Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

That kid interaction is huge, when my daughter got into mommy and me she did great. When I would be able to go I’d just sit back and let her do her thing. I wanted her to be ready when she did go into school and not depend on me or my wife to be there. She was doing great and then COVID happened but even now when we take her where other kids are at she has no problems interacting.

This weekend we did our gender reveal and we got blessed with a boy coming 1/10/22. I’m pumped having my girl and now a little man.

congrats man! my wife and i are expecting a boy in just a few weeks.
My son is 13 1/2 and went on his first date last night..Chaperoned by her dad..LOL..Went with the classic dinner and movie (Steak & Shake/Jungle Cruise)..SHE ASKED HIM!!..He had a great time..Can't believe I got a kid old enough to go on dates..smh..
yeah my son was barely speaking at 3. We had him evaluated for all types of stuff..started off with hearing test and that sort of thing. They did say he was on the spectrum (imo everybody is on the spectrum) but they said it wasn't a learning disability. He also has a "tounge tie" which i didn't even think was a real thing. We looked into and declined the procedure. His dentist just recommended it to be reevaluated though. I guess it's making his gums super sensitive.

We got him enrolled in school a littler earlier because of the speech thing. He has been doing speech therapy for 3 years. They just recommended him to continue when the next school year starts. He was a little slow on picking up the reading as well but he has done great with books we let him pick and read. (Dogman, Captain underpants etc.) He's 7 now and he still has a slight speech impediment. He does realize when he isn't saying things "wrong" and tries to correct himself.

My daughter who is 3 now is light years ahead of him as far as speaking. She can't pronounce her "L's, W's and R's" correctly though.

I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Every kid has their own pace. Hopefully like mine, all he needs is a little more kid interaction and 1 on 1 with teachers everything should fall in place. Good luck to you....

Can i ask why you declined the tongue tie release procedure?

This is something that has been recommended to me as an adult as i have some issues with my airway, so would be interesting to hear your take.
Can i ask why you declined the tongue tie release procedure?

This is something that has been recommended to me as an adult as i have some issues with my airway, so would be interesting to hear your take.

A couple of reasons...I wasn't comfortable with them giving him anesthesia...he was 3 or 4 at the time I believe...he wasn't communicating very well at the time either so if something was wrong I doubted he could tell us what was going on...hes 7 going on 8 now and we are thinking about having it done within the next year...

Didn't realize that could lead to airway me wanting to expedited the procedure for him... good luck to you
My son is 13 1/2 and went on his first date last night..Chaperoned by her dad..LOL..Went with the classic dinner and movie (Steak & Shake/Jungle Cruise)..SHE ASKED HIM!!..He had a great time..Can't believe I got a kid old enough to go on dates..smh..
make sure he takes rubber ducks once they're not being chaperoned
A couple of reasons...I wasn't comfortable with them giving him anesthesia...he was 3 or 4 at the time I believe...he wasn't communicating very well at the time either so if something was wrong I doubted he could tell us what was going on...hes 7 going on 8 now and we are thinking about having it done within the next year...

Didn't realize that could lead to airway me wanting to expedited the procedure for him... good luck to you

That's understandable given he was that young.

And i wouldn't sweat the airway issue too much... It's not serious at all in my case.

But i've been led to believe by my dentist that not having optimal resting tongue position can have an effect on facial development, sleep, speech etc.

You may want to check out some of the resources here -
My son is 13 1/2 and went on his first date last night..Chaperoned by her dad..LOL..Went with the classic dinner and movie (Steak & Shake/Jungle Cruise)..SHE ASKED HIM!!..He had a great time..Can't believe I got a kid old enough to go on dates..smh..
old school.. My 5 kids mother was chaperoned by her two cousins on our first meet..
New addition on June 24. Got me 3 boys … got me feeling like lavar !


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my two year old daughter is light years behind my son in terms of speech. she mostly just pronounces the first syllable of a word (she calls apples AH) and her sentences are 2 words, sometimes 3 if you count the peeeez (please) at the end. got a little better when she started daycare in january. damn covid put my baby behind on her development. only now she’s going to big playgrounds with swings and big slides.

my son was way different. kids are different. my wife is real good at supporting our kids on their own paths and not comparing.
Anybody in here get snipped ?! :nerd: Share stories if so , wife wants me to … I don’t.
i was scheduled. did the prelim exam and everything. then covid hit and they postponed it and i never rescheduled. i heard it’s pretty painful afterwards but seeing what my wife went through during and after childbirth, i know i’d look like a baby if i complained.
Just found this thread.

Got a 17 year old, 4 and 2... (Remarried...long story).

4 year old is my son. He is 100% on the spectrum. We caught it early and have had him in ABA, Speech Therapy and additional services since he was 2. He has come a long way man. I love my lil guy.
Took my 4 year old to the arcade yesterday. They had blacklight mini golf in there as well. Hit up Baskin Robbins after for some ice cream. Otw home in the car he said..."'re the best daddy for me...we play dinos, play games, read books, make up stories, get ice cream, fix stuff"

Hit me right in the feels. Was bragging like hell to my wife when we got home :rofl:
Cvd did a number on my youngest. She was 6 months and in daycare when it hit. Regressed socially and with food. She only plays by herself but is starting to play with my oldest (4). Which is a good sign.

Food is still a hassle. She wont deviate at all from her current menu and the terrible twos are showing its ugly face.

she is very curious and loves books. Her vocab has jumped immensely in like the last month. She can say a bunch of words. Some very clearly.
So I have two boys, ages 6 and 5, what are popular toys for kids that age? I feel like I was still into action figures at that age but I don’t know what kids are into now. (Excluding video games and sports)
So I have two boys, ages 6 and 5, what are popular toys for kids that age? I feel like I was still into action figures at that age but I don’t know what kids are into now. (Excluding video games and sports)
Cars, trains, planes, etc. Matchbox, Hot Wheels, all'at.

Coloring books, can't go wrong there.

But mostly any books. Lots of books for that age. Learning letters & small words. 🤙

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