Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love


Even if he dosent see them everyday, how is effective parenting happening? You know how important fathers are. It’s not about the money or anything. The man cannot physically be in more than one place at a time. I feel it’s only a matter of time before the moms start bugging out and keeping the kids from him.

They make appointments with the assistant

Anyone in the thread with more than 3 kids?

Crazy that 3 kids was normal when I was growing up, but now you tell people you have 3 kids and they're asking you how are you still sane :lol:
NT dads with more than one child, when did you and your wives/gfs/bms decide to have a second or more? My daughter just turned 3 months and I’m having difficulty feeling like it will be possible to have a second and not give her all my attention but my wife wants to have one more before we get too old, 35 now going on 36.
There wasn't really a decision to have more, we just had them

Once we had the third child in less than 4yrs :wow: we knew it was time to stop :lol:

My middle child is 17mos younger than my oldest and 2yrs 5days older than my youngest
NT dads with more than one child, when did you and your wives/gfs/bms decide to have a second or more? My daughter just turned 3 months and I’m having difficulty feeling like it will be possible to have a second and not give her all my attention but my wife wants to have one more before we get too old, 35 now going on 36.
Think about your kid and how awesome it would be for them to have a sibling. Same mom, same dad to pass yours and her family history to.
There wasn't really a decision to have more, we just had them

Once we had the third child in less than 4yrs :wow: we knew it was time to stop :lol:

My middle child is 17mos younger than my oldest and 2yrs 5days older than my youngest
My 9,10,11 yr old are gone for the summer and I’ve been on weed and tequila feeling great. I miss the hell outta them though
NT dads with more than one child, when did you and your wives/gfs/bms decide to have a second or more? My daughter just turned 3 months and I’m having difficulty feeling like it will be possible to have a second and not give her all my attention but my wife wants to have one more before we get too old, 35 now going on 36.
I'm around your age bro. Son is 5. Hoping that we have a another kid in the next year or two. Pandemic really threw off our schedule but we were also waiting to get married.

We made the decision to have more after my stepmom got really sick and eventually passed away. It was so nice to have my sister to share the responsibility of things and even the emotion that comes with the passing of a parent.

I don't know when my time or my wife's time is up but the idea of leaving my son in the world "alone" (despite are fairly robust village) is terrifying for me. He might grow up and have a partner but nothing compares to family.

My wife is amazing but she will never be able to share the memories of my childhood or experiences growing up in our family the way my sister can.
I got my daughter for the summer. My wife and her have too much fun clowning me. :lol:

She’s about fed up of living in Georgia so my wife told her I guess in a one on one convo she can stay with us full time if she wants.

I always told her that too but she never listens to me. Only my wife who isn’t her mom so she’s like the “cool one.”
NT dads with more than one child, when did you and your wives/gfs/bms decide to have a second or more? My daughter just turned 3 months and I’m having difficulty feeling like it will be possible to have a second and not give her all my attention but my wife wants to have one more before we get too old, 35 now going on 36.
I’m in the same situation as u. Turn 37 next month and my fiancé turns 36 in 3 months. We have a two year old and we discussed having one more sometime next year. We wanted our daughter to be at least self sufficient before having another one. My fiancé only concern is her age.
One thing with having multiple kids is getting along with in-laws and your siblings. Those we’re my babysitters. Treat them cool and they’ll treat your kids right
we have a 9 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. that’s all - not having more. dr told my wife that the pre-eclampsia risk will be high if she has another one and financially, we can’t do it either. i’m not mentally fit to add another one too 😂
I got a 6 and 2 and thats enough. I am not with either of their moms relationshipally so the logistics of that are sometimes complicated, stressful, expensive, difficult but even if that wasnt the case I dont think I need more. I an 2 for 2, beautiful girls with major personalities and good health.
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