Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

NT isn't logical to think that if your mother didn't like you; logically does it make sense to deny her to be in your child's life?
Me and my mom rarely got along. She's not a bad person though, i would never deny my mom and daughter the chance to bond starting at a young age. And my mom's and I relationship has been better than ever since my daughter was born.
He scored 2 TDs Saturday
food therapy?!! :lol:
my son isn’t a super picky eater but he’s very particular. he’ll eat raw fish but he hates tuna sandwich. he’ll eat grilled steak but refuses to eat a hamburger patty. i make his breakfast and lunch everyday so it can be challenging at times.

we like to indulge my son in certain things. right now he’s super curious about different fruits so we go to the market every few days and let him choose some to try. some of the winners have been dragonfruit, figs, mangosteen, cotton candy grapes and a few others. he was indifferent about pomegranate, coconut and guava. we have sapodillas and some kinda fancy pineapple at home in the fridge.
my kids LOOOOOVE fruit
every since they were ittle
I've always introduced em to fruit and veggies
and they have zero problems eating them
the only veggie my daughter doesn't like is corn :lol:
she seriously doesn't like corn
anything else she eats
but corn :lol:
my son loves every fruit and veggie
healthier snack than chips cookies or whatever
My 3 year old is so inconsistent with what she does and does not eat. Sometimes she will eat nothing sometimes she'll clear her plate. She does eat at daycare, they have "dinner" later in the day so we let it slide during the week and I can't say she's that much different on the weekends but she does consistently eat her fruit.

I think I'll be back to expecting to do the smoothie thing when we go grocery shoppin this week.
went to a local, smallish, family owned amusement park yesterday for the first time since my toddler was two

I thought she would be afraid to ride some of the bigger rides but she wasn't at all

going back next week and i'm going to take her on the wooden roller coasters if she's up for it :D

My son is 1 1/2 months. Crazy how time flies. Next month I'm out of town for 3 weeks.

I bet he will look huge to me when i come back.
My son is 1 1/2 months. Crazy how time flies. Next month I'm out of town for 3 weeks.

I bet he will look huge to me when i come back.
repped but seattle is still trash
pm me ur address
so i can set ur son up proper
with a 9ers jersey
anyone have issues giving kids antibiotics?

my toddler has an infected lymph node behind her ear and is supposed to take over 13ml of antibiotics twice daily for 10 days

acetaminophen or ibuprofen she does fine with but the dosage for those are only 7.5ml and they are not chalky like the antibiotic she has

it's cherry flavored and we went back to the pharmacist to have them flavor it with grape but she still wasn't having it...tried to put it in a glass of grape juice this morning and didn't tell her there was medicine but no dice

tried to force her to take it last night and she vomited

Did the infection clear up? I just caught up on the thread and this post reminded me of when my son had swollen lymph nodes behind both ears and ended up having to get them drained because the infection wouldn't go away. Afterwards he was golden. Prayers up!
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