Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Congrats to both you guys!


Finally got my family back...
Happy for you fam
Just a big conception with it. Cry it out is what people think it is but IG has blessed a lot of folks with the different techniques of sleep training.

I didn’t do much but listen to my wife who did all the research.
Our first kid we didn’t do anything and man it bit us bad, our daughter was up all night. This time now I give our son his bottle at 8 and take him to the room put rain sounds on and he chooses if he wants to be held or just put down. So far having him over my shoulder has been the go to.
note to self: even if your kid is almost 4 years old, pack a set of extra clothes if you’re doing a long drive 🫠

on vacation on kauai and almost at our destination after a 25 mile drive on a small road and my daughter throws up in her car seat. the only clothes in her size at this tourist spot: $50 shorts and $35 t-shirt 😂 added bonus is driving the rest of the way and back when the smell of vomit. get back to the hotel and i lug the car seat up to the room, take it apart, wash the stuff in the laundry room, wash the plastic stuff down in the shower, and the next morning basically kill myself trying to put that crap back together 🤬

had a nice time overall tho 🤷🏻‍♂️
Remember telling my pops happy father’s day when i was young. He’s a Fob so he was like “koe ha ho le’a masii” (the heck you talking about). Told him it’s sunday father’s day. he said “mau mau taimi, alu polisi ho nifo” (waste time go brush yo teeth)
spent 2 nights and 3 full days as a chaperone for my son’s 4th grade class trip to the big island. 94 kids plus parent chaperones and teachers. i barely slept and would prefer never to volunteer ever again but….i did gain a way better perspective on how my son interacts with his classmates and teachers and was very proud of how he conducted himself. i could not be a teacher. i would eventually lose my temper and get fired.

Tried to take Levi for his first hair cut yesterday... he wasnt having it.
Man its all bad when i take my 3 year old son to get a haircut.
Funny becuase he stay watching videos about carwashes and haircuts saying “ so cool!”. But wants no part of it.
My daughters first haircut went great, second time she was screaming the entire time 😭 next time is moms turn to take her.
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