Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My daughters first bday is coming next month. Planning her party is nuts. My girl has all these ideas and has been getting stuff like crazy. We gotta send out all the invites this weekend too.
Same problem with my son. I actually do smoothies and also get pre bottled green juices and mix it with his favorite juices.

That latter works out well because the green juices I get are all green veggie. No apple. So they have a very low sugar count and balance out the fruit juices well.

My son has also gone on a milk strike since he got sick because of it a few times so the kale in the green juice also gives a nice dose of calcium. Same with the almond milk in the smoothies.

School me on some of y'all usual smoothie mixes. Might have to try this with my 2 year old. She doesn't each as much as we want her to consistently

Almond milk, peanut butter, banana, blueberry
Almond milk, pineapple, mango, spinach

He's been asking for one with apple so working on that recipe now.
Water, Kale, banana(best when a little over ripe) and yogurt.  Then u can add any other fruits your kid likes.  I even add ginger to it and my daughter loves it, she'll be 2 in August. 
Almond milk, peanut butter, banana, blueberry
Almond milk, pineapple, mango, spinach

He's been asking for one with apple so working on that recipe now.
Almond Milk
Peanut Butter
Flax Seeds / Wheat Germ
Frozen Bananas
What kind of cups y'all got that them smoothies passin' through?
I just throw some in some kind of cup and give him a straw.

I hit the smoothie spot myself pretty often so I'll reuse that sometimes or the cup they give me for my cold brew etc.

Almond Milk
Peanut Butter
Frozen Bananas

This is actually my personal favorite. My son will drink this too.

Good because it has protein, calcium, carbs and fats.

I'll try to sneak some avocado in my son's from time to time for fats as well but he'll eat that with chips on it's own.
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all those smoothie recipes are great and you can adjust based on your kid's preferences. my son likes almond milk and we also use fairlife milk. organic honey is a great sweetener if needed.

my son also likes drinks with chia seeds in em. he insisted on getting this one the other day and while he was drinking it, i reminded him that he got diarrhea the last time he drank it and this was his face:
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Drinking smoothies when they're real young is tough, so we used to put it in a bowl and spoon it to him.

We did whole milk, strawberries, blueberries, kale chia seeds i think
Nice, we gave our daughter her first smoother yesterday and she loved it. Glad we found one way to get her veggies and other nutrients in without her being picky.
Might print some of this stuff out so I can remember when it's grocery time next month. 2 year old doesn't have any medical concerns but wife wants her to eat more but she prefers her milk.

Update on the new daycare both girls have been doing better at coming in in the morning and not screaming when me or the wife leave. 2 year old is learning colors and last night was couting and saying her ABCs to herself so I know we made the right decision getting her to an actual school. Teacher has been telling us that she still struggling with being still and screaming when she doesn't get her way so we got some ground to cover but I like where this is going
For the picky veggie eaters, one thing that has worked for me is buying organic. These kids are still young so they can taste the difference in the pesticides and GMOs more than we can since we're so used to it IMO.

Try some organic carrots first and see if they munch on it. Cook one of those organic steam veggie bags with some good seasoning, they're like 2 dollars and change. Cook it and see if they go for it.

For my lil one its made a difference.
and on the smoothie tip, what about juicing?

You could juice too. I mentioned that I buy the pre bottled green juices to add to my son's juice. But that's just if you're trying to get them nutrients.

My son won't eat a vegetable so I try to get good greens in him that way.

If you are trying to get them filled up the smoothie is usually better because it's thicker and the peanut butter or avocado or seeds if you add supplies fats as well which most juices won't have.
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What age was your kid when you first took them on a plane?

Took my son to Disneyland at 5 months and decided to fly. My daughter we took her at 7 months. No big deal. Just make sure you bring a "copy" of the birth certificate.
Man I'm going to try to keep this short as possible. My wife and I got married in Spring of '15, pregnant in Summer '15. Found out we were having a boy in I wanna say August and we were hyped. My wife got really sick October 15. Didn't really know what was wrong with her but after a few days, found out she had this condition called HELLP Syndrome which means that the mother is having high blood pressure, protein in the urine and low blood platelets. It's a rare condition but it's a serious one. Pretty much, my wife was dying and little man was too so the only solution is to deliver baby early to save both.

Wife was around 25 weeks or so which is mad early to deliver a baby but nonetheless it had to be done. My little dude lived 20 days in the NICU but because he was premature, he didn't have the immunity to fight off infection and ended up passing away. **** felt like and still feels like death but we're learning to cope and have that hope that we will see him again.

Found out the day after thanksgiving '16 that we were expecting again. A year to the date that we buried our son. Having a little girl this time and the finish line is in sight as she's due in July.

I'm excited but terrified. One of my exes had a little man who I helped raised from 6 mos to 3 since his pops was a ***** and didn't want to claim him and it just felt natural having a boy. My wife's little brother lives with us and again it just feels like second nature because you know what it's like and all the things you gotta look out for as you come in to manhood.

Now that we're having a girl, like I have no idea what to do, it doesn't compute. To you dudes that have daughters, how do you adjust to having a daughter?
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