Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Dementia is in my family, my grandmother had it. From what I’ve read it skips generations so my sisters and I are in line. I told my wife if that happens to me just pull the plug, I saw how it affected my mom taking care of her and I’m not trying to have my kids or wife deal with that.
props to the daughter for respecting his ailment. I think as dads we tend to under estimate our discipline.. but when it comes from a place of love, our kids feel and remember it.
Man I wish my daughter like sports more. So far she’s tried soccer and ballet so far and none have stuck her long term interest. Now she wants to try gymnastics. I’m hoping my boy likes baseball when he’s old enough.
My son is in Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Concert Band. Today everyone in Marching Band had to perform a solo in front of a state judge. It was kind of a big deal and they've been practicing for months. You hand the judge your music and you get to it.

Ssssoooooo this was our Saturday (you can kind of see the judge behind my son's music stand):

Nothing like seeing your kids discover and enjoy their passions.
That part! I tell him all the time, 'Do I wish it was sports? Especially basketball or baseball? Of course, because we could do it together. But am I glad that you found something that you love enough to dive right into and enjoy getting better and better? Absolutely.'

18 month old still not sleeping through the night. Was up earlier from like 3.30 to 5.30 am before she finally fell asleep again. And our 2 month old--well he's up every three hours. I miss sleep soooo much.

Folks talking about enjoy these moments because they don't last forever. Honestly, if I had the Bed, Bath, and Beyond remote control that allowed me to fast forward through life, I'd do it. Skip me to the part when they're both sleeping through the night.

18 month old still not sleeping through the night. Was up earlier from like 3.30 to 5.30 am before she finally fell asleep again. And our 2 month old--well he's up every three hours. I miss sleep soooo much.

Folks talking about enjoy these moments because they don't last forever. Honestly, if I had the Bed, Bath, and Beyond remote control that allowed me to fast forward through life, I'd do it. Skip me to the part when they're both sleeping through the night.

Try reading 12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks old while awake. I hope it helps.
18 month old still not sleeping through the night. Was up earlier from like 3.30 to 5.30 am before she finally fell asleep again. And our 2 month old--well he's up every three hours. I miss sleep soooo much.

Folks talking about enjoy these moments because they don't last forever. Honestly, if I had the Bed, Bath, and Beyond remote control that allowed me to fast forward through life, I'd do it. Skip me to the part when they're both sleeping through the night.


Has he ever slept through the night ?

My daughter is just a few weeks shy of 18 months, and she has slept great through the night for the most part. But a few weeks ago she had an ear infection (didn’t know at first, was nursing a cold) and after a few rough nights of her waking up in the middle of the night, got her checked out. Ear infections really can bother them at night. So not sure if that could be going on? But if he’s never been good at sleeping through the night I don’t have much advice, sorry 😭
Has he ever slept through the night ?

My daughter is just a few weeks shy of 18 months, and she has slept great through the night for the most part. But a few weeks ago she had an ear infection (didn’t know at first, was nursing a cold) and after a few rough nights of her waking up in the middle of the night, got her checked out. Ear infections really can bother them at night. So not sure if that could be going on? But if he’s never been good at sleeping through the night I don’t have much advice, sorry 😭

The 18 month old, my daughter, rarely sleeps through the night. We think part of the problem is the fact that she is not a big eater during the day, so she wakes up in the middle of the night hungry for a bottle. We have friend's who've done the cry it out method with their lil ones and it has worked for them but it hasn't for us. Nothing really has. At this point, our only option is to just continue and hope she grows out of it. For the most part, like last night, she'll take her bottle and sink back into sleep after drinking it. It's the cases where she's up for 2-3 hours that mess me up.

The 18 month old, my daughter, rarely sleeps through the night. We think part of the problem is the fact that she is not a big eater during the day, so she wakes up in the middle of the night hungry for a bottle. We have friend's who've done the cry it out method with their lil ones and it has worked for them but it hasn't for us. Nothing really has. At this point, our only option is to just continue and hope she grows out of it. For the most part, like last night, she'll take her bottle and sink back into sleep after drinking it. It's the cases where she's up for 2-3 hours that mess me up.

My son is almost 14 months and I’m kinda in the same boat as you, but probably a little better. We started successfully breaking some habits that we developed with him.

Once we put him to sleep, my son would usually get a solid 3-4 hrs of sleep in his crib. Generally he’d wake up around 1:30am-2:00am, crying for us to get him out of the crib. We used give him milk religiously at night to put him back to sleep. He’d fall back asleep after being up for about 10-15 mins to drink milk. But then he’d wake up 45mims to an hour later wanting more milk, and this routine would carry on for the remainder of the night. He would drink like 6-8 oz for every feeding, which we felt was very excessive.

We changed a few things that seemed to improve things a a little. We’ve started putting him on a milk schedule during the day and during the nights. He drinks 10 oz bottle in the morning, 5 oz around noon, 5oz in the evening, and another 10 oz right before bedtime. During the night when he wakes up we give him a 5oz bottle of ice cold water. He takes a few sips of it, and he falls right back to sleep. We noticed that by giving him water instead of milk, he fell back asleep faster, since he only takes a few sips of the water, as opposed to milk where he would take 10-15 mins to drink a bottle. Buying this it also increased his appetite during the day, so he’s eating a lot more solid food (and enjoying it). He still doesn’t sleep through the night unfortunately, but when he wakes up, it’s usually only for a few mins.
18 month old still not sleeping through the night. Was up earlier from like 3.30 to 5.30 am before she finally fell asleep again. And our 2 month old--well he's up every three hours. I miss sleep soooo much.

Folks talking about enjoy these moments because they don't last forever. Honestly, if I had the Bed, Bath, and Beyond remote control that allowed me to fast forward through life, I'd do it. Skip me to the part when they're both sleeping through the night.
😂 i know that feel man. both my kids were HORRIBLE when it came to sleeping. with both of em i damn near lost my mind with me and the wife taking turns carrying the babies throughout the night. every 👏 single 👏 night 👏

i was just thinking about it this week cause now my kids wanna sleep ALL DAMB MORNING 🫠
My girl is 6 months and she’s still small. She was to term but she was premie size from birth. We left the hospital with her at 5lb 5oz. She has been below 10th percentile for 4 months and she had jumped to the 25th percentile at 13lb 4oz. 2 months later and she had only gained 5oz and back below the 10th percentile. Pediatrician suggested fattier foods (ricotta, cottage cheese, avocado) to bring her weight up but she doesn’t even like the beginner foods (applesauce, yogurt, oatmeal) much. I just need this girl to put on some weight. I feel like it would help her feel more full at night so she’d sleep longer 🙌🏼
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