Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My wife and I, went shopping for the baby for the first time today. Today was the first time it really hit me that i'm going to be a father. Low key felt out of place in the baby store today.

All my wife looks at is baby stuff / Baby Info. I really haven't done any research or anything :smh:

It just doesn't feel real. Did any of you guys go through this?

I need to step it up :wow:
My wife and I, went shopping for the baby for the first time today. Today was the first time it really hit me that i'm going to be a father. Low key felt out of place in the baby store today.

All my wife looks at is baby stuff / Baby Info. I really haven't done any research or anything :smh:

It just doesn't feel real. Did any of you guys go through this?

I need to step it up :wow:

Nobody is born ready. You just learn to make it work.

Luckily for me, my girls mom is a mother baby nurse at the hospital we were delivering at, my girl is a pediatric nurse, and my ex gf is a labor and delivery nurse (works the same floor as my girls mom)

My advice to you,

(And your old lady)

Take a child birth preparation class, the hospital should
Offer that.

Take a child CPR class, babies r us offers it

And take a breast feeding class. (You included, because they teach dads how to properly handle a child when feeding). Trust me
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Car seat laws differ by state. In my state kids under 1 year and under 20lbs need to be rear facing. We just bought my 1.5 year old a forward facing seat.
Seeing your kid far more advanced then another kid his age is sad. I legit feel some of the pain those parents have to deal wit. But i love seein those parents treat their kids like they are 'normal'

Shout out to you dads that make your kids know they arent slow, but bad *** [emoji]128526[/emoji]
My wife and I, went shopping for the baby for the first time today. Today was the first time it really hit me that i'm going to be a father. Low key felt out of place in the baby store today.

All my wife looks at is baby stuff / Baby Info. I really haven't done any research or anything :smh:

It just doesn't feel real. Did any of you guys go through this?

I need to step it up :wow:

I STILL feel like this. My baby bout to be 5 months :lol:
Have a baby girl who's 2 months and 5 days old today. Don't know if the subject has already been talked about in this thread, but have any of you dads experienced colic? She's literally up all night, and sleeps all day.

My baby girl is 2 months today and she's the same. My wife started reading this book called Baby Wise. It sounds intense but it's suppose to help them sleep through the night. Like most things that have to do with babies. It works for some people but not everyone
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[quote="Lucho, post: 27969554"]
We have Britax car seats and have really enjoyed them. 

We had a Britax too with our first. It worked perfectly fine but it got pretty heavy as my son got bigger. We switched to a Maxi Cosi and you could def tell the difference.

Good looking out man. This book got good reviews, going to check it out.
My wife gave birth to our first child Friday night.

As most in here know, I can't begin to describe the emotions I'm going through.

It was a long 24 hours. She was in labor 14 hours before finally getting a C Section.

To top it all off, my son was born on my birthday. Best gift I could ever imagine.

Dying to get this guy out of the hospital and home so we can get comfortable.
My son about to be 5 months next week...time is flying :lol: Hilarious watching him eat his oatmeal...dude had it all over his face :lol:
Good looking out man. This book got good reviews, going to check it out.

I don't want to get ahead of myself but the book has definitely helped. It's been a little less than a week and baby has been sleeping more at night. She was waking up every 2 hours before but she's done 3-4 hour stretches the last few nights. I've also noticed she hasn't been as fussy.

The book basically says to try and keep her awake after you feed for 1.5 hrs and let her sleep for 1.5 hrs and then feed her.
My wife gave birth to our first child Friday night.

As most in here know, I can't begin to describe the emotions I'm going through.

It was a long 24 hours. She was in labor 14 hours before finally getting a C Section.

To top it all off, my son was born on my birthday. Best gift I could ever imagine.

Dying to get this guy out of the hospital and home so we can get comfortable.

happy belated bro....congrats on the baby and welcome to #teamnosleep
any of you guys have the chicco fit 2 car seat. Researching car seats for my little one and that looks like the best one so far... any likes or dislikes about it?

No experience with the Chicco, but this is the one I bought (based on some recommendations from dads in this thread), and we LOVE it:<sup>-trade;<-sup>-click-connect<sup>-trade;<-sup>-travel-system

It's light, sturdy, and easy to use.  I bought an extra "click connect" base and installed it in the 2nd car so I can just click the carrier into whichever car we use and don't have to fuss with seatbelts.

+1 on Graco. I've been using this one since my son was born, and it's great.
what's the rule with the infant car seats?

can i just use the same one i used for my daughter?

She's turning 4 on may 8th and my #2 is coming at the end of September.

the car seat should be ok, right? or is the law to get a new one?

The hospital wouldn't let id leave until they looked at the expiration dates on it :lol:

Also, car seats are designed to withstand one collision and no more... Yiu definitely need to replace it after an accident...
I want to say that i read somewhere that if a car seat has been in an accident, it's best to replace it.

Yeah you should replace it.

Wife was in a accident 3 months wasnt in the car but we replaced it anyway. You never know what kinda damage couldve happened to it.

I had the greico click connect when my daughter was younger...came with a stroller that you could attach tbe bucket seat to. Came in handy as she would always pass out in the car.

Got the britax clicktight when she got older and i really like it.
Kinda expensive ~$350...and a little heavy...but its really nice and has a steel frame running thru the sides.
My 1 year old, will be 2 in August.

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Likewise for my daughter, but at the end of July.

Just dropped her off at daycare for the first time this morning and she was an absolute wreck. I knew sticking around was making it worse but damn, this has been one of the toughest things I've ever done leaving my Princess while she's bawling :frown:
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