Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

I'm not much of a sleeper, I need like 3 hours and I'm good.
My wife how ever even before the baby could knock out 11 hours and still want more.
I talked to a mommy friend I have. She said for the baby shower, don't even ask for 0-9 months stuff. just go from 9 months to year and i will be thankful.
I think it depends...Definitely not new born stuff because your baby may be big and may not be able to fit 0-3 months lol. IMO, 3-6 months and up are good.

0-3, you can buy a pack of onesies and outfits for cheap and should grow out of them quick.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh mannn
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I'm not much of a sleeper, I need like 3 hours and I'm good.
My wife how ever even before the baby could knock out 11 hours and still want more.
I talked to a mommy friend I have. She said for the baby shower, don't even ask for 0-9 months stuff. just go from 9 months to year and i will be thankful.
Just depends. My son came out 3 weeks early so he started off with new born clothes, which we didn’t prep for so the first week we had to go out and buy him some clothes. But he did out grow them hella quick.
I asked my daughter if she wanted to have a brother or sister. She then began rambling and had no idea what she was saying.

I'll took her answer as a 'not sure' :lol:

Man, how did you guys prepare for baby #2? My wife has been super tired and sleeping early...So I've been doing everything when I get home from work.:frown:

How old is your daughter? My daughter was 4 when we had our #2 and we just kept saying that there was a baby growing in mommy's tummy. didn't really ask her what she preferred lol. When we found out the gender (son) we were just like baby brother this and baby brother that and she (luckily) was on board and has been a great sister since he was born.

As far as doing 'everything' when you get home from work. stop taking a tally dude. She's got your child growing inside her man, that takes plenty of energy and other things away from her. it's all going to the baby. whatever she eats, it's going to the baby first. whenever she's resting, the better the baby is growing.

i'm far from perfect, but i finally stopped counting what she 'did' and 'didn't' do and what I 'did' do and just did what needed to be done at the point in time.

it took me a while, but once i finally got over myself, it was better for everybody. our relationship improved (after kids) as well as my relationship with my kids because now they see me as the other person who takes care of them and they appreciate that.

Sorry for the long post....
How old is your daughter? My daughter was 4 when we had our #2 and we just kept saying that there was a baby growing in mommy's tummy. didn't really ask her what she preferred lol. When we found out the gender (son) we were just like baby brother this and baby brother that and she (luckily) was on board and has been a great sister since he was born.

As far as doing 'everything' when you get home from work. stop taking a tally dude. She's got your child growing inside her man, that takes plenty of energy and other things away from her. it's all going to the baby. whatever she eats, it's going to the baby first. whenever she's resting, the better the baby is growing.

i'm far from perfect, but i finally stopped counting what she 'did' and 'didn't' do and what I 'did' do and just did what needed to be done at the point in time.

it took me a while, but once i finally got over myself, it was better for everybody. our relationship improved (after kids) as well as my relationship with my kids because now they see me as the other person who takes care of them and they appreciate that.

Sorry for the long post....
I’m not even taking tallies of what I’m doing. I just need advice on how you guys handled it. I understand my wife is tired caring for our daughter and future child. But I am too coming from work.

I guess I should’ve just asked how did you guys balance your time and when did you have a moment to yourself?
I’m not even taking tallies of what I’m doing. I just need advice on how you guys handled it. I understand my wife is tired caring for our daughter and future child. But I am too coming from work.

I guess I should’ve just asked how did you guys balance your time and when did you have a moment to yourself?

Ah I see now. my bad for jumping to conclusions. guess I'm still working out the issues i had with myself.... LOL

I understand you're tired coming home from work, but you just gotta push through bro. It's what Daddy's do. Easier said than done trust me, my and my wife had plenty of fights about this. But once I knew she couldn't do all the things she wanted to, it kinda opened my eyes. Like we had one BIG fight that changed everything.

As far as balancing your time and having a moment to yourself- those are either long gone or come far and few.

It's all a matter of priorities really, you do what you gotta do right (feed the kids, bathe them, etc) and once they're asleep, you can either A) get some rest yourself and sleep or B) have your 'me' time (watch TV, video games, etc).

Remember though, at any given moment those kids are gonna wake up needing something (change diaper, feeding, or just need to be put to sleep again).

it's taken me about 4 -5 years now (my daughter's age) to finally find that balance.

It gets easier as they get older....

am i at least helping you our a little, or am i just babbling?
I'll add to that, having your kids on a routine a top priority as then you can plan your time more efficiently. My daughter whose 22 months old sleeps at 7 98%of the time and wakes up after 7 the next morning, which leaves the baby boy who is 10 weeks old and sleeps at 7 gets up to eat at 1045 and again at 430. I do the late shift to posts games watch sports and my wife goes to the gym after the morning feeding.
Ah I see now. my bad for jumping to conclusions. guess I'm still working out the issues i had with myself.... LOL

I understand you're tired coming home from work, but you just gotta push through bro. It's what Daddy's do. Easier said than done trust me, my and my wife had plenty of fights about this. But once I knew she couldn't do all the things she wanted to, it kinda opened my eyes. Like we had one BIG fight that changed everything.

As far as balancing your time and having a moment to yourself- those are either long gone or come far and few.

It's all a matter of priorities really, you do what you gotta do right (feed the kids, bathe them, etc) and once they're asleep, you can either A) get some rest yourself and sleep or B) have your 'me' time (watch TV, video games, etc).

Remember though, at any given moment those kids are gonna wake up needing something (change diaper, feeding, or just need to be put to sleep again).

it's taken me about 4 -5 years now (my daughter's age) to finally find that balance.

It gets easier as they get older....

am i at least helping you our a little, or am i just babbling?
Definitely helps!
Anyone's mother to your child snap back fit wise from pregnancy?
My wife now is typically a skinny person. The cravings real tho. Did it take a lot of time for them to get back to their normal weight?
Priceless memories...

this dude said something profound to me in Vegas

He asked me what my favorite toy was I got for my birthday was from ages 5-12 ... I named like 2. He then asked me what my favorite vacations were as i kid... i had a half dozen diff sets of memories flood my brain

Memories are all we really have, make great ones.
Today's our first appt. to see Fozzie Jr.

Wife thinks she's about 9 weeks in.

I'll provide updates later today lol
My daughter is turning 10 next month.
She said she wanted an LOL Doll cake and a trip somewhere.
Trying to figure out where to take her
i'm far from perfect, but i finally stopped counting what she 'did' and 'didn't' do and what I 'did' do and just did what needed to be done at the point in time.

it took me a while, but once i finally got over myself, it was better for everybody. our relationship improved (after kids) as well as my relationship with my kids because now they see me as the other person who takes care of them and they appreciate that.

Sorry for the long post....

i gotta get better at this...i find it to be very petty sometimes, but after 12 hrs i dont wanna come home and have to pick up behind my daughter and lady. my daughter im ok with.
Wat y’all gettin y’all girls/wives for Mother’s Day ?

Ordered a photo book with pictures of her and the kids. Kinda wish I woulda did one for my moms too while the shipping was free

i'm far from perfect, but i finally stopped counting what she 'did' and 'didn't' do and what I 'did' do and just did what needed to be done at the point in time.

it took me a while, but once i finally got over myself, it was better for everybody. our relationship improved (after kids) as well as my relationship with my kids because now they see me as the other person who takes care of them and they appreciate that.

i gotta get better at this...i find it to be very petty sometimes, but after 12 hrs i dont wanna come home and have to pick up behind my daughter and lady. my daughter im ok with.

In these situations it's a catch 22 because you can ignore who's "doing more" and do what's needed because that's what you are supposed to do and it can often make things simpler and smoother. But while doing that one person can feel like they are doing "too much" themselves and feel like they are burdened down while the other person begins to relax and allow person a to pick up the slack whenever it appears.

Then the other side is if you keep track of who does what it helps maintain a good balance on work making sure people aren't feeling overworked and taken advantage of while also creating a feeling that whomever is keeping track of what is done is doing so selfishly with the purpose of being superior in a way and using it as a weapon or a tool in the relationship.

Either way, I'd suggest being open and honest in conversation about the workload to first make intentions known that neither of you want the other to feel overworked nor do you want to personally do the least amount of work. Find out who doesn't mind doing certain things (like changing diapers, washing dishes, cleaning up specific rooms, etc) and for the rest split the difference. There's a learning curve to managing a baby/child. There will likely be little bumps and big bumps in the road. Just gotta make sure you guys are comfortable both listening to each other's complaints and concerns and delivering complaints and concerns in respectable manners.
Ordered a photo book with pictures of her and the kids. Kinda wish I woulda did one for my moms too while the shipping was free
that was one of the best presents i ever received in my life. it was a story book thing customized about me and my boy. my wife gave that to me for father's day. now i can't use the same idea and make one for her. or can i?.....hmmm.
for those who had wives that were pregnant during mothers day. Did you get them something or kept it for after the kid was born?
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