Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

More on the way :pimp:

when my wife was pregnant, i bought a bugaboo bee. got a bassinet and cup holders and everything. mannnn when my kid was born he hated the stroller even with the car seat attachment. we kept that damn thing for 3 years and very rarely even used it. when my boy was 1 year old we flew to japan - no car seat and no stroller and that was great. went back when he was 3 and we used the carrier for one day and i ended up buying a cheap stroller there :lol: our last trip to disneyland we brought the stroller and car seat which is a complete PITA if you factor in the kid and the luggage. we have backpack thing for the car seat that comes in super handy at the airport.
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Just found out im having a girl (80%) from what the dr. said.
Is it time to get lock and loaded ?
Mar you're better than me... because im showing the steelif that happens
Just found out im having a girl (80%) from what the dr. said.
Is it time to get lock and loaded ?
Mar you're better than me... because im showing the steelif that happens
Congrats brotha. The king of the north sends his regards.
My daughter’s social today...

She’s growing up.

She got out the car, and these group of boys was watching her walk in. Then they were giving each other high fives.

I straight walked over there and gave them the stare.



Found out this week my son got accepted to a prep school in FL..We live in OH and have been wanting to move to a better climate for a few years and this news just gives us extra motivation to make it happen..Now we just gotta jump through the financial aide hoops to help make this school happen..#GratefulAndStressed
Just found out im having a girl (80%) from what the dr. said.
Is it time to get lock and loaded ?
Mar you're better than me... because im showing the steelif that happens

I would have, private school have their own police. :lol:
Congrats to all you new dads and those that are expecting. If its your first, it's insanely hard but absolutely worth it.

My 2 cents.....

Strollers are great, as is the carrier, but they both have their place of course and it's dependent on your kids. The carrier is money for getting little things done around the house.

Don't kill yourself researching strollers. And don't get stuck on a brand like it's some Nike vs Adidas stuff. Pick your budget, find 2 or 3 that you're interested in, and make a decision. I'm guilty of spending hours on hours googling "best strollers," but in the end they all work. They all will serve their purpose and unless you actively use 3 or 4 different ones, you're not gonna know the difference.

I have a 2 year old and a 5-month old. In my garage I currently have a Britax stroller for my carseat, a single umbrella stroller, and single jogger stroller, a double umbrella stroller, and a double City jogger stroller. I stand there sometimes and just shake my head at myself. I bought them as my kids/family grew and each initially had a purpose, but if I step back and think about it I could easily do fine with 1 stroller, just haven't brought myself to selling off the others yet.
How do y'all feel about those swaddle carrier things that you walk with the babies with I see some on Amazon for like 25
I never used it but my wife had 1 that was just like a scarf looking thing for when our son was real small...think she used it once :lol:.

The stroller we have worked with the car seat base when he was little. It was so easy just taking the car seat out of the base in the car and snap it in the stroller. Think it is a Chicco?
And on the topics of phones, I remember telling myself I wouldn't be one of those parents that lets there kids use phones. But damn, sometimes I'm just tired and like **** it, let me sleep! All other times it's in moderation, whatever that means to you.

I'll probably let my kid have a phone when they start going to school and will just limit what it can do.

I know it's a one-off incident, and I know the vast majority are smart enough not to do this, but a couple of weeks ago some guy left his kids in the car with the a/c on and walked into I think an AT&T store. Some lady hopped in his car, headed to Mexico, and luckily they were alerted down there and stopped her before crossing. The kids in the back were 3 and 8 years old. The 8 year old called 911 on the phone her dad gave her that can only call family members and 911. I wasn't working it but was listening the whole time. My heart hurt thinking about it cuz naturally you think of your kids. If that lady made it to Mexico I don't know how that guy would live with himself.
How do y'all feel about those swaddle carrier things that you walk with the babies with I see some on Amazon for like 25

We have an ergobaby. Wife uses it all the time. I use it sometimes. Two things I don't like about it are the sweat it creates, and the higher likelihood of a diaper explosion. I don't know if the latter is true, but I feel there would be some built up pressure in there when your kids trying to let it out.
How do y'all feel about those swaddle carrier things that you walk with the babies with I see some on Amazon for like 25
They are amazing. We have the lillebaby and it’s great on the back. No pain and hands are free so I can go grocery shopping and just toss them in there. Only one bad part is that eventually their foot is at the perfect height to kick you right in the balls when you lest expect it
How do y'all feel about those swaddle carrier things that you walk with the babies with I see some on Amazon for like 25

I was about to get one of these until I waited too long, looked up and my son was looking like a 4 year old.
We had the gracco stroller/car seat deal and it was great. So easy to transfer our daughter from car to stroller. Now I got a jogger stroller and our Disney stroller. Disney one is easy enough to do with 1 hand. I forgot the name of the brand.
Found out this week my son got accepted to a prep school in FL..We live in OH and have been wanting to move to a better climate for a few years and this news just gives us extra motivation to make it happen..Now we just gotta jump through the financial aide hoops to help make this school happen..#GratefulAndStressed
Take his talents to south beach :lol:
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