Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Happy Father's Day NT to all the father's out there!

Coincidence that I ask on this day, but legit question, how did you know you wanted to be a father? Just something I've been wondering about recently as the "when do you want to start?" question has come up in past weeks.

Married 1.5 years, bought a house, bringing in some decent money/work steady for past 10 months, life is pretty good now.

I know my coworkers say its really busy with a kid and that all the "freedom" is gone when you have kids. Not sure if I'm not ready or if I shouldn't? I'm thinking by the time the first born arrives, I would be ready?

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but its a life changer so definitely need to think this though.

btw, wife is on the don't really want kids side, but she thinks she might regret it more if she doesn't have kids then she does. I know she would be an amazing mom though.
Never wanted kids. Just happened @ 19. Real recognize real and tru homies know the struggle to keep your unit in check.
You're duty is at home to be there and lead. Life's struggle is too damn real. OG once told me "lay your head where u make your bed". You are the top of the pyramid. You are the cot damb leader. You guide them to build their bridge to happiness or whatever. Make Wifey & kids respect you cause the streets always call and it ain't no thang to hop on and gas.
Just got off 10 hr shift. 5 kids & 1 BM. Eldest 15 & youngest 6. Everything I do is for them. When they turn 18, get the **** out. Happy Father's Day to y'all NT :smokin
We went to the park and to her favorite restaurant.
She's been wanting to make SLIME too.
I probably spend $15 on the ingredients [emoji]128514[/emoji]
The damn slime ended up like play dough.
Overall it was a good day.
Hope everyone had a great Father's Day yesterday. It was only my second one but it was such a blast.

Here's a vid of my daughter and her cousin wildin' out at the restaurant. My daughter just grabbed my wife's steak off her plate and it was just too funny to stop :lol:
Happy Father's Day NT to all the father's out there!

Coincidence that I ask on this day, but legit question, how did you know you wanted to be a father? Just something I've been wondering about recently as the "when do you want to start?" question has come up in past weeks.

Married 1.5 years, bought a house, bringing in some decent money/work steady for past 10 months, life is pretty good now.

I know my coworkers say its really busy with a kid and that all the "freedom" is gone when you have kids. Not sure if I'm not ready or if I shouldn't? I'm thinking by the time the first born arrives, I would be ready?

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but its a life changer so definitely need to think this though.

btw, wife is on the don't really want kids side, but she thinks she might regret it more if she doesn't have kids then she does. I know she would be an amazing mom though.
Always wanted to be married, always wanted kids. IDK why but *shrugs*
Happy Father's Day NT to all the father's out there!

Coincidence that I ask on this day, but legit question, how did you know you wanted to be a father? Just something I've been wondering about recently as the "when do you want to start?" question has come up in past weeks.

Married 1.5 years, bought a house, bringing in some decent money/work steady for past 10 months, life is pretty good now.

I know my coworkers say its really busy with a kid and that all the "freedom" is gone when you have kids. Not sure if I'm not ready or if I shouldn't? I'm thinking by the time the first born arrives, I would be ready?

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but its a life changer so definitely need to think this though.

btw, wife is on the don't really want kids side, but she thinks she might regret it more if she doesn't have kids then she does. I know she would be an amazing mom though.

Always wanted to be married, always wanted kids. IDK why but *shrugs*

Yeah, I always knew I'd have kids after I got married and my wife was on the same page too so it's been nothing but a beautiful thing with our kids. "Freedom" is subjective and will be different for every couple. When my wife and I got married, we were both 30 so we were already into our careers and pretty situated. Plus, it's not like we were going out every weekend to party all night, so we were prepared going into what kind of attention a baby would take up.

Fast forward to now and we have three kids and are both still able to go out to eat multiple times a week, play in a basketball league, go out with my boys to watch new movies, do my toy photography, do charity work on weekends, etc. Adding the kids into my life has just made the "quiet times" at home that much more special for me, I have absolutely no complaints.
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Happy Father's Day NT to all the father's out there!

Coincidence that I ask on this day, but legit question, how did you know you wanted to be a father? Just something I've been wondering about recently as the "when do you want to start?" question has come up in past weeks.

Married 1.5 years, bought a house, bringing in some decent money/work steady for past 10 months, life is pretty good now.

I know my coworkers say its really busy with a kid and that all the "freedom" is gone when you have kids. Not sure if I'm not ready or if I shouldn't? I'm thinking by the time the first born arrives, I would be ready?

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but its a life changer so definitely need to think this though.

btw, wife is on the don't really want kids side, but she thinks she might regret it more if she doesn't have kids then she does. I know she would be an amazing mom though.
I wanted to become a father the moment my wife told me she was pregnant. Getting pregnant and having a kid was not in our first 3-years of being married plan. But life works that way.

It takes a lot of getting used to not having the time to do what you used to do or go to places you've wanted to go. But it's definitely worth it.

I've learned that I don't have to go out somewhere to digest the BS from work or relieve stress, I've learned that coming home to my wife and daughter is enough to release stress...Unless my daughter is being a pain, then yeah lol.

Like what Jay said, it really depends on the couple. Some couples really just want to enjoy life traveling and partying without the having the responsibility of a child. While others already are set in their careers and know what they want.
Swear dad slander was an all time high this year

Like praise the one who do . the dead beats get told that aint ish all year.... Father day ignore them cats

I swear all the negative on the poative day for the men who are being good fathers or father figures

My sis all on my feed about do nothing men yet who do single mothers want their son to emulate . like pics some traits and say this is what it look like

/end rant
Yeah, I always knew I'd have kids after I got married and my wife was on the same page too so it's been nothing but a beautiful thing with our kids. "Freedom" is subjective and will be different for every couple. When my wife and I got married, we were both 30 so we were already into our careers and pretty situated. Plus, it's not like we were going out every weekend to party all night, so we were prepared going into what kind of attention a baby would take up.

Fast forward to now and we have three kids and are both still able to go out to eat multiple times a week, play in a basketball league, go out with my boys to watch new movies, do my toy photography, do charity work on weekends, etc. Adding the kids into my life has just made the "quiet times" at home that much more special for me, I have absolutely no complaints.
I found out the whole "have to ask my wife" problem that most men have with getting married (and the same for women) isn't what it seems. Most people feel they can just do what they want and that you have to ask for permission, but it's actually more of checking for conflict of schedules and respect. My wife used to ask if she could buy this or that and I would tell her go 'head. Bills are paid so buy what you want. She wasn't asking for my go ahead cause I'm "The Man" and she does as I say but she was making sure everything is taken care of.

I love my married life, I don't think I was cut out for a long playa lifestyle. 
Swear dad slander was an all time high this year

Like praise the one who do . the dead beats get told that aint ish all year.... Father day ignore them cats

I swear all the negative on the poative day for the men who are being good fathers or father figures

My sis all on my feed about do nothing men yet who do single mothers want their son to emulate . like pics some traits and say this is what it look like

/end rant
Usually every Father's Day it's pretty passive aggressive "Shoutout to the REAL fathers taking care of they business unlike these BAN yadda yadda yadda". But this year I was spared
Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but its a life changer so definitely need to think this though.

btw, wife is on the don't really want kids side, but she thinks she might regret it more if she doesn't have kids then she does. I know she would be an amazing mom though.
If you or your wife aren't at least 90% sure on having kids, my suggestion is don't do it.  There are so many times that it is hard as hell raising kids and if one of you had to convince the other, then there will likely be resentment.  It seemed like immediately after getting married everyone was constantly asking when we were having kids and acting like we were going to be too old even though we were still in our mid-20's.  Thankfully we both knew we were not ready to be parents.  We wanted to travel, stay out late, and sleep in.  You can't really do any of that once you have kids.  There came a time once we were in our 30's that we enjoyed being home more and both knew that we could be completely unselfish with our time and money.  We had a nice house, plenty of great experiences together as a couple, and were in a good financial position to be able to take care of a family.  I can say with absolute certainty that I'm happy with my choice to wait to have kids until we were both ready.
If you or your wife aren't at least 90% sure on having kids, my suggestion is don't do it.  There are so many times that it is hard as hell raising kids and if one of you had to convince the other, then there will likely be resentment.  It seemed like immediately after getting married everyone was constantly asking when we were having kids and acting like we were going to be too old even though we were still in our mid-20's.  Thankfully we both knew we were not ready to be parents.  We wanted to travel, stay out late, and sleep in.  You can't really do any of that once you have kids.  There came a time once we were in our 30's that we enjoyed being home more and both knew that we could be completely unselfish with our time and money.  We had a nice house, plenty of great experiences together as a couple, and were in a good financial position to be able to take care of a family.  I can say with absolute certainty that I'm happy with my choice to wait to have kids until we were both ready.

truth man. wife and i both waited until we were ready and it's gotta be one of the best decisions we've ever made as a couple.

'sleeping in late' means 7-730AM on the weekends, and your time isn't yours anymore.

i wouldn't change it though. my daughter is 4 and i'm like aw man i can't wait til she sleeps over grandma and granpa's house this weekend, and when she does, we both can't help but miss her and talk about her and the goofy stuff she does.... LOL

#2 is due at the end of september, and i'm getting anxious now because my SIL just had a baby and they look like zombies... LOL i totally forgot about the sleep deprivation and the 2 hour feedings and all that stuff. hopefully i can handle all that with a 4 year old always wanting to play n stuff.

any advice guys? I hope i have the energy bros!!!!
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truth man. wife and i both waited until we were ready and it's gotta be one of the best decisions we've ever made as a couple.

'sleeping in late' means 7-730AM on the weekends, and your time isn't yours anymore.

i wouldn't change it though. my daughter is 4 and i'm like aw man i can't wait til she sleeps over grandma and granpa's house this weekend, and when she does, we both can't help but miss her and talk about her and the goofy stuff she does.... LOL

#2 is due at the end of september, and i'm getting anxious now because my SIL just had a baby and they look like zombies... LOL i totally forgot about the sleep deprivation and the 2 hour feedings and all that stuff. hopefully i can handle all that with a 4 year old always wanting to play n stuff.

any advice guys? I hope i have the energy bros!!!!
Man vacation away from the kids goes from "Hooray freedom!!" to "Remember when the baby did this/Look at this pic I took 3 months ago of the baby" real fast lol

We had our second last year when my first daughter was 1 1/2 and its about the same as before. Don't stress it
maybe i'm in the minority but i never wanted to get married or have kids. when i met my wife though, the more time we spent together, it dawned on me that this was the first female that i ever dated that didn't eventually make me wish that she had a mute button on her mouth. after a bunch of years, she started to bring up having kids more often and i could actually picture her as a fantastic mom. i agreed to start trying even though i was unsure. a few months later she was pregnant and a few years later we got married. it might not be for everyone but i love being married and having a kid. i love having our own little family unit.
Man vacation away from the kids goes from "Hooray freedom!!" to "Remember when the baby did this/Look at this pic I took 3 months ago of the baby" real fast lol
That's basically us every night...  Long day, can't wait to put the kids down and relax.  Promptly get in bed and start talking about the kids and looking at old pics/videos of them on the phone.  Really looking forward to a date night, but as soon as we sit down at dinner all we talk about is the kids and can't wait to pay the bill and get home to see them.
Monthly date nights has been a good success so far. Wife hasn't been complaining about no time spent together for while. Only thing left to improve is trips by ourselves. "Hardest" thing is finding somebody to watch the kiddos for a couple of days. Second hardest thing is planning everything since my wife doesn't have a clue what she wants to do other than "something". She kills me when she does that
Monthly date nights has been a good success so far. Wife hasn't been complaining about no time spent together for while. Only thing left to improve is trips by ourselves. "Hardest" thing is finding somebody to watch the kiddos for a couple of days. Second hardest thing is planning everything since my wife doesn't have a clue what she wants to do other than "something". She kills me when she does that

hope it's not one of those

her: i don't know what to do
you: let's do this
her: no
you: how about this
her: no
you: (suggest something you know she wants to do)
her: i guess, but only if you really wanna go there (or do whatever activity it is)

my wife kills me when she does that ish.....
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hope it's not one of those

her: i don't know what to do
you: let's do this
her: no
you: how about this
her: no
you: (suggest something you know she wants to do)
her: i guess, but only if you really wanna go there (or do whatever activity it is)

my wife kills me when she does that ish.....
That's our convo every time we talk about what's for dinner.  She says she doesn't care then proceeds to shoot down 2 or 3 of my ideas and tells me EXACTLY what she wants!
Sigh, sleeping in on the weekends.

i wake up everyday at 8 am to get ready for work

somehow my daughter knows its the weekend and wakes me up at 7 

i never sleep in anymore 
hope it's not one of those

her: i don't know what to do
you: let's do this
her: no
you: how about this
her: no
you: (suggest something you know she wants to do)
her: i guess, but only if you really wanna go there (or do whatever activity it is)

my wife kills me when she does that ish.....
This is so annoying. I have to deal with this almost every week.

She's the picky eater out of us, too!

i wake up everyday at 8 am to get ready for work

somehow my daughter knows its the weekend and wakes me up at 7 

i never sleep in anymore 
I thought I was going to be able to sleep in for Father's Day. Nah, my daughter decide to wake up at 630AM.
maybe i'm in the minority but i never wanted to get married or have kids. when i met my wife though, the more time we spent together, it dawned on me that this was the first female that i ever dated that didn't eventually make me wish that she had a mute button on her mouth. after a bunch of years, she started to bring up having kids more often and i could actually picture her as a fantastic mom. i agreed to start trying even though i was unsure. a few months later she was pregnant and a few years later we got married. it might not be for everyone but i love being married and having a kid. i love having our own little family unit.
Never wanted either.
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