Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My wife's first "post positive test" doctor's appointment today and i can't go with her. We called and asked but because of COVID only the patient is allowed in. I hope they let us facetime while they check for the heartbeat. I am trying to be understanding but at the same time im really bitter about missing it
My guy just turned two and my wife is two months pregnant with our second. Frankly, I'm having a hard time with the toddler and the thought of another one. Need to sell our 3 br house and hopefully find something a little bigger before the baby comes, while starting a new job next month. ****s stressful, need to spend more time itt.
My wife's first "post positive test" doctor's appointment today and i can't go with her. We called and asked but because of COVID only the patient is allowed in. I hope they let us facetime while they check for the heartbeat. I am trying to be understanding but at the same time im really bitter about missing it
Me and my fiancé are in a similar situation. My baby arrived at the end of May. I was able to attend the first two pediatric appointments. After that, they only allowed one parent in. So I would drive them to the appointment, park and FaceTime them. I was able to ask the pediatrician questions. It was tough not being there physically. But I understand.
My guy just turned two and my wife is two months pregnant with our second. Frankly, I'm having a hard time with the toddler and the thought of another one. Need to sell our 3 br house and hopefully find something a little bigger before the baby comes, while starting a new job next month. ****s stressful, need to spend more time itt.
I have three and we have a three bedroom finished basement, small yard

at one time we were looking for a bigger house but not much on the market that met our needs for the price we were willing to pay and eventually decided we would just tough it out

don’t want to start over with a 30 year mortgage at this point in my life

Visited my uncle around this time and he raised three in a smaller house that was even smaller when they were younger, he put an edition on it...kind of put things in perspective
I have three and we have a three bedroom finished basement, small yard

at one time we were looking for a bigger house but not much on the market that met our needs for the price we were willing to pay and eventually decided we would just tough it out

don’t want to start over with a 30 year mortgage at this point in my life

Visited my uncle around this time and he raised three in a smaller house that was even smaller when they were younger, he put an edition on it...kind of put things in perspective
Yeah my wife grew up in a small row home in philly and they never had issues (family of four). I know we could “make it work” but I also work from home and need an office, and have family members that stay with us very often so we need a guest br. I can’t work at my kitchen table 50 hours per week. We need more space already, and I don’t mind the financial part of buying a new house. It’s just getting mine ready to sell, finding a new one, moving, selling mine once we’ve moved, all with a newborn and toddler is stressful.
My mom has been talking about holding twins lately. My mother in law had a dream this week about playing with twins and she felt like they were hers. The other day our daughter asked if we can have twins, she’s 4. Today my wife told me she hasn’t gotten her period yet. :emoji_cold_sweat:
how is everyone’s kids (and you parents) holding up if you’re locked down and distance learning? my son is in second grade but my wife is working full-time and can’t be over his shoulder while they’re on zoom from 7:40 to 2:15. it’s been tough man. going to the beach has been a lifesaver for us. i take the gopro and let my son loose. he likes to take vids of the fish.
My mom has been talking about holding twins lately. My mother in law had a dream this week about playing with twins and she felt like they were hers. The other day our daughter asked if we can have twins, she’s 4. Today my wife told me she hasn’t gotten her period yet. :emoji_cold_sweat:
you're about to be twinning
how is everyone’s kids (and you parents) holding up if you’re locked down and distance learning? my son is in second grade but my wife is working full-time and can’t be over his shoulder while they’re on zoom from 7:40 to 2:15. it’s been tough man. going to the beach has been a lifesaver for us. i take the gopro and let my son loose. he likes to take vids of the fish.
distance learning wasn't really a feasible option for us so my kids are in far, so good though
This lock down has been super tough, since both me and wifey lost our jobs still tryna maintain, crazy to think how the world will be from now on if all this has been moving so fast, in hindsight im loving spending all this time with our kids, our oldest started 6th grade via zoom etc so thats been weird and an adjustment, our youngest will be 4 in December i feel like shes been growing like a weed just during these past 6 months 😴

This lock down has been super tough, since both me and wifey lost our jobs still tryna maintain
stunnaman stunnaman prayers for you and your fam and i hope you guys got your unemployment rolling in. i've heard some people have a real hard time getting theirs.

distance learning wasn't really a feasible option for us so my kids are in far, so good though
my son's school is ending distance learning and bringing the kids back next week. i think they're one of the first bigger schools to do so and most schools are down until october. my wife and i are worried but we'll see. their opening plan is pretty comprehensive and you have a to do a wellness check on an app each morning before they get there and they do checks on arrival. kids have to wear mask and face shield. not sure how that's gonna work for the little kids.
stunnaman stunnaman prayers for you and your fam and i hope you guys got your unemployment rolling in. i've heard some people have a real hard time getting theirs.

appreciate it, i been outta work since March, July for my girl, so i been trying different avenues of revenue. Started a small business to get some stuff kicking around...Been getting some freelance (Im an apparel designer) so its been consistent enough to not worry YET...but im hopeful 🙏🏽
One thing that ill give this lock down is some people have been adapting how to hustle
stunnaman stunnaman prayers for you and your fam and i hope you guys got your unemployment rolling in. i've heard some people have a real hard time getting theirs.

my son's school is ending distance learning and bringing the kids back next week. i think they're one of the first bigger schools to do so and most schools are down until october. my wife and i are worried but we'll see. their opening plan is pretty comprehensive and you have a to do a wellness check on an app each morning before they get there and they do checks on arrival. kids have to wear mask and face shield. not sure how that's gonna work for the little kids.

There's not enough talk about distance learning in here, but I wanted to reach out and see how things have been going with your son's school going back to in person learning. My kids' school just announced that their waiver has received initial approval to begin in person learning as soon as next week, but they plan to continue to offer distance learning for those students who are not ready to go back. I'm thankful that we have the option because we aren't comfortable with the situation at all and think distance learning is the way to go for the foreseeable future. We seem to be in the minority, as many parents have been extremely vocal about wanting to send their children back to school ASAP regardless of the high positivity rates and widespread infection in our county. It is my opinion that the primary reason case numbers are finally coming down is due to schools being back in session (families not travelling and seeing friends/family members as much) and everyone doing distance learning (students not coming in contact with one another spreading disease). Needless to say, I don't have high hopes and don't plan to allow my children to participate in this experiment. I realize that it is a hardship for many families to have children who are distance learning when both parents work outside the home, so I don't judge anyone who sends their kids back to school, but I'm thankful my wife works from home and is able to help my children. It's certainly not ideal, but it's the best situation for us based on our set of circumstances. Blessings to all of you parents who are doing your best to balance life under the new normal.
I’m in the same boat, luckily for now our daughters preschool is still online. My wife and I agreed that if school went back she would be staying home. I’m luckily WFH right now and for a while since I work for the County and we’re not heading back anytime soon.
my son’s school presented a well thought out plan for school to start back in person. our state case numbers and rate of transmission number is fairly low and the safety measures are pretty good (albeit tough on a little kid). they wear mask and face shield all day except face shield only during lunch - eat with it on. they each have a mat they put down for lunch that ensures they are more than 6 feet apart. lunch and many other activities is outside. there are huge tents all over the campus. you have to complete a covid symptom check daily on an app before school. the school even has their own contact tracers and movement on campus is closely monitored. it started this week and half the school went mon and tue, second half goes wed and thur, and everyone goes friday and forward. he’s pretty happy to be back cause it was too hard at home. my wife is working full-time from home, finishing up her MBA, and watching our 1 year old. he had to do it all on his own.
^don't deal w/ them personally but I wouldn't recommend unless you have something set up for yourself and an emergency fund

tax penalties if not used for school (which doesn't necessarily need to be college), it can be transferred to another child if you have more than one kid and not everyone ends up doing some form of higher education

but it's really not much different than an IRA aside from what the purpose of the funds is for
For those of you with young kids who still want to make Halloween fun for them this year, consider buying orange plastic Easter eggs and letting the kids draw jack-o-lantern faces on them, then fill them with candy and do an egg hunt around the house, in the yard, etc. If you want to make it "spooky" turn off the lights and let them hunt with flashlights. They can still dress up, collect the eggs and put them in their treat bag. There are plenty of good Halloween movies you can watch as a family afterward, play party games like "pin the bones on the skeleton", etc.
For those of you with young kids who still want to make Halloween fun for them this year, consider buying orange plastic Easter eggs and letting the kids draw jack-o-lantern faces on them, then fill them with candy and do an egg hunt around the house, in the yard, etc. If you want to make it "spooky" turn off the lights and let them hunt with flashlights. They can still dress up, collect the eggs and put them in their treat bag. There are plenty of good Halloween movies you can watch as a family afterward, play party games like "pin the bones on the skeleton", etc.
My sister in law found UV reflective eggs for easter last year. Came with a UV light which was great for my daughter to run around and find the eggs.
For those of you with young kids who still want to make Halloween fun for them this year, consider buying orange plastic Easter eggs and letting the kids draw jack-o-lantern faces on them, then fill them with candy and do an egg hunt around the house, in the yard, etc. If you want to make it "spooky" turn off the lights and let them hunt with flashlights. They can still dress up, collect the eggs and put them in their treat bag. There are plenty of good Halloween movies you can watch as a family afterward, play party games like "pin the bones on the skeleton", etc.
This is a really good idea.

My daughter's birthday is the 30th, so my wife was thinking we dress up for her birthday "party" on the 31st. Also carve pumpkins because our son is 'big' enough lol

Trying to keep some normalcy as the holidays approach.
We're going to be decorating the doors to the rooms and have our daughter trick or treat at each door. Probably head to my parents house and let her get some more candy.
For those of you with young kids who still want to make Halloween fun for them this year, consider buying orange plastic Easter eggs and letting the kids draw jack-o-lantern faces on them, then fill them with candy and do an egg hunt around the house, in the yard, etc. If you want to make it "spooky" turn off the lights and let them hunt with flashlights. They can still dress up, collect the eggs and put them in their treat bag. There are plenty of good Halloween movies you can watch as a family afterward, play party games like "pin the bones on the skeleton", etc.
we always go to the town my parents live in for Halloween cause it's lit

I assumed it would be cancelled but there was a town meeting that my mom went to and everyone voted to have it

not sure if going yet

they're even going to have police handing out gift cards to ppl with good costumes
My firstborn daughter was born this morning after 41 weeks! Easy pregnancy from start to finish, baby came out easily in about 5 minutes. I left the room earlier this morning for breakfast and when I returned it was time. I had no trouble helping with the delivery or cutting the cord.
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