Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Man my daughter has entered the tornado 3s. She’s a monster right now. She cries for every no or if you tell her to wait. It’s definitely working our patience. Been trying to talk her through her emotions is rough because she doesn’t understand them yet so I’m just trying to remember this is what I have to teach so she can know how to explain how she’s feeling.

Gotta cop this shirt now
Man I thought it was just my daughter and her temperament. I have more patience than my wife and try to things out with her, but she works my nerves sometimes.

My other daughter is one and a half and she’s the polar opposite of the older one. Such a joy to be around. She just likes to laugh, play and eat. Real easy going, so I hope she doesn’t change when she turns 3.
thinking of copping that girldad shirt, it's for sure it's going to their foundation?

Saw this message when I clicked the link to the foundation.

I hope they keep saying it back when they're older.....[/COLOR]
They will famb. Love seeing posts like yours mayne.. one love.!!
It’s easy to say but you gotta put in the work to show that there’s love. Pay the bills, being present, be honest/nurturing, teach em your history/culture ..etc..
I have 5. 17 eldest, 8 youngest of age and we have this big ol picture on the wall that says “This House is Run by Love and Laughter”
7.99 at Ross. Not bad
yeah man, every time i have to reprimand my 6 year old, i give her a talk (or spank depending), tell her why she got a talk or spanking and always end it with 'do you understand why now? okay good- i love you'.....
How do you guys feel about how Dwayne Wade is dealing with the coming out of his son? Is he going too far?

How do you guys feel about how Dwayne Wade is dealing with the coming out of his son? Is he going too far?

I understand Wade's hope to provide love, understanding, and comfort to his child. But I gotta agree with Boosie.

I'm willing to have someone open my mind up to what I'm missing here, but the trans thing doesnt add up to me. That is a clear situation where you can tell someone that you love them, you feel for them, but their feelings (of being the wrong sex) are wrong. You are what you are. You may wish you were different. You may feel like you don't fit into the stereotypical roles of the gender. But you are the gender you were born.

Why is it wrong to tell someone their feelings are wrong? I understand telling someone how to feel is a fine line...but I mean, dont sell me **** and call it chocolate.

If it was a racial thing, it would be a non-starter. They would be written off as crazy.
Not sure if anyone remembers in this thread, I talked about my girl having a miscarriage.

She got pregnant again. We lost another one. The ultrasound was way more promising, we had a heartbeat and everything this time.

**** sucks fam.
Damn sorry to hear
I know u feel bad
But I know ur girl feeling worse
When that happens
Females feel like their broken
Like something wrong with their bodies
Just try and be there and encourage her
It will happen
I’ll keep y’all in my prayers
It will happen bruh
How do you guys feel about how Dwayne Wade is dealing with the coming out of his son? Is he going too far?

I just don’t understand how u know ur gay at 12
Or suppose to be the opposite of what u are at 12
I didn’t even really know for sure what I wanted to be in life at 12
I wasn’t even jacking off at 12 yet
So how the hell are parents letting their kids decide this
I understand being support and all that
But that is just something else
Never heard this one before - can you elaborate on this?

I feel like transgender is a mental disorder.

children don’t fully grasp gender. Hell as adults we still ignorant.

why do you need to turn into a woman to still like guys? If you’re gay as a man but turn into a woman and still smash men....the hell?

I don’t get it.
I feel like transgender is a mental disorder.

children don’t fully grasp gender. Hell as adults we still ignorant.

why do you need to turn into a woman to still like guys? If you’re gay as a man but turn into a woman and still smash men....the hell?

I don’t get it.
why does everything have to be a mental disorder
just stop having the lil dude get his nails painted
and putting on dresses
they push this gay and transgender agenda on tv(this is just my opinion)
theres nothing wrong being attracted to the same sex
or feeling like u want to be the opposite sex
its ur right to feel or like what u want
but why are we peddling that ****
and making it the norm to our kids
and let them grow up
and let them find out who they are
through growth and learning themselves
why does everything have to be a mental disorder
just stop having the lil dude get his nails painted
and putting on dresses
they push this gay and transgender agenda on tv(this is just my opinion)
theres nothing wrong being attracted to the same sex
or feeling like u want to be the opposite sex
its ur right to feel or like what u want
but why are we peddling that ****
and making it the norm to our kids
and let them grow up
and let them find out who they are
through growth and learning themselves

Just my feeling. I think you’re born gay. I have no issues with gays. Is there an agenda? Yes.

but when it comes to trans, I just think something wrong chemically with them
This is heartbreaking. I remember telling my child, if I ever find out you’re bullying another child - I will tear the skin of your ***.

Instead I encourage her to stand up to people that bully against her peers.

U getting the snip snip???
How that convo with the wife go
yeah man. convo went fine cause i don't want anymore kids and the doc told my wife that she probably shouldn't get pregnant again cause of the potential for worse preeclampsia. first kid was 10 days early cause of it. second one was 1 month early cause of it. the bad part was the doc describing the procedure to me. gonna cut me open and have **** sticking out and everything. for each tube, two cuts so that there's a gap, burn inside each of the tubes, and clamp off each of the tubes then close it up. i'm sure the procedure is gonna be even worse.
yeah man. convo went fine cause i don't want anymore kids and the doc told my wife that she probably shouldn't get pregnant again cause of the potential for worse preeclampsia. first kid was 10 days early cause of it. second one was 1 month early cause of it. the bad part was the doc describing the procedure to me. gonna cut me open and have **** sticking out and everything. for each tube, two cuts so that there's a gap, burn inside each of the tubes, and clamp off each of the tubes then close it up. i'm sure the procedure is gonna be even worse.
the way they're doing it is the most effective method

it's not that regrets on my end
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