you use for discipline keep using it but step it up a lil for hitting specifically. It'll let him know that it's not just bad, but it's worse than others
Hey ya'll-

if you guys can send good vibes/ thoughts and prayers my way that would be greatly appreciated.

they found something in my wfie's bloodwork but I don't want to get into anything detailed right now, i'm just frazzled and trying not to really trip out.


Just wanted to give you guys a details/update on my situation.

My wife's HCG levels were high and they called us in for genetic counseling because there was a chance that our baby was going to have down syndrome.

we had a choice of either doing a blood test or an amniocentesis. the blod test would have a 99% rate while the amniocentesis would provide 100% (but one-if not the most dangersous-side effect is a miscarriage that can occur 1 out of 500).

we decided to get an ultrasound, and it showed no soft markers showing (limbs shorter than they should be, cranium missing some parts, etc) so that was a good sign for us so we took the blood test because the amniocentesis was so invasive and we didn't like the 'chance of miscarriage' part. we were going to keep the baby anyway so there was no point in that. the waiting part sucked at the results would take 7-10 business days. it's been an exhausting 7 days. it's still in the back of your mind. And if i didn't think about it, I'd feel guilty by not thinking about it.

the doctor called my wife earlier today and she shared the news with me that the baby was negative. i swear it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders- everything seemed brighter afterwards.

Thanks for the prayers bros!

Everything is good now.

#blessed #fortunate #grateful
at the end of the day all we can do as parents is pray for a healthy baby [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
This piano right here.
Amazon product ASIN B015EV2NZE
or these bluetooth karaoke speaker/mics. It has a mic on 1 end and bluetooth speaker on the other and an echo effect. My daughter loves it, older kids too for that matter

Amazon product ASIN B01MR0NJSW
You could get her her own tablet like just a cheapy such as the $40 Amazon Fire is fine, just throw some of their movies on htere in .mp4, Trolls, Sing, Frozen, Tangled, etc

Also these drivable cars that you controll with remote until they get old enough you can let them drive it or a smartrike
Since we live in the same house with my bro in law, my daughter and her cousin are always together. They built a relataionship and i guess you can say theyre close, which is really cool.

Heres the issue...the cousin is 8 years old and my daughter is acting like a 8 year old.
Shell say she wants to pour the water in the cup and shouts out "ima big girl ima big girl"

and i tell her "na u my baby" lol

Theres really nothing i can do but to tear them apart, which isnt gonna happen. I was talking to my girl about this and she told me "All we can do is watch her closely and let her know whats right from wrong and let her learn that way."

I get it...but i dont want her growing up too fast. Ive been there, 14 year old acting like im 18, but since this is my baby....

Anybody got any suggestion? Anybody in the same place as me?
Seeing your kid far more advanced then another kid his age is sad. I legit feel some of the pain those parents have to deal wit. But i love seein those parents treat their kids like they are 'normal'

Shout out to you dads that make your kids know they arent slow, but bad *** [emoji]128526[/emoji]
Since we live in the same house with my bro in law, my daughter and her cousin are always together. They built a relataionship and i guess you can say theyre close, which is really cool.

Heres the issue...the cousin is 8 years old and my daughter is acting like a 8 year old.
Shell say she wants to pour the water in the cup and shouts out "ima big girl ima big girl"

and i tell her "na u my baby" lol

Theres really nothing i can do but to tear them apart, which isnt gonna happen. I was talking to my girl about this and she told me "All we can do is watch her closely and let her know whats right from wrong and let her learn that way."

I get it...but i dont want her growing up too fast. Ive been there, 14 year old acting like im 18, but since this is my baby....

Anybody got any suggestion? Anybody in the same place as me?
Your girl is right, teach her what's right and also make sure that the cousin is doing what's right too. You don't want to tear them apart cause then that can cause a bigger rift than letting her go down a wrong path.
Your girl is right, teach her what's right and also make sure that the cousin is doing what's right too. You don't want to tear them apart cause then that can cause a bigger rift than letting her go down a wrong path.

Word i hear you. Thing is with the cousin is i dont wanna piss off her parents in the sense of "dont parent my child" so ive been backing off.
Word i hear you. Thing is with the cousin is i dont wanna piss off her parents in the sense of "dont parent my child" so ive been backing off.

Most def be cautious but at the end of the day she's your child's role model and you can't handle her being lead astray.

Make sure whatever you say is coming from a pure place and not preachy or condescending
Word i hear you. Thing is with the cousin is i dont wanna piss off her parents in the sense of "dont parent my child" so ive been backing off.

Maybe try approaching it like "we're working on this with our girl and this is how we're trying to teach her"? Let them know what your expectations are. But definitely talk to them cause it can put a strain on your relationship.

TBH if I was your BIL and you approached me. I might be a little hurt just because I might feel like you don't trust me but at the end of the day, she's your daughter and I need to respect your wishes.

I think the bigger issue is that your daughter is always going to act older just because of their relationship.
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Since we live in the same house with my bro in law, my daughter and her cousin are always together. They built a relataionship and i guess you can say theyre close, which is really cool.

Heres the issue...the cousin is 8 years old and my daughter is acting like a 8 year old.
Shell say she wants to pour the water in the cup and shouts out "ima big girl ima big girl"

and i tell her "na u my baby" lol

Theres really nothing i can do but to tear them apart, which isnt gonna happen. I was talking to my girl about this and she told me "All we can do is watch her closely and let her know whats right from wrong and let her learn that way."

I get it...but i dont want her growing up too fast. Ive been there, 14 year old acting like im 18, but since this is my baby....

Anybody got any suggestion? Anybody in the same place as me?
Sit em both down and reality test with em how to act their age. Gotta be firm with a lil humor and teach (+) boundaries.
Got a 6 yr old niece who has horrible boundaries. Idk wut but I always ask her if everything's cool at home especially since she has a lotta uncles around. U never know yo! I'll crack a mf in half if I find out though
Wife and I went to doctor today to check on some back pain she was having and they saw her blood pressure was slightly elevated, so after monitoring it for a couple hours they suggested inducing the labor at 38 weeks (will be 39 on Sunday) just to be on safe side. So now we at the hospital just waiting now for our son to arrive, hope everything turns out alright!
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